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I agree on the other stuff, but I think this kinda works as establishing his character. His first instinct is to just kill the guy, but then he realizes that he can't do that.
Well yeah, that's the intention. I just feel that the things he learns and decides on that scene are things he should have decided and learned a lot earlier when his parents died in front of him. Mostly because Alfred should have taught him how immoral revenge is, at the very least.
That's fair. But I don't think that's so much a flaw in the adaptation of Batman as a timeline flaw.
I actually like that Bruce goes through more of a moral learning curve in the Nolan version. It seems more sensible and natural, especially given his initial intentions to kill the murderer of his parents. After all, it happened when he was a kid, and any underdeveloped person's first considerations after the emotional shock wears off is going to be revenge. So it was cool to see the process of Bruce growing into Batman at more of an even pace, from his Lijustsu training and rejecting the final trial to the murder attempt. I feel it brings a more powerful sense of Batman being an element of Bruce's more long-term development, finally eclipsing the original Bruce Wayne almost entirely.
^^ Not entirely. The movie can easily have a scene where Alfred and Kid!Bruce talk after Thomas and Martha died. Which it had. Except it just addressed Bruce's guilt.
Honestly the movie could have used a lot more scenes with Alfred and Bruce before him deciding to become a vigilante. In the movie, it just feels like he rolls with it because...why not, right?
I get the rachel dawes part. But the one about Ra's Al Ghul seems to me that it doesn't seem to be impossible for batman, he is not an idealist, he is a pragmatist. He already saved him, and that ended with the city drowned in toxin hysteria.
Yeah but the movie makes a huge point about not letting bad things happen on the watch of "Good People" early on in the scene where Rachel slaps Bruce and tells him that the main reason the city is so rotten is because the good people are too scare to make a move. And even then, letting a man die when you can save him is just as bad as pulling the trigger.
Hell, Batman has reprehended Tim for not acting according to this logic.
Honestly, I get the aim for realism but I feel that it barely works on a fundamental level. And really, it's a testament to Nolan's skills that the problems you can find on his movies can all be justified by virtue of being a very different interpretation of the character.
Even then, though, I still feel that that scene really doesn't work. Specially when you have Bruce throwing the weapon at the river after having a flashback of the incident.
I wouldn't say it was good, on a technical or story level. But it was charming, at the very least.
Well, my goldfish I got 2 months ago has died. Now I'm just stuck with his replacement friend I got for him after his first friend died. Ugh, Man, I know several people who would lynch me right now for this. I'll try to find the fish a new owner tomorrow, as I proved to myself that I'm not cut out for this stuff cause I had 2 fish die on me. I'm pretty sure this counts as animal cruelty.
Fish... die a lot.
I'm really sorry, Marioguy.
When not properly cared for, yes. Yeah, I tried to move them to a tank, but a lot of things kept me from doing so.
Son of a bitch. What I did actually was animal cruelty. I found out that goldfish bowls are actually illegal, and keeping a goldfish, let alone 2 in a bowl, kills them pretty fast. I'm actually gonna be arrested for this. And I'm pretty sure the fact I was perfectly aware of this, (even though I couldn't do anything about it) is not going to help matters. Well it was nice knowing you guys.
I don't think that you will be arrested, but in any case, I am really, really sorry.
I'm sorry your fish died, but I seriously doubt they actually arrest people for goldfish bowls.
If you walked into a police station and turned yourself in, you'd probably get a fine. Otherwise, I really wouldn't worry about it.
Yeah, it turns out you were right, my friends were just fucking with me. (great friends, I know.
Though they did warn me repeatedly to get a tank, so maybe I deserved that.) Goldfish bowls are illegal, but only in Rome. (They also have a bunch of other pet related laws) Fortunately, I do not live there. I'm still gonna find another owner for my remaining fish, as I really can't get my hands on a tank anytime soon, and without that, my fish are going to die pretty quickly.
Days like today make me seriously consider disowning 90% of my family.
What happened?
Well, our real estate rang us up and told us that they're going to be sending us a termination notice for the lease today.
Apparently, several week's rent hasn't been paid.
I have no idea why this is, because I deliberately have been going in every week and depositing $320 into the bank account.
Now, the issue is... my aunt also has access to the bank account. And a track record of stealing money whenever it suits her.
Between my aunt, my mother, my grandparents, and 70% of the other side of my mother's family, I just want to call my family quits.
Can't blame ya.
Can you set up another bank account?
As much as Deadly Hallows Two has some unnecessary changes, I have to say that I prefer it to the book by virtue of feeling much less anticlimactic.
Just saw DKR. It was really fun! I mean, I see a lot of problems with it (perhaps most centrally, like the last movie: not enough Batman), but I enjoyed it all the same.
Oh god, some of your problems pale in comparison to mine.
Nolan's movies seem to be more about Gotham than Batman (Like I said, totally should have been Gotham Central.)
Also i just spent three hours of my life arguing why Twilight is a worse book than 100 Years of Solitude
i should find a way of sewing my mouth shut.
But seriously, I thought you sold the goldfish.
And now my dad has gotten tickets to the Zelda Symphony this Wednesday!
Turns out I've already met my roommate. Sweet!
What's wrong with that person? You can argue that Garcia Marquez work is not a good as it seems, but to compare it to twilight? What the fuck?
It's basically the same "It's all subjective" crap.
At first I was going to mock you for this, but then I figured you'd probably need to spend a lot of time actually building an entire new frame of reference for someone who would even say this.
That's a good point about "more Gotham than Batman" though, thinking about it like that makes it more palatable. Also, I didn't have as much of a problem with it here because in this one Batman's actually imprisoned for most of it, instead of the Joker just running around doing his thing without Batman intervening for long periods of time for no real reason.
Selina's character arc was really predictable, but I'll admit to being blindsided by Tate being Talia--I'm not totally sure if that's because it was a good twist or it just came out of nowhere.
and i didn't even win because i got cranky by the 2h 30m mark.
oh well. at least she doesn't actually like twilight.
I should have studied something else...