If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"

Vidya Gaems General



  • I don't really mind Steam levels of DRM.  It's pretty light stuff to stop the most amateur "lol copy-paste it onto a flashdrive" pirates.  As long as you do your first play while connected you're basically good to be offline the rest of the time.

  • Poot dispenser here

    @Raydere: Eh, I don't mind file/folder navigation that much, but I chalk that up to learning how to install custom skins for TF2, DOD:S and other Valve multiplayer games.

    Plus, most Steam games are stored in the "common" folder, but that still does require some navigation.

  • edited 2012-10-31 17:32:43
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    And besides, I like it when I can install and enjoy my games wherever and whenever I want.  That includes when I'm offline.

    For what it's worth, I could have bought one copy of Trauma for US$1, DRM-free, and shared it with all my friends.  Except I bought six copies of it, paying $7.50.  I downloaded Torchlight, then decided it was decent enough, and bought it in the Humble Bundle.  (I had been trying to win a copy on SteamGifts before that, even.)  I bought used copies of Scurge: Hive and Fire Emblem: the Sacred Stones when I found out I enjoyed those games.  And my fan-wanking about Scurge: Hive got one of my friends to play and then go buy a brand new copy.

    Heck, I'm perfectly willing to buy portable system games and then pirate them anyway to play them on my computer.  I like my computer having a bigger screen, and a better soundsystem.


    And yes, I think Quint the character is stupid as hell too.  But the name sounded cool.  And since no one likes him, I got to claim the username all for myself. :)

    @Lai: How did you know?  What's your steam username btw?

  • LaiLai
    edited 2012-10-31 17:41:38
    There's not that many characters In MM2GB. And I forgot my steam username since I don't use much if at all.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    The only thing I regret is adding in "Sakugarne".  That bit is not as cool as "Quint".

    But yeah, I guess you have a point.  That game has no unique characters other than Quint.  And the entire soundtrack, which is new, and high-pitched.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    > What's its ticker symbol?

    I can't remember. I'll check when I'm home from work.
  • My arms are falling off!

    The problem comes when you either fail to anticipate being devoid of an Internet connection, or forget to switch out to Offline Mode, in which case you're fucked and anything that uses Steamworks (Ether Vaper Remaster, for example, does not, thankfully) will not start, even 1P games. And the "Start in Offline Mode" button doesn't do anything meaningful.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Boxed copy of Ultima V get.

    This game is really big; it comes on four floppies.

    Of course, I haven't actually finished Ultima IV yet...better hurry up and do that.

  • But you never had any to begin with.

    The only thing I regret is adding in "Sakugarne".  That bit is not as cool as "Quint".

    You can change your Steam name, ya know. :P

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I can change my display name, but I've actually already chosen "QuintSakugarne" for a few other sites.

    Also, it's more likely for "Quint" to be taken than "QuintSakugarne".


    Man, the latest Extra Punctuation is almost exactly a paper I did for a literature class.

    They kind of made some annoying generalizations but it was pretty good on the whole.

  • I told you a hundred times Seibah, I don't want you in my pool

    Yeah, system shock 2 didn't have a lot of dialogue per-se, but the logs were good in that you had them going over more mundane things, and even some of the ghost flashbacks are of regular things.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    The best thing in the Ultima V box is a card stating the following:

    OF 3 1/2" DISK DRIVES

    Origin Systems now offers this product on 3 1/2" disk(s) as well as 5 1/4". If you would like to extchange your 5 1/4" disk(s) for the 3 1/2", just send us your disk(s), a completed registration card and a note requesting the new format.


  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    This game is really big; it comes on four floppies.

    This is nothing.  I've got King's Quest VI.  It comes on ELEVEN floppies.  PLUS an install floppy.

  • edited 2012-11-01 22:54:31
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Well, yeah, but that was six years later, so of course it was way more advanced.

    Man, can you think of how advanced games way in the future will be? They'll come on, like, a hundred floppies :o

  • LaiLai
    edited 2012-11-01 22:55:35

    >Floppy discs

    Well, I feel positively ancient now.

    ^ You would need like a computer the size of a mountain to run that! :O

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    More seriously, I do have vague memories of the time when they were still in common use, but by the time my parents would trust me to use a computer on my own, they were mostly gone (though I don't think we got a PC without a floppy drive until I was maybe 14).

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Yeah, by the time I was old enough to use computers, CD's were already around, and now it's all digital and flash drives.

  • LaiLai
    edited 2012-11-01 23:01:08

    I vaguely remember finding floppy disc games at a 99 cent store of all places. Early '90s and all that.

    Also recall a floppy game about a wizard or something.

  • LaiLai
    edited 2012-11-01 23:02:50

    *Flashbacks to times where I got OSTs for Star Fox 64 and Banjo-Kazooie from Nintendo Power*

    Man, I was one excited kid when they came in the mail. Think I got my Silver version from them too.

  • BeeBee
    edited 2012-11-02 03:53:37

    So Steam's got the Tomb Raider stuff on -75%, like $10 total for all three on there.  God only knows how, but when I tried the demo I could actually run it at a not just minimally playable, but completely respectable clip.  At decent graphics settings even.  No idea what possessed my laptop to pull that off, but I want it to stay there because I never got around to these games on the PS2 and I'll probably pick them up.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Is the series any good? It's not exactly known for much besides the protagonist's chest.
  • edited 2012-11-02 06:07:20
    if u do convins fashist akwaint hiz faec w pavment neway jus 2 b sur

    Tomb Raider is a classic. Lara Croft is a reason, yes, but far from the only one.

  • ^^^It should, the only game of the three with any thing resembling a high end system requirement is Tomb Raider: Underworld. I also now have more games on my wishlist since I'm trying to work through my backlog. 

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Good to know, but...what's good about it? Serious question; I literally know nothing else about the series.
  • if u do convins fashist akwaint hiz faec w pavment neway jus 2 b sur

    Hmmm, I really have no idea what to tell you.

    Basically, they are action-adventure third-person games with platformer, puzzle and shooter elements. You go to old places and look for artifacts. Indiana Jones-like stuff.

  • edited 2012-11-02 13:24:05

    From what I remember, it pushed the envelope for action platformers.

  • if u do convins fashist akwaint hiz faec w pavment neway jus 2 b sur

    I just had to mention one of the bigger travesties in video game history, related to Tomb Raider.

    The sixth game in the series, Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness.

    The game was basically planned as a major revamp of the series, with a dark, immersive story, a grittier, more urban atmosphere and with added sandbox and point-and-click adventure elements. It had some genuine potential, and would probably be one of the best, if not the best, games in 2003. Unfortunately, Eidos pushed the game to be released several months earlier in order for it to come out at the same time as the second Tomb Raider movie.

    The game was a buggy, unfinished failure, and looked as if somebody released an alpha version. About half of the total planned content was cut, and the rest was an unstable, unpolished bugfest. To make the matter even more ridiculous, Eidos sacked Core Designs, the original developer team which created the series after the game was panned.

    Fuck publishers, seriously.

  • But you never had any to begin with.

    At that point in time, Tomb Raider was going downhill anyway. (See: Chronicles)

  • if u do convins fashist akwaint hiz faec w pavment neway jus 2 b sur

    Still, Angel of Darkness was meant to fix that.

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