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  • No rainbow star

    On TES: I realized during our conversation, INUH, that this means the next TES game to take place at a future time (I remember hearing that TES VI will be an MMO taking place in the past. Although those could have just been off the wall rumours) that, if all possibilities (that aren't modded/cheated for) are accounted for, then the Dragonborn would have had to defeat both the Empire and the Stormcloaks

    How will that affect Tamriel, I wonder?

  • if u do convins fashist akwaint hiz faec w pavment neway jus 2 b sur

    Did anyone else except me take the time to collect, read and try to comprehend the fucking mess that the 36 Sermons of Vivec are?

  • edited 2012-04-15 15:21:54
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    ^^My theory is that it'll just be extremely vague which side won because Skyrim will get conquered by the Thalmor or something so it won't matter.

    ^I just read them along with some analyses of them online.

  • No rainbow star

    ^ Ah, good point

    Still though, CHIM is an insane headache

    Maybe that's why the Elder Scrolls act like they do? Because of the dragon breaks, Elder Scrolls from ALL possible timelines keep fading in and out, so an area where one or more is present is connected between all timelines, thus meaning an infinite number of possibilities which means any number of elder scrolls in that spot?

  • edited 2012-04-15 15:26:23
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Well, bear in mind that the physical object of an Elder Scroll doesn't technically exist. It's more of a mental construct symbolizing the concept of time. I think.

    But yeah, that's why they act like that, probably.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    Very quantum. 

  • No rainbow star

    ^^ Yet they have that much weight?

  • edited 2012-04-15 15:30:00
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Maybe the act of carrying one, given that you're basically anchoring a fragment of spacetime into one place, is just tiring enough that you can carry that much less.

  • edited 2012-04-15 16:11:17
    We have reviewed your resume' and we find you delicious.
    Or maybe the casing's just really heavy.
  • No rainbow star

    A former TSA Chief is saying that there needs to be a complete turn around to the point where knives should be allowed on planes


    That is... Um... That's...


    How the FUCK would he convince people to do that at this point? Hell, I got a bit nervous despite my brain going, "Idiot, he has a point" just due to how used to the security measures I am now =/

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Yeah, that actually happened to me in an argument over exactly how racist Ulfric Stormcloak is. My opponent cited The Bear of Markarth, and I pointed out that it was written by the Imperials. I then added that that doesn't necessarily mean it isn't true, just that it isn't reliable.

    You know, this whole conversation amuses me, as it reminds me that Talos isn't actually a God. Or rather, he is if you look at it at one angle, and isn't if you look at it two other ways.

    Also, there are other books that are a bit more reliable and talk about how racist Ulfric is.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    My point was that that particular source isn't particularly relevant.

    As for Talos, he has CHIM. so as far as I'm concerned he has a better claim to godhood than Akatosh or whoever.

    Also, the thalmor think he has to die if mundus is to be destroyed. But they believe a lot of crazy stuff, so that's debatable.
  • Hey, if the Thalmor are trying to destroy the Mundus, that's just one extra reason to wipe out the lot of them ^_^

  • edited 2012-04-15 19:03:52
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Yeah, they're crazy. They think the Mer are Aedra trapped in weakened forms by the existence of a physical world. Except for Orcs. They have no actual logic for that part; they're just racist.
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    I'm reading up on Akatosh now, actually.

    Akatosh is thought to be the father of all dragons,and their leader Alduin was titled "First-Born of Akatosh".

  • You can change. You can.

    bluh bluh huge headache why can't everything just fucking die

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Yeah, that's correct, but he claims to also be an avatar of Akatosh. That's actually why Paarthurnax betrayed him (that's according to Paarthurnax, though, and given that his name, which for a dragon is also his soul, is "Ambition Overlord Cruelty," I don't necessarily trust his version of events 100%. It's likely that he at least used that as an excuse, though.)

  • edited 2012-04-15 19:18:21

    ^^^Or an aspect of Akatosh, is one of the other interpretations.

    ninja'd by the guy with the name no-one can pronounce right

  • You can change. You can.


    what is hard about this

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Yeah, that's correct, but he claims to also be an avatar of Akatosh.

    But an avatar of Akatosh isn't the same thing as being Akatosh. When Martin Septim summons the spirit of Akatosh in Oblivion, that's noted as also being an avatar of Akatosh.

  • No rainbow star
    The answer is simple

    We must kill Akatosh. If Alduin dies, then he is Akatosh
  • We may have killed him already though.

    Sort of. Soul absorption business and all that.

  • No rainbow star
    Here's a thought: How do we know real life isn't actually a video game?

    ...Excuse me I have to go attain CHIM
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    But an avatar of Akatosh isn't the same thing as being Akatosh. 

    Yes it is. That's what "avatar" means in that sense.

  • We Played Some Open Chords and Rejoiced, For the Earth Had Circled the Sun Yet Another Year

    i really need to learn to stop putting things off...

  • "Here's a thought: How do we know real life isn't actually a video game?"

    Because of Occam's Razor. 

  • edited 2012-04-15 20:19:07
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Life is indeed a videogame.  One with ultra-realistic graphics and sound, abounding with PVP and PVE opportunities, clans of all shapes and sizes, character classes of many kinds (some of which are prestige classes), and a very, very rich game world.  As an added bonus, you don't just get graphics and sound, but also flavors, scents, and textures to taste, smell, and feel.  It's THAT realistic.

  • edited 2012-04-15 20:22:16
    We have reviewed your resume' and we find you delicious.
    It's not all that good, though. I lost interest when they removed dinosaurs from the game.
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    See, now I'm looking stuff up.

    The first piece of evidence I've found for Alduin being Akatosh, the book "The Alduin/Akatosh Dichotomy", is immediately suspect when I find it saying this:

    And so, it is my conclusion that the Alduin of Nord legend is in fact mighty Akatosh, whose story gew twisted and deformed through centuries of retelling and embellishment. Through no real fault of their own, the primitive peoples of Skyrim failed to understand the goodness and greatness of the Great Dragon, and it was this lack of understanding that formed the basis of what became, ironically, their most impressive creative achievement - "Alduin," the World Eater, phantom of bedtime stories and justification for ancient (if imagined) deeds.

    Because, as we already know, Alduin is... not a good deity. He is a great dragon, but he is by no means benevolent or anything. In fact, he tries to eat me.

    But furthermore:

    The Nords of Skyrim place a high value on their oral traditions, but such is the core of their unreliability. A rumor passed around the Wayrest market square can change so dramatically in the course of a few simple hours, that by the end of the day, one might believe half the city's residents were involved in any number of scandalous activities. How then is an educated, enlightened person possibly supposed to believe a legend that has been passed down, by word of mouth only, for hundreds, or even thousands of years?

    The answer to such a question is simple - he cannot.

    He claims that simply because the legend of Alduin is passed down orally, it cannot be true.


    Grrr, fuck the Wiki.

    The other thing I have to ask is, if Alduin is an avatar of Akatosh, why does Akatosh show up to help the races of Mundus in Oblivion? And how did the Dragon Break effect Alduin, if Akatosh is supposed to reign supreme over them?

    My god, there are so few references to this.

    There is no conclusive proof either way, but the evidence, to me, seems to be pointing in the direction that Alduin is not Akatosh.

  • I clench my fists and yell "anime" towards an uncaring, absent God, and swear solemnly to press my thumbs into Chocolate America's eyeballs until he is blinded, to directly emasculate sporting figures, to beat the shit out of tumblr users with baseball bats, and to quietly appreciate what Waylon Smithers being gay means to me.

    Just a question, roughly how many people are registered here?

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