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IJBMer Updates



  • Three months breezes by in no time. Jerbs, counselling, pining for someone: it can all be done over there. Find out what you can do locally and then plan your time full: clubs, hobby groups, charity work, online courses for skills that may be useful in your future, the like-if you plan socialization ahead of time, you don't run the risk of feeling isolated. Also start a blog that you update once a week or so-it cuts excessive contact with the homefront down, since you want to take a break from that.

    I've done an international year, and I can safely say it's one of the best things that ever happended to me.

  • If you're up to it, you can self-study as well.

    While we're at it, I think working in a formal environment has made me lose the habit of studying (and doing study work) at home.

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    This Hawaii deal looks like an opportunity that should not slip past. Even if it's just three months, it sounds great.

  • edited 2013-04-02 18:12:35

    Huh, Capriles' (the opposition guy) political campaign people have set up an operations point a block away from home. How convenient.

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    As for my turn, I just found out a website devoted to the reconstruction of pagan beliefs from around my place. Pretty divergent from what is the consensus, but seems they've got arguments. Huh. 

  • Kichigai birthday!!

    I'm gonna do that thing where I go to a random number generator and bump the thread with the ID I get.

  • No rainbow star
    So I can forfeit the lease. I'd lose the $50 deposit, which is fair

    I also need to find a replacement. They then need to apply. Which means tgey might not even get the room. And speaking of which, how would they know he's one I got?

    Currently po'd. They are NOT giving me THAT bullshit when they have a waiting list. Since I don't have time til Tuesday, I plan to go down theb, get them to hand me that list, sit right there, and go through every damned person saying that the room is up for grabs

    If it comes down to it, my mom technically has power of attourney over my finances (due to my disorders - I can revoke it whenever) and it would be temptibg to play dirty by having someone go down and go, "yeah, no". Except that would be a huge clusterfuck most likely and I have no idea how that would turn out

    Gah just raging today because things just keep piling up and I can't stand it
  • >FB-feed in panic about bank accounts suddenly being empty

    >check on account: some payments written off twice, nothing particularly bad, will probably be restored eventually

    >bank's press release still says there's nothing wrong


  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    Greedy Jew gif

    Really dude?

  • Yes, because it's retro. Before we had freemasons, Illuminati and lizard people secretly disguised as zionists, they were the classic scapegoat. It's kitsch, and if we can have a Hitler sockpuppet, we can have le happy merchant.

  • edited 2013-04-03 12:44:37
    But you never had any to begin with.

    Except they're still a scapegoat. If you haven't heard "The Jews are controlling the banks/Hollywood/the moon people", you're living under several tons of rocks.

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    It's also really, really, unfunny.

  • edited 2013-04-03 12:59:41
    Diet NEET

    ^^Oh, of course the regular tinfoil hatters will blame who they always blame. Jones would go for the NWO wrapped within hushed tones of racist libtardarianism, and the Stormfront sillies will check if any of the top brass' names ends in -Berg or -Stein.

    More than twothousands years in the making and the old cow is still around. What else can you do but laugh at it? The GIF probably comes from those lovely Al-Aqsa martyr brigades programs that also gave us Farfour the Mouse. It's camp in its purest form, at least for me.

    But mods can take it down if peeps don't view it the same as me.

  • edited 2013-04-03 13:08:58
    One foot in front of the other, every day.

    ^^^ That depends on where you live, I think. In Australia, for instance, there isn't really any discrimination against Jews simply because. They're not a culturally significant entity the same way they are in the USA. Scapegoating Jews is a favourite hobby of heavy-handed Christianity, so in the cultural context of the USA where religion is so omnipresent in politics, you're no doubt going to get discrimination on those grounds. 

    The rest of the first world has mostly accepted the divide between politics and religious belief, though, so political passion doesn't pass through the auspice of religion so often. This is one possible explanation for why  anti-Semitic humour outside the USA isn't such a big deal, kinda like you can tell jokes about the Irish that would have been highly offensive as little as fifty years ago. InsanityAddict's social context is far removed from the USA's, so to him (and many others, including myself), sincere anti-Semitic positions are unheard of outside of fringe extremists without any real power to speak of. 

    Everyone is welcome to their opinion on how funny and/or offensive InsanityAddict's post was, of course, but I also think it's pertinent to keep in mind how places outside the USA have moved on from a lot of the social constraints that contributed to anti-Semitism in the past. 

    ^ I don't consider it particularly offensive, but as noted above in this post, different social context and all that. Where I am, discrimination against the Jewish isn't really a thing, so jokes that take potshots at them are naturally acceptable. 

  • But you never had any to begin with.

    They're not a culturally significant entity the same way they are in the USA.

    There aren't many Jews here either, but you still get discrimination against them.

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    If we can use the frickin' Hitler for comedic value, I'm fine with the Happy Merchant.

