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Vidya Gaems General



  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    I was going to click on the bottle, but accidentally clicked on the knife. She didn't kill him then, but she sliced his shoulder open. Then I was taking too long on the strangling QTE and then he started strangling me and she shot him.

    Seriously, though, Bloodlines has been dethroned as my favorite game.

  • edited 2012-11-30 20:37:04
    Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.

    I think it might be my favorite game too.  

    Man, I'm not even going to be able to be in the same room when my sisters get to the end.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Next Steam sale, I may have to buy the devteam's entire back catalog.

  • MrWMrW
    edited 2012-11-30 21:40:30

    Even Sonic 06 had more effort put into it than... whatever abysmal excuse for a birthday present that Megaman got.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I hear that music and I think I'm watching a platformer...but sadly I am not.


    I don't really think of games as really old until they're pre-3D.

    I think the same thing.

  • BeeBee
    edited 2012-12-01 01:44:48

    Oh my God.  I think I've actually seen MMX Flash games on Newgrounds that were less half-assed.

    What really bogs it down, however, are the glitches and other oddities I’ve ran into.

    How the hell does a game that simplistic even fucking HAVE glitches?  Did you program this game in like two weeks by paying a guy in pizza?  I mean what the hell?

    -reads more-

    iOS freemium money-grubber.  I shouldn't be surprised, but no matter how many times it happens I still am.  And I always, always feel personally insulted as a programmer.

  • Definitely not gay.

    >mfw I have 999 and SMT Strange Journey but haven't even opened them

  • They're somethin' else.

    Fuck you, Capcom.

  • Poot dispenser here

    Okay, TLR is quickly becoming my favorite outfit in PlanetSide 2. I don't even want to make another character now. My place is officially in the NC.

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    Well there goes my Level 20....fuck it I'm not going to pretend I remember anything about that game.

  • There goes Miijhal posting terrible hero backstories on #yackfest.

  • Don't worry, I'm sure Champions Online can provide plenty of material.

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    suddenly Miijhal hate, out of nowhere

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    (that was a statement intended to be humorous)

  • Well, if it's any consolation, it succeeded in being confusing.

  • Oy, much disappointment Capcom. You used to be cool.
  • edited 2012-12-01 18:35:26

    So, anybody else here played the DMC demo?
    And screw you guys for making me remember the Walking Dead ending. I'd have cried if I were a better person.

  • In which I talk alone about League of Legends.

    So I recently unlocked Orianna. She's fun, but a bit confusing. And I seem to be attracted to AP carries more than anything.

  • I may or may have not bought a Wii U today. I have.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I may or may have not bought a Wii U today. I didn't.

  • LaiLai
    edited 2012-12-03 02:00:19

    My bro may or may not want to buy a Wii U. Psst... he does.

    Thank you, Game Grumps. Admittedly, I am more interested in now.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Amazon has the 8GB Wii U, but not the 32 T_T

  • But you never had any to begin with.

    The Wii U is ridiculously expensive over here (£305/$489), so I'm going to wait for it to drop in price a little.

  • >Go to download DKC2 from Virtual Console.

    >All 3 DKC games are gone.


  • Perhaps this time I can beat Launch Octopus with no upgrades and no deaths!


  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    So, The Walking Dead's physical release will have a collector's edition. Might want that...wait, Gamestop exclusive? Well, shit. Nevermind, then.
  • The Wii to Wii U transfer process is probably the most convoluted way to transfer save data from one system to another. first, you go into Wii mode on the Wii U(which is a bit like how Gamecube backwards compatibility worked in that its hardware based), go into the system transfer channel, download another channel, and then transfer a bit of software to an SD Card.

    Then, you take out your old Wii, hook it up somewhere, open up that system's transfer app, insert the SD card, and then it transfers just about everything(including Brawl) into the SD card. You watch a cute little loading video that has Pikmin carry over your save data into a rocket ship bound for your new Wii U. 

    THEN, you go back to your Wii U, open up Wii mode, open up the Transfer app, and insert the SD card when you're notified. You watch another Loading video with the Pikmin carrying your Wii data, which eats up over a half hour.

    Finally, after about an hour of all that work, you're done. And that's assuming you don't have some games on your SD card that don't fit onto the Wii's system memory. Have mercy on you if you do.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Honestly, given that my Wii is also my Gamecube and my Wii U won't be, I don't see much reason to use it.

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