If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
I went to sleep at night and got up at morning
I do them before bed
Ah, just checking. I've done that backwards before >.>
how i wish i could do that
My current semester of college can go screw itself. The initial deluge of homework has stopped, but a much larger one looms ahead. I also despise the scheduling but the classes are not offered at any other time and I need to take them for my major.
Juan: My father's sleeping patterns are even more erratic. I get woken up all the time...
then go back to bed.
weirdo. whenever i get woken up, unless i'm really really tired (Like today) I don't get to sleep again during the whole morning and instead I take a nap in the afternoon.
My local comic shop is closing up shop.
Sad times.
>Sees Venom
>Loses faith in The Conductor as a comic fan forever and ever
Venom is amazing and you damn well know it.
Gragh fuck you steam and your crappy offline mode (College wifi doesn't like Steam)
*Steam tries to autoupdate*
"Could not connect to the Steam network."
*Clicks Offline Mode*
"Could not connect to the Steam network."
I tried all sorts of fixes, even using regedit to change the offline value
It rewrites the damn registry changes. Even if I disable autoupdate it doesn't give a shit
I am highly considering pirating all future Steam games because then at least I won't have to go through this bullshit again >.<
Especially if I'm supposed to run an errand or something--it gets me all wakeful and I have a hard time getting back to sleep after that, so I usually don't bother.
Nothing spoils a horror game quite like a crash -_-
Especially when that crash happens no matter how many times you try it again
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth.
Someone needs to write a game where crashing is part of the game.
Think of all the dissatisfied customers!
Got it figured out. The crash happened when I used a ladder. If I crawl while using it (which totally makes sense) it doesn't happen.
Nan: "Sometimes I think you should get into religion."
Me: "Why?"
Nan: "Some of these women who are into it are really really nice and really really attractive."
>Playing RE5
what is this
Also, Skeets is evil. Huh
Wait, when you say Skeets, you don't mean Booster Gold's little robot buddy do you?
Yup, the very same. Well, I don't know if he's evil. But he just imprisoned Gold's ancestor into the timestream or something
^If you liked Resident Evil, you wouldn't torture yourself with...ugh...5. It's kinda like saying that you watched the movies because you liked the games, dude, come on.
Oh wait. 52? Aah good story.
I lol'd
Okay, I'm getting confused.
I visited Amy today and found her in an excited mood. I mentioned something bad I'd done - giving an attention whore attention - and she told me that she'd only forgive me if I gave her a back rub. I was happy to oblige her, but after I finished she stretched out on my lap and draped herself around my shoulders, then kissed me around my head and cheek. She put my knee between her thighs, and it was almost uncomfortably hot. All of her was extremely warm.
What's happening? WHAT DOES SHE WANT FROM ME? One minute she's cool as a cucumber, everything's platonic, and the next she's practically rubbing herself all over me. I don't know what she wants!
As it turns out, personal laptop + TAFE account + Firefox = school proxy is fucked and I can do whatever I want
> It's kinda like saying that you watched the movies because you liked the games, dude, come on.
...but I did... ._.
^^Put her on the spot. Just ask her if she wants to date and if not then stop cockteasing you. You need to take a stand and if she says she's doesn't want to and starts that shit again tell her to cut it the fuck out.
I said movies. If you watched the first one expecting a good movie, it is mildly understandable. If you watched the others expecting a good movie then shame on you and may your kin forever die or something