If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
So... whoever has my stolen laptop hasn't bothered reformatting it or uninstalling Dropbox. I'm wondering if I shoud just disconnect it off the Dropbox account and be done with it, or do something with it. Communicating with whoever has it? Deleting my stuff off it? Figuring where it is from the IP? Pranks?
They're actually putting it right back online?
Figure out where it is from the IP.
Just had a dinner with my brother and dad tonight. I hadn't hung out with dad in awhile, so it was nice catching up with him. Got to connect with him and my brother a bit more.
So we have a quote button now. All praise the great @Unknown_Entity!
This. John. Winters. Guy. Is. The. Biggest. Git.
Yeah, half the population being concerned about Beautiful British Columbia being wrecked by oil spills are just wasting time to the BC Chamber of Commerce. But money, right? And short-term money at that.
Let the record show that HH beat you to this by almost two years. v_v
you even sound like Mabel now :O
Also turns out Eden Sher does not voice Mabel, somehow.
I wonder if there exists at least one pair of anecdotes, where one is on notalwaysright.com and the other is on notalwaysworking.com, which refer to the same event?
Bonus points if they give contradictory claims.
Woot, car found, and it's not missing anything important.
What I meant to say: I've downloaded the Goetz et al. 2009 paper, haven't I?
What I actually said: I have goats, don't I?
...Huh, good to see that this place is still around. I forgot that it existed, for a while. >_>
Good to see you around too!
How's life been?
Relevant for those wanting some moolah for writing lolbertarian screed(this stuff is open to students from all over the world): http://essaycontest.aynrandnovels.com/AtlasShrugged.aspx?theme=blue
Absolutely hilarious, the prize money compared to the essay length.
They see me lootin', they hatin'.
More serious, one could write a good essay about how Atlas Shrugged gives insight into how a sociopath or narcissist thinks. But that would involve having to read Atlas Shrugged, and I'm not sure how many people are as masochistic as I am. I'm sure that the book's lack of detailed critiques stems from just how godawful it is, and when I remember the first time I liveblogged it on TV Tropes, I left out a lot.
>implying you need to have read a book to write a 800-1500 word essay on it
This is high school tier. Sparknotes, cite one or two scholars on the work to support your interpretation but extrapolate on their conclusions, and connect the prefab angle you get to choose from to the current political situation in generic terms. The only tricky bit is not to overshoot the supposedly self-evident, outlandish Peter Pan fantasies into the realm of the abstract, because that reeks of hated postmodern relativism.
I'd expect that a true budding disciple of Ayn Rand would do no worse than 8000 words.
A few days ago, it was 80 degrees Fahrenheit outside, in the sunlight, in the afternoon.
Last night, from what I've heard, the low was 27 degrees Fahrenheit, below freezing.
...if only we had a major precipitation event last night. Then I would have had to dig out my car again. But then I would get the opportunity to make morbid jokes about how my saying it wasn't done snowing was right.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez died aged 87. Literature and journalism have lost a great man today.
Heavens, I needed this after browsing too many dark corners of the internet:
RIP Gabriel García Márquez
I remember his work was used to introduce the concept of magical realism, in our high school English lit class.
I think it says something about my willing suspension of disbelief that I was halfway through A Hundred Years of Solitude before I realized it wasn't a realistic setting. (I assumed the gypsies' gadgets were based on magic tricks, Melquiades' ghost was the characters hallucinating, etc.)
RIP Gabo.
this sure is happening
I'm actually surprised it wasn't sooner. Unlikely crossovers have become commonplace, and perhaps in a few years maybe even expected.
I fail at YOLO. I didn't waste my money on a totally unneeded, low quality trinket that I would hide in a cupboard anyway, and now I feel bummed because of it.
Damn son, you need to live every day like its your last and spend all your cash paper so its all gone and you got serious financial trouble tomorrow, ya dig?
I also don't drive drunk, don't get wasted and pass out half-naked (the bottom half) on a street after a party... Hmm, since I don't qualify by definition, I don't know if not getting pregnant from a one-night-stand counts as a failure or not... Like I said, I fail at YOLO, even though everyone around me tells me that "you only regret what you haven't done".
Seriously speaking, that quote is one of more annoying pieces of "advice" that I've been receiving.
I suspect that people who need to do those things to be excited in their lives must be very bored. Do those people around you have hobbies by any chance?