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IJBMer Updates



  • I clench my fists and yell "anime" towards an uncaring, absent God, and swear solemnly to press my thumbs into Chocolate America's eyeballs until he is blinded, to directly emasculate sporting figures, to beat the shit out of tumblr users with baseball bats, and to quietly appreciate what Waylon Smithers being gay means to me.

    Load faster, Korra episode. Faster!

    I'm so sorry

  • edited 2012-06-23 18:38:01
    Kichigai birthday!!

    (NSFW link)

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Could you reread the rules on NSFW links?

  • Good morning.

  • Kichigai birthday!!

    ^^Oh sorry,I didn't know that you could only post NSFW stuff in NSFW marked threads. I though that it was okay if you just warned about it in the link.

    I just wanted people to see pictures with a lot of pikachus ;_;

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Yeah, I think a lot of people aren't aware of that rule. You could always link direct to the pictures or something.

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    So, I watched some more episodes of MLP:FiM today, at PortCon; they were the ones where Applejack planned to stay at a cherry farm or something, rather than return to Ponyville, and part of the one where buffalo kidnap Spike and some other stuff. It's pretty decent, but I don't quite get how its popularity exploded.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    As I understand it, its popularity exploded because some animation guy wrote a thing about how it was going to destroy the medium by using Flash, which he thought made things too easy. 4chan heard about this, and some guys there went "oh, come on, it can't be that apocalyptically bad" and decided to check it out.

  • We Played Some Open Chords and Rejoiced, For the Earth Had Circled the Sun Yet Another Year

    Now that all the other legal and medical shit is mostly done, it's finally time for me to register for classes!

    My college's gen ed requirements are sort of hard to sort through, but luckily they offer a Block Program to mostly put you on the right track for meeting them.

    So far, I've mostly eliminated all the other blocks they offer, leaving:

    • Introduction to Sociology, Introduction to Computers, Expository Writing, Introduction to Media Studies

    • Introduction to Sociology, Introduction to Computer Science, Expository Writing, Pre-Calculus

    • Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, Expository Writing, Introduction to Computer Science, Pre-Calculus

    Deciding between the first 2  and the third one is mostly a matter of how badly I want to take Introduction to Cinema compared to anthropology. 

  • Got the Korra episode.

    It skips like crazy.
  • We Played Some Open Chords and Rejoiced, For the Earth Had Circled the Sun Yet Another Year

    is it the Secludedly release?

    never get the Secludedly release.

  • You can change. You can.

    They've been working for me quite well and consistently.

  • edited 2012-06-23 20:21:23
    We Played Some Open Chords and Rejoiced, For the Earth Had Circled the Sun Yet Another Year

    I remember having some problems with their episode 6 release.

    hey Juan, Cinema and Sociology or Cultural Anthropology

  • You can change. You can.

    Cinema and Sociology.

    Become one of those nerds who rants about minorities and hollywood

    join the collective

  • We Played Some Open Chords and Rejoiced, For the Earth Had Circled the Sun Yet Another Year

    But wouldn't Cultural Anthropology prepare me for that more?

  • You can change. You can.

    I was joking, but anyway, now that I know Cinema and Sociology are not the same class, I think it really depends on your interests. 

    I dunno, the dealbreaker for me here is film since it's the only one I've studied. The question is basically: Are you interested (Or would you at least somewhat enjoy) a class about film from a non-narrative and purely technical perspective?

  • Leaving for Nantucket tomorrow. Will only be around sporadically until Friday. Also posting this in the "activity" place.

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    So, jump-stomping to Mindless Self-Indulgence in hiking boots is fun and all, but I have a feeling my legs are going to hate me for it in the morning. Also, apparently I can't dance unless I have things akin to drumsticks in my hands.

  • I'm a damn twisted person
    Drumsticks are your booze?
  • edited 2012-06-23 23:35:32
    Has friends besides tanks now

    Well, glowsticks, but pretty much. Well, I don't know how I'd behave as a drunk, but it probably wouldn't be pretty. Maybe I'd trade crabwalking and dashing across the venue (well, it was only a tent, but shut up) for more normal dancing, though.

  • Wicked: I recommend cultural anthropology, it really broadens one's perspective.
  • You can change. You can.

    of course you would, you anthropologist abomination.

    also, man, the avengers cartoon is over.

    i'll just be over here, mourning its death with booze and singing lovely songs about miss marvel's buttocks

  • They canceled it? 


  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    Just got back from prometheus, as someone who has never seen any of the alien movies, I find myself quite enthralled by the mythology presented as is.

  • ^^^ yeah, well, you're a sinematographer.

    ^ Not seeing those movies is just alien to me.
  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    Well, I am sorry I don't fit in your bastion of pun based madness.

  • edited 2012-06-24 00:31:14
    One foot in front of the other, every day.

    ^^^ Eh. The issue with Prometheus is that the Alien series never really had anything but an implicit mythology. A huge part of the appeal was that the Aliens were inexplicable on a variety of levels, and the only thing approaching explanation we ever got was some of the environments from the first film. 

    Prometheus was a good movie with some stupid thrown in there (such as some of the character behaviour in general), but it seems like something that's more damaged by its association with Alien than anything else. For one thing, the original Alien is a better film to begin with, but it's also more intelligent in how it approaches its more fantastical elements. It's a great little self-contained horror story about interplanetary blue-collar workers discovering something beyond mortal ken, where the space ship becomes a haunted house in space and the monster is halfway between an actual organism and an undead monster. 

    Given how wildly successful Alien was on an artistic level (single-handedly creating the best movie monster of the Western world's 20th century, for instance), Prometheus feels like a let down by its association. The original Alien and its sequels (hell, even Resurrection) feel unique, because it was a combination of traditional high-concept science fiction with slasher horror. For some reason, I feel that the original Alien really nailed the tone of high-concept science fiction while actually providing more horror content, whereas Prometheus is more of a high-concept science fiction that gives the impression of schlocky horror. 

    In short, "less is more" summarises the original film in a phrase. Prometheus is a worthy film in its own right, but didn't live up to its predecessor and, in fact, sabotaged some of the things that made it so great. If Ridley Scott wanted to put Alien-related stuff back on the map after the artistic failure of the Alien vs. Predator films, then he may have done so, but he did it in a way that damaged the mystique of the original. 

  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    I am actually the kind of person that wants answers, not mystique.

  • You can change. You can.

    Didn't Resurrection and 3 actually also explain a buncha stuff about the Xenomorphs and Weyland-Yutani, though?

    Anyway, I agree that Prometheus really doesn't gain anything artistically speaking by being associated with Alien. (But I guess it should be taken into account that I consider being associated with Alien a con and not a pro, so whatever)

  • You can change. You can.

    They canceled it? 


    Second season was relatively unsuccesful (Mostly because of Loeb's dumb decisions like making more self-contained episodes rather than going for the scope that the original season had, with an overaching plot and big episodes like the Kang three-parter) and they want a show that would attract the people who went to watch the movies, so they are going to make another cartoon called "Avengers Assemble" with the movie formation of the Avengers (Rather than the original one that the show used) and add Falcon.

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