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  • Isn't that shit already common in Chinese cartoons and magmas?

  • You can change. You can.

    I don't see why that would be any worse than how it is now.

    blah blah blah gender expectations regarding sexuality blah blah blah it is pretty sexist blah blah blah however pandering to nerds and men blah blah blah overall, people could do with some less biases blah blah blah

  • No rainbow star
    Juan: I think you forgot a blah

    Anyways, my sister and I just watched a short that was included with How To Train A Dragon

    It seemed like every dragon had eggs. ...If all of them are females, then who the fuck is fertilizing the eggs?

    Yes I realize that it was probably off screen males but I prefer my theory of Toothless going, "Aww yeah"
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    WHAT. This guy in front of me telling me how much the prequels suck JUST BOUGHT TICKETS TO TPM 3D! HE WAS JUST BITCHING ABOUT JAR JAR!

    Star Wars fandom, remember?

  • edited 2012-02-17 21:22:13

    Me and my friends were just in an antique shop, and one of the clerks milling around approached us asking us about stuff, and put her hand on one of my friend's shoulders, and he told the clerk that he didn't like to be touched.

    And she looked at him like he had just told some outrageous joke. This reaction was frozen on her face for a number of seconds; if I had a watch, I could've timed it. It creeped me out, in more ways than one.

  • Has friends besides tanks now
    Whoo. Just watched The Blair Witch Project. Needed a moment to breathe after that one. . . . Well, on to Paranormal Activity. :D
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    And then The Tunnel. :>


    So on the subject of the prequels (I know, sorry) one thing that I just remembered being weird to me is how little emphasis was put on the friendship of Anakin and Obi-wan in them. In A New Hope Obi-wan talks about what great pals they were. In the prequels very little time is spent aside from the occasional banter which there is somewhat less of than Obi-wan chastising him.

    The weird thing is that, despite Christensen's terrible acting, I did feel the two actors had something of a chemistry together. (Cue the squealing yaoi fangirls) 

    I dunno, maybe the Clone Wars cartoon has more on their friendship but that would require watching the Clone Wars cartoon.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

  • ^^If you're not referring to Tartakovsky, it would be helpful if you capitalized "The".


    If I'm referring negatively to something called Clone Wars you can probably figure out it's not Tartakovsky's version.

  • You can change. You can.

    But you have shittaste. You would do such a thing.

  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    it begins
  • LaiLai
    edited 2012-02-17 22:28:54

    Taking a break from getting my ass kicked online. I think I have a 50% Win-Loss ratio at the moment.

    Really trying to find a team that works with Wright because damn it, I'm gonna stick with him!

  • I played the MGS3D: Snake Eater demo.

    I don't know why Konami gave us this shoddy demo when early reviews say it's better than that.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    In A New Hope Obi-wan talks about what great pals they were. In the prequels very little time is spent aside from the occasional banter which there is somewhat less of than Obi-wan chastising him.

    Reminds me of Obi-Wan talking about the Clone Wars, too. We get two, three lines about it and it seems real. What we got was kind of a farce.  

  • You can change. You can.

    can we talk about something that has actually contributed to the world in a meaningful way like citizen kane

  • edited 2012-02-17 23:16:47

    I'd appreciate Citizen Kane more if it wasn't treated as the be-all and end-all of movies, especially since you can't affix a "best" label to one film in a medium with so many diverse styles and genres.

  • You can change. You can.

    I'd argue that while Kane's not exactly the best movie of all time (impossible concept) it's certainly one of the most important movies in film canon, both from an aesthetical and narrative perspective.

  • That kind of status I can understand, though since I'm not a film buff, could you elaborate?

  • Has friends besides tanks now
    Gah. Paranormal Activity was okay, I guess. It was pretty freaky, but the drama between the couple wasn't nearly as effective as in BWP, nor was the final scene. I mean, it still got a reaction out of me, but it wasn't nearly as fucked-up.

    Couldn't find Audition or The Tunnel, and I don't feel like watching anything else after that, so I think I'll call it a night.
  • Just got back from The Grey (and a huge fucking hotdog).

    Really, really enjoyed it.

  • You can change. You can.

    That kind of status I can understand, though since I'm not a film buff, could you elaborate?

    Well, for starters, most film by that time, while able to tell a story (Which is something that film did not start doing in the first place) was stuck in the usual chronological sequence of events. Kane decides to go for an anachonical order in order to portray in order of relevance to the main idea of the story (That Kane was unsastified with his life and yearned for a life he never had) through simple snippets of his life, if you will. 

    The main innovation that the movie brings from an aesthetical point of view, though, it's the deep focus aspect of it. 

    If you look here, you'll notice that both the kid in the background and the lady in the foreground are both in focus. Most cameras were not normally able to do this, and the human eye kinda fails at it, too.

    It wasn't just that, though. The movie tends to go for a visual sort of storytelling via the angles, like...whenever Kane's supposed to be seen as the little man we know he's in the inside, we watch him from above, like in here, when his newspaper's starting

    However, when he's in control or feeling empowered, we see him from below. Like when he runs for governor

    This is, of course, a very basic look at it, and I think I cannot do it justice, myself. All of this talk doesn't touch on how the movie manages to touch the right emotional cues when needed, how Kane can come off as charming, witty and just a normal guy rather than just a dramatic figure (His talk with a girl who he just had met and where he charms her by wiggling his ears is surprisingly endearing, imo) or how the movie uses montages to not just abridge or gloss over events, but to show Kane's external, mental and spiritual decay over the time and blah blah blah

    Overall, it's a movie I like and I recommend. 

  • No rainbow star
    I just realized that if life was a horror movie, I'd be the idiot who taunts the monster and gets brutally killed

    So first impressions of ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom.

    I seem to be maining Dante, Morrigan, and Doctor Strange. Of course, I like DMC so much I probably would main Dante no matter what.

    Also, goddamn is Morrigan's accent adorable.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    Does Morrigan have an appropriate accent?

    This is very important. 


    It's Irish. Unless I'm missing something this means yes.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    No, no, it's all good. Everything appears to be in order. 

  • No rainbow star

    I finally tried on the snuggie knockoff my grandmother got me a few Christmas' ago

    Two things:

    1) It's essentially a backwards housecoat. Seriously. What a rip off

    2) OH DEAR LORD THE STATIC! I'm mildly afraid of the safety of my laptop right now D: Just putting it on and laying down produced endless static!

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