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  • edited 2012-09-12 03:30:09
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Ehh, it's probably not Soldier.  The picture of a person shows an older white man with his eyes clearly visible and not wearing a battle helmet--I think he's wearing a hunter's hat of some sort (I'm not familiar with sportsmans' wear), in a white shirt, and with an anxious expression on his face.

    It's a bit hilarious if he's the one calling me a maggot.

    Though I'd like to hear what he has to say about Sun Tzu.

  • edited 2012-09-12 23:54:57
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    A subsequent ad has identified this gentleman's name as "Gunny", and says that if you're not registered, he knows, and he's not happy.

    ...who the heck names their kid "Gunny"? edit: Oh, that I didn't know.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    Oi! I have a mate named "Swordy". Back off. 

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    /me backs off

  • But you never had any to begin with.

    Maybe it's short for Gunther! Mr. Gunny Hermann.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    ^^ Good!

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    Alex, we would not say a word if you admitted to romantic interest in your sword, but at least, you could have given it a less cheesy name.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    > implying she didn't tell me her own name

  • "Gunny" is an informal form of "Gunnery Sergeant".
  • Morning lecture was sleepy, though the observatory is a nice location to have a class at.

    Also, voted. A brief breakdown of all participating parties:

    VVD(People's Party for Freedom and Democracy)-The party for rich people who claim the solution for all groups who suffer from the crisis is 'work harder'. Windbags have put their posters with tardbasket slogans up in bus stations all over my hometown, which sents me into a frothing rage every time I bike past them.

    PvDA(Labour Party)-Not much to see here, they suffer from lack of a good leader.

    PVV(Freedom Party)-Led by that peroxide-blonde asshat. Right-wing populist, their target has switched from muslims to Poles to now Greeks. Seems to finally be losing support, but proles are whimsical and will probably vote for a face they know.

    CDA(Christian Democrats)-Don't really have a profile either. Christian in all but name.

    SP(Socialist Party)-Goddamn commies.

    D66(Democrats)-For a more direct democracy. Has also lost most of its profile.

    Groenlinks(Intellectual)-Bit of an intellectual party, appeals to young students. Has an electable guy who blogs about his experiences with LSD.

    Christenunie(Mellow relitards)-Very small, Christian agenda suffers from it. Mostly whines about shops being open on Sundays.

    SGP(Hardcore relitards)-Won't even allow women to hold electable positions within the party. Its voters solely consists of the populace of the Dutch variation of the Bible Belt. Vaccination refusers so by the time the flu season rolls around they lose half their voterbase.

    PvdD(Animal Rights Party)-Somewhat sympathetic, but annoying in how they try to tack an eco-angle onto every bill.

    Piratenpartij(Pirate Party)-Local division of these internet superheroes is heavily blundering(I'm in the member council mailing list, so inside info): leaked membership lists, internal fighting over someone's ex, and the gem of someone asking 'what's IRC?' when an e-conference was proposed.

    Partij voor Mens en Spirit(New Age Party)-Lulziest bit I glossed in their program was that they want to can the use of the DSRM cos "people are unique individuals that don't fit into those boxes".

    Nederland Lokaal(Decentralized Government Party)-More autonomy for local government, also copypasted D66's entire program on more direct democracy.

    Libertarische Partij(Libertarian Party)-Randians minus the rhetoric. Or maybe they're just too small to get airtime.

    Democratisch Politiek Keerpunt(Right-wing Rejects Party)-Fusion of a bunch of splitters from the VVD and PVV, now railing against their former masters. Provide lots of juicy inside info on how fucktarded these parties are behind closed doors, but that's all they're good for.

    50Plus(Senior Party)-Grannies who don't want to give up their pension. Since Holland is getting grayer and grayer, they get more and more potential voters each year. Their program doesn't include anything on euthanasia, boringl enough.

    Liberale Democratische Partij(LibDem)-For Pete's sake, you're not filling any niche at all.

