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IJBMer Updates



  • They're somethin' else.
    Is the IJBM film club still alive?
    No clue.

    On that note, I just discovered that The Nightmare on Elm Street remake has fans. Clearly, the film was actually a profiling test where if you seriously defend it on an internet forum your mind is deviant and must be purged.
  • You can change. You can.
    Well, I want it to be alive, but people are barely showing up and the fact that I couldn't do it for a day seemed to kill it. 

    oh well.
    Oh Christ, Rolfe, why did you have to remind me that Halloween Resurrection exists?
  • They're somethin' else.
    I wanted to show up, but real life got in the way.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Since I couldn't sleep, I decided to watch The Truman Show, since I hadn't seen it yet.

    It was excellent.
  • ^^^So how is Season of the Witch anyway?
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    It's horrible and awesome.

    Don't expect much from the film. But if you want your hour-and-a-half's worth of medieval-horror-schlock fun, then it's a good watch. Especially if you're with friends in the mood for a similar kind of entertainment. I really, really enjoyed it despite recognising its flaws -- then again, I would, wouldn't I? <_<;

    It's not quite So Bad It's Good. It's just Objectively Bad But A Lot Of Fun. Just don't take it too seriously and you'll be swell. Hell, I even managed to forgive it setting itself 200 years out of its technological timeframe.
  • They're somethin' else.
    It's a Nicolas Cage movie, it's gonna be awesomely bad and badly awesome by default.

    Plus the female lead is hot :P
  • edited 2011-11-01 10:23:36
    Has friends besides tanks now
    So one of my dogs is dying; he'd been having trouble breathing all morning, so Mom took him to a vet. Mom's currently deciding on whether or not we get surgery or put him down.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    edited 2011-11-01 10:29:06

  • Has friends besides tanks now
    We're picking him up now. At this point, it's either we haul ass to the nearest place that will give surgery, or he's deemed too unhealthy to even make the ride.
  • No rainbow star
    ^ I hope he makes it D:

    ...Wait, wasn't this thread at 5000 only a few days ago? And now it's almost at 5500

    I'm not sure if this means that IJBMers have no lives or too kuch going on in their lives...
  • :(. I understand what you are going through Everest.
  • edited 2011-11-01 11:38:13
    So I had a dream where Jason Voorhes featured prominently. A lot of times he acted more like Michael Meyers with the 'stand around staring at you then dissappear' thing. He also wrecked my car. It later turned out he was stalking me because my father had recently got Voorhes' original hockey mask in one of his antique deals and wanted it back, but once he did he went back on a murderous rampage. It was around this point that I remembered I was Spider-man and fought him off.

    What the fuck is wrong with me?

    Abyss: Would you believe I've never seen it? And yes, it was because 'There's no Michael Meyers.'

    Though now I wish they had left him dead.
  • $80+ per session
    So, since I have a job now, I decided that I want to completely make over my room with an all new: Bed, HDTV, Sound System, Shelf, and Couch.
  • Best of luck, doggy.
  • Kichigai birthday!!
    @ Everest

    Oh man,you have my condolences. I lost my dog too.
  • ^^^Wait until you have to support yourself. Then see if you would say the same thing.
  • $80+ per session
    Obviously, I won't.

    But since I don't have to support myself, I'm free to spend the money I earn on whatever I want. Might as well take advantage of it, and the things that I buy can stay with me when I leave out on my own.
  • edited 2011-11-01 17:43:55
    $80+ per session
  • edited 2011-11-01 21:05:12
    Has friends besides tanks now
    Three-parter status:

    1. The dog's doing better at the moment. Some sort of surgery is going to have to be done at some point, though. Apparently his trachea was collapsing, and this is a genetic defect within his family. I'm glad this has gotten better; I don't think I've ever felt quite as terribly tense as I did when we had literally minutes to drive the poor guy to the nearest veterinary center (one that could give him oxygen) and hit nearly every red light on the way there, with him wheezing the whole time.

    2. One of the other lifeguards at the pool took my supervisor's shift today, and so we spent a good deal of my shift just talking about stuff. It was pretty nice. Plus, she made me consider the possibility of going to college in Canada, since tuition costs there are apparently much, much lower. Surely, it's something to investigate.

    3. The 2004 World of Darkness core book's fluff is phenomenal, and I really want to play this edition now. I'll certainly try to start a game in college.
  • No rainbow star
    Wait, we have lower tuition?
  • Has friends besides tanks now
    I guess so. She said the tuition for one of the colleges was $800 a year. Compare that to the American universities that climb into the $50,000's, and suddenly Canada looks like a great prospect, especially for a Mainer, who doesn't live any further from Canada than from New York.

    What's the tuition at your college?
  • $8000 at University of Alberta. This is enough for people to complain over here.
  • Has friends besides tanks now
    Given that, I wonder how often Canadians who aren't rich come to America for college. I'd gladly make my parents pay $8,000 a year for my tuition, instead of somewhere in the tens of thousands after financial aid.
  • Glad to hear about the dog Everest. 

    On the subject of college tuition I'm looking at around $10,000 per year for tuition, in the USA, before financial aid, for a state college. So just look around for a college.

  • http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PopularityPolynomial

    Pretty sure that everyone learns what a polynomial is in middle school.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    ^Yeah, and a lot of people don't give a shit and promptly forget it. There's a reason that's in a folder, closed by default.
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