If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
All but one of my party members were female at that point in time. Now they're all female >_>
My warrior is actually also female, but for some reason the ogre kept going after the mages T_T
He probably likes the slightly pudgier taste of flesh.
I actually kept Rook around for a good ten levels after I had outleveled him. He was just... too crap by then, though, so I had to replace him. And I was like, fuck it, I like the women's voices better. Although I miss having fire enchantments on my blade.
You can still get fire enchantments. You just have to recruit someone who can do that.
Yeah, but the only (female) Mages I found in about ten minutes who had healing spells only had Ice or Lightning enchantments, and I was sick of searching by then.
I should really get back to playing it, but it's on the PS3, which is in the basement
I just played it because I am bored and my brother was at school.
twelve-ish hours in
Saints Row the Third is pretty much the most fun I've had playing video games in years. I mean I wouldn't say it's the best game, but I've just been having a ridiculously good time with it.
I can say that of SR2. Haven't played 3.
^^Man, we should really do that co-op thing.
come on, i have a jet.
^ this is a good idea but I'm not sure if there's a working mic in my house at the moment
Reminds me how I went out of my way to only recruit female assassins in AC: Brotherhood and Revelations. I was all like "Fuck yeah, lemme sic Ezio's Angels on the bad guys"
And you know the best thing? It would have been totally in character for Ezio to do that.
So, Dark Souls update just 'cause:
This time around, stuff has gone a fair bit smoother. I defeated Smough and Ornstein on my first try, for one thing. It helps that Solaire kept himself alive throughout most of the fight, giving me plenty of room to control the behaviour of both enemy combatants and pick my attacks carefully.
Seath is defeated, since I discovered an exploit that prevented him from hitting me at all. My lightning broadsword was pretty handy here, too.
The Four Kings went down easily. Havel's armour set, a two-handed weapon, Mask of the Child and the grass crest shield meant I was walking through blows and keeping my stamina topped up the entire time.
Currently in the Tomb of the Giants, final bonfire. I got all the way to the entrance to the Nito arena, but turned back to upgrade my divine bastard sword to +10 before tackling Nito, if only because this fight is the apex of a divine weapon's effectiveness. I'll be sticking around for a bit so I can pick up another white titanite slab, some more white titanite chunks and bring my occult claymore to +5.
Then it'll just be a matter of the Lost Izalith, which is child's play compared to the Tomb of the Giants.
As for other stuff, I'm currently sitting on 40 endurance and 40 faith as my main stats, with a Black Knight shield at +5 and a heavily upgraded set of elite knight armour. Currently, the miracles I have equipped are Heal and whatever the basic lightning bolt one is called. Thinking of putting some more points into attunement for the extra spell slots.
What do, IJBM sunbros?
Want to finish Demon's Souls. Can't. Room is under construction. So much anger.
I dunno.
I was playing Dragon's Dogma. I was trying to get to some fortress or another which had been overrun by goblins, only I had no clue how to get there. So, along the way, I was beseiged by various groups of wolves, goblins and harpies, which were dispatched with minimal difficulty. However, as I turned away from the Encampment, I went up a new road- and found myself besieged by bandits, a new group every bend of the road.
I think I killed about forty bandits in all, before I was attacked by two seperate bands of wolves. While hunting the last of the second group of wolves down, I stumbled into another nest of bandits. On low health and most of my pawns on minimal health by this time, I decided that now would be the optimum time to engage them. Surprisingly, we emerged with more health than we started with, a level higher, and alive. We hunted down the one bandit that had fled- who led us straight into yet another bandit nest.
Unfortunately, this nest of bandits was accompanied by a nearby Cyclops. I proceeded to play a game of tag with them, using Blink Step or whatever it's called to rush from bandit to bandit, occasionally engaging an enemy from behind one of the cyclops legs.
There were more than a dozen bandits, and I had to resurrect my mage twice and my main pawn, a Strider, once, but we triumphed, and were left facing a Cyclops. I ended up just jumping up, climbing on its arm and hacking away until it dropped its weapon, then alternating between climbing it and attacking its head, and slashing away at its legs until it was distracted enough for me to climb it again.