    Anti Europa Partij(Anti Europe Party)-Fuckers want to makes us go back to the guilder. I like travelling without having to switch currency constantly, so screw you.

    Soeverein Onafhankelijke Pioniers Nederland(Conspiracy Nutter Party)-Party program was constantly revised as they were ridiculed for their outrageous theories. Should have just stuck with their notion that the government is keeping zero-point energy under their wraps, might have gotten the joke and protest votes then.

    Partij voor de Toekomst(Technocrats)-Wants to hand out free internet and free tablets. Might be an elaborate marketing scheme.

    Politieke Partij NXD(Nostalgia Party)-Wants to go back to the '70s and '80s, but doesn't include hair metal in their program. Fail.

  • You can change. You can.

    I was just joking about the Nyktos thing alongside the Vandro thing at the same time. 

    At any rate: Nyktos: I may know him but i need to know the name of the fool

  • a little muffled

    His name is Johann Bayer (yeah I was a bit surprised when he turned out to be Colombian; I guess his dad was German or something) and I'm pretty sure he's actually been in Canada for a good decade or so but I just assume you know everyone who's ever been in Colombia, right?

  • You can change. You can.


    yes i do

    he's from barranquilla

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    @Addict: which ones of these actually matter?

  • The higher to the top they are, the more seats they currently have.

    A recent exit poll: http://www.ipsos-nederland.nl/content.asp?targetid=621

    I'm hoping for a left wing coalition because less cuts in student funding and for the Pirate Party to get at least one seat, even if they're a bit of a mess.

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    And of course I get sick and feel like shit at the time where I get my first writing assignments.

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    You know, I'm happy that food trucks are in Chicago now, but really $8.50 for a tiny sandwich is just too much.

  • Attending the Open Mic night with the mentor kiddies in bathrobe and tie was a good feel.

    Though some bro attempted to show off some PUA trickery. I can already imagine which of the autismal sadsacks are gonna check it out. More worryingly, a cursive venture into feminist vs. PUA flamewars has given me enough knowledge to name all the canned routines the bro used.

    Also, there's gonna be a Venetian Masked Ball on Saturday next week. Platonic arm candy would be awesome, and I know a brodette who needs more opportunities to roll out dresses.

  • Wear a domino.
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Hey, Alex. Reading a Star Wars debate at work (again), and I found this. Thoughts?

    Well I guess you don't see a lot mainstream characters duel weilding unless they have to. There was a thread on the forums a little while ago discussing the implications of duel weilding. It was quite interesting. When you duel weild you are going for a more acrobatic style of fighting but are losing a lot of stopping power and defence in the process. You'd probably notice whenever someone starts duel weilding they gotta move around a lot, all it would take is someone to hammer them with powerful single saber attacks and it's over for them. 

  • I was planning to make a mask out of a pizza box, but the joke would be lost on most people.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    I would be very impressed if I saw someone wielding a duel.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    It's TOR's forums. That's downright readable for those forums.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    IJBM's literacy has spoiled me.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.


    I take a look at some of the forums for the classes that run here at this university, and dear god why do university students use chatspeak to post questions to their professors.

  • edited 2012-09-12 20:35:48

    Pick up two fencers and catch your enemy in the middle. It is the deadliest of weapons.


    Alex could correct me but I think the prime reason for dual wielding (usually with a dirk or a short sword) is for defensive purposes so I'm pretty sure the dude has no idea what he's on about. 

  • Yeah but the dual-wielding here is with two blades of the same length.
  • edited 2012-09-12 21:33:06

    Again, Alex could correct me, but two equal length blades is an unwieldy mess that never happens outside of movies because it looks cool. It's be like trying to ascertain the tactical advantage of sliding down a railing,m guns akimbo. 

    Episode 2's got an example of that where Anakin's spinning around while fight Darth Dracula, all the while leaving almost half of his body exposed. 

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