If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
^^^ BTL just had a rough couple of days.
^^ Helping people being exhausting, seems to be a pattern.
I was joking. I just thought it was funny that everybody rushed to send PMs at once.
I guess we REALLY want our Cygan back
Also Anne says you should be unbanned now; she'd just forgotten to unban your IP and email before.
so I see I should always post immediately and not spend 5 minutes replying to a PM because people assume I still haven't realized I was unbanned
Ugh. I want to register for classes for Spring Quarter but the college's website keeps going down.
If I get locked out of this class because I can't register before all the spots are taken somepony's gonna get punched
Call them and ask if you can reserve a spot.
It's 1:35 AM. By the time there will be people in the Records & Registration office for me to call it won't matter anyway.
That sounds frustrating. I was lucky that U of I put me in the James Scholar program thanks to me taking merit classes. It let me register before seniors!
Well, it looks like one of my approximately 2000 attempts to register again finally went through. So yay!
Just got my project that is due in... less than 9 hours done:
I have the real version on my computer still because YouTube is being a dick. Basically I have an underlying project that I am seeing if anybody in class will catch. It will be threaded in all my projects until somebody catches it and brings it up
I quite like it. Very well done.
If i could make a suggestion, is there a way you can prevent the shot by shot from moving away from its point of reference? or do you not have a tripod?
No tripod, sadly. I had to make do with attaching a holder made of Lego to minimize the shifting with the Lego part
Even if I had a tripod, it wouldn't do anything while my battery charger is missing (I had to use my phone for these)
again, very well done.
I feel like attention whoring:

The first result for "huge ass Russian cargo plane" on Google is the Antonov.
That makes me happy.
So apparently I am a baby whale
Feels weird man
I just had a pretty realistic dream where I was in some kind of set up mystery competition where I would have won money. The dream was real seeming enough for me to be disappointed when I woke up.
>Gets to the third, altar section of Dwemer Ruins
>Checks UESP to see what small bit is left
>Finds out that there is still a massive cave system that puts all other dungeons in Skyrim to shame
Dwemer ruins is frighteningly unspecific. :P
You mean Blackreach?
That part gave me a boner, although I was disappointed when I jumped at one of the fungus trees and found out it wasn't a Betty Netch.
Stayed up all night doing my mom's homework.
I somehow feel like I've entered an alternate universe based on that sentence.
Alice sucks at music making forever.
Open Week, day 1. Theme: Paris. Chocolate and wine(and beer, because we're a frat after all). First volunteers dropping out, looks like I have to fill in tipsy.
>Wake up
>It's Five
Goddammit. -_-
I know that feel, bro.
Though for me, 8 is more common...>.>
> go to sleep at 8
> wake up at 8
I don't know how you guys don't get woken up to run errands. Or make your mother's homework.
yes i'm still hung up about that, why do you ask
^^Which one's AM and which one's PM?
^My parents wake me up now. When I did that, I was in college.