  • edited 2013-04-03 13:43:42
    Diet NEET

    ^^^That argument doesn't really fly, seeing as Holland has been notoriously bad at protecting its Jewish population during WW2 and harbors plenty of peeps of Middle-Eastern descent who harbor overkill resentment towards Israel. 

    Cultural background could be a thing: Holland has never really had a strong civil rights movement precisely because we've always been 'tolerant'(work hard, keep to yourself and you're free to do as you please-no effort was ever made at social intergration or cultural exchange other than token exoticism). Heck, we still have a national holiday in which peeps dress in blackface and ignore it whenever a ruckus is raised every decade or so, even though we've been colonizing and slave-trading with the best of 'em. In short, we don't really care that much about feelings hurt in the making of jokes about taboo topics, since no-one's really taught to be offended at them. It's a factor, but not the most important one.

    I'd think it's more akin to context and incrowd humour. We've had plenty of jew jokes over here(as pointed out, the Hitler sockpuppet), with no problems being raised. Furthermore, most of us are lefties, which makes it pretty easy to think 'I can't be an X-ist', and we don't want to be lumped with the SJWs we regularly bitch at: determining factor for that is showing we still have a sense of humour about taboo topics.

    Thus, with the posting of the GIF, I saught to parody conspiracy theorists of the antisemitic bent, and thought everyone would be in on the joke, especially with regards to my normal posting style.

  • edited 2013-04-03 13:57:52
    One foot in front of the other, every day.

    There aren't many Jews here either, but you still get discrimination against them.

    It's not so much about the amount of Jews as it is their relevance to the society, history and whatnot. There may not be many Jews in the UK, but from a historical perspective, they're a highly relevant cultural entity and have certainly left their mark. After all, what is today the UK used to be an entire series of theological monarchies wherein religion played one of the most important political roles there was. Judaic faith represented a potential interception of Christian (and therefore royal) authority in the kingdoms of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales that Australia never experienced because it didn't have a monarchic historical period. 

    I'm not saying that's the only reason Jews were or are discriminated against, of course, but I suspect it's a significant contributor in the case of the UK. The USA didn't have a period of monarchic reign, for instance, but still has a lot of anti-Semitism. Where the UK's issues with Jews seems a bit simpler, like a case of artifact discrimination, the USA has a more convoluted relationship with the Jews. A good example was the widespread support among the US population for the Nazi regime in the 1930s, before Japan represented the Axis in the bombing of Pearl Harbour. The USA had and still has a significant amount of people of German descent. In the 1930s, many looked to Hitler's economic reform of Germany as an inspiration, given the hardships they had faced as part of the American Depression. 

    Anti-Semitism goes back further in the USA, but that's a good example of how different even the context of discrimination is, was, and can be. 

    harbors plenty of peeps of Middle-Eastern descent who harbor overkill resentment towards Israel

    To be fair, Israel sucks. One doesn't have to be anti-Semitic to consider Israel's military and political machinations repugnant. It was, after all, a nation founded on stolen land. Recently, its been fond of forcibly exporting illegal warhead munitions directly into the faces of small children. 

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.


    Here, There, Everywhere

    I'm half-Jewish and over half of my real-life friends are Jewish or half-Jewish.

    I laughed.

    Yes, legitimate anti-Semitism exists and it is disgusting and vile. But really, there is a difference between ironic camp and serious racism. My friends and I have made far worse jokes at our own expense.

  • Except they're still a scapegoat. If you haven't heard "The Jews are controlling the banks/Hollywood/the moon people", you're living under several tons of rocks.

    For whatever it's worth, they do "control" significant stakes in Hollywood (and probably banks, I'm not really up to date on that regard). But that's more of an overrepresentation because of the inherent nepotism in the film industry than some sort of zionist conspiracy.

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    But really, there is a difference between ironic camp and serious racism.

    I'm not saying that it's serious racism (it's still racist though).

    I'm saying it's not funny.

    Here, There, Everywhere

    That's fair.

    I just kind of feel weird about people that I don't think are of my ethnic group feeling offended on my behalf. Like, I appreciate your concern and all, but... dude, I'm right here.

    Here, There, Everywhere

    P.S. I feel even weirder saying that as a very white person. Realising that you are a minority is strange.

  • Crimson's the best poster.

  • I just kind of feel weird about people that I don't think are of my ethnic group feeling offended on my behalf. Like, I appreciate your concern and all, but... dude, I'm right here.

    Above: Centie every time she goes on Tumblr

  • You follow too many people and see too much of this stuff

    I don't follow enough and see next to none of this stuff

  • But you never had any to begin with.

    P.S. I feel even weirder saying that as a very white person. Realising that you are a minority is strange.

    Compared to its size, IJBM has a surprisingly high amount of people who would be considered minorities (at least, by Western standards).

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