I emerged at Level 18 with a bonus 300 Rift Crystal point things, two Rugged Tusks, and on minimal health, with no healing items. I am stuck in the middle of the field, it's about five minutes until night time, the closest encampment is a fifteen minute walk away, and I have no portal stones, having used them to run away from a group of invisible Saurians earlier.
what am i even meant to do .-.
It's also one of the easiest boss fights in the whole game, so it's hardly worth leaving to improve your weapon.
For the record, Faith has a significant effect on Magic Adjustment as high as 50, so you could raise it up to that if you're planning on using Sunlight Blade (and you should be). Also, Wrath of the Gods is good. Heal isn't very useful since you already have like 20 Estus uses and bonfires are so close together that you never really need half that. You probably don't need more than like 16 or 19 Attunement, and even then that would only be if you wanted to stack Wrath of the Gods to piss off people in PVP.
It's not so much leaving due to the difficulty of the boss fight and more due to the tedium of getting to the room just before it. Those skeleton dogs are awful.
As for Sunlight Blade, I find it too short lived with too few uses (one, if I recall?) for it to be that useful. If faith significantly benefits weapon damage all the way to 50, though, then I'll probably keep going with that. My divine bastard sword +10 is currently doing 530 damage, which is nice, but I'm not about to turn down extra damage.
(Also, I don't have a highly upgraded mundane weapon to use Sunlight Blade with.)
I tried the Symbol of Avarice once, and then went "lolnope" and consigned it to the bottomless box. The Silver Serpent ring is just as good for additional souls anyway, but without draining your health or making you look silly.
Also thinking about making some additional characters. Here's what I have in mind:
You can wear both at once for +44% souls. It's convenient to equip both just after killing a boss and then getting a ton of extra souls.
The only real problem is that you'd be wearing kind of shitty armor. Other than that, you have a good selection of weapons and you'll probably have enough vitality that your lack of armor won't hurt that much anyway.
Bosses will go down in seconds, since sorcery is hilariously powerful. Since magic weapons exist, going through the levels won't be particularly challenging either, especially once/if you get the Moonlight Greatsword. Honestly, I think it'd be more fun to try a low-vitality, low-endurance, magic-only playthrough.
Enemies that can't be parried would be really annoying. On the other hand, you could probably justify allowing yourself to use the Dark Wood Grain Ring, so you can just flip through everything. For most enemies, I imagine you'll basically just equp the Hornet Ring and one-shot everything with Rapier backstabs.
This would be a bit harder than the Viking, since katanas and curved swords don't do as much poise damage as axes. Combined with no shield, this means lots of trading hits with Black/Silver Knights... Though, having a spear helps with that somewhat.
This is kinda random, but something I'd really like to see a AAA game do just so I can see what the effects would be: release the physical edition at $60, and the digital edition at $40.
That'd be annoying.
I'd much rather have a physical copy of a game than a digital one.
What happens if you try to run a Steam game that's not fully installed yet?
I see the "play" button becomes available immediately after you start installing it.
^^Why's that?
And more importantly, why would the developers want you to? They make less money on a $60 physical game than on a $40 digital one. So why are physical editions more often incentivized than digital ones?
^It pops up a download progress bar.
It's not as fun to collect digital copies of things, mostly. So there's some extra value in having some physical representation of the game. Not necessarily much extra, but still, it's something.
The thing is, I don't care what the developers want. So naturally, if you're asking my opinion, I'll prefer what's better for me.
Fair enough. But I'm mostly looking at this from a perspective of how it affects the industry.
The developers would probably make more money on the $40 digital one; they wouldn't lose any profit over distribution costs, which is profit that goes to the retail chains and sometimes publishers. A physical game bought from a retail store typically goes mostly towards the profits of the store, with the publisher getting the lion's share of whatever's left over and the developers getting the remainder.
I love having physical copies, too, but buying digitally is probably the best way to support developers. For instance, I think Steam sends something like 5-10% of the purchase price to Valve, with the remaining 90-95% going to the developers and publishers.
The other thing is... if a company makes more money from a $40 digital game than a $60 one, then they make even more money from the $60 digital game. People are already used to paying $60 for new games, so I don't really know if there's much of an incentive to make the digital version significantly cheaper.
Having just brought this up in the Animu/Mango thread concerning One Piece: Pirate Warriors being a digital release only: the existence of physical copies in stores could serve as advertising in itself, thus selling more games, or something. That's what I've read, at least.