If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
I'm down for HM Esseles.
HM Esseles is fine by me~
What time tomorrow, then?
I've got no preference, so whatever works best for you and Alk.
Btw, I was on my smuggler last night, and he's in this guild, and there was a guy on guildchat asking questions about what he could do now that he was 50. Which isn't uncommon at all, so me and at least one other person told him about BH and Ilum and places like that.
What was unexpected was that sometime later, he said "Hey, who is this Yoda impersonator calling himself Oteg?" This, for some reason, annoyed me. I guess there's no logical reason it annoyed me, and maybe it was unreasonable to be annoyed, but it did. Because first of all, how do you answer a question like that? Yoda's part of a species. And second, and I couldn't help but ask this: "How are you level 50 and haven't been to Taral V yet?" So he said that he did the planet story quests and nothing else. That he had only been to the Fleet three times during that entire time, and had only ever done a single non-solo mission.
This is...weird, I guess, but I suppose there's no logical reason for that to irritate me as much as it did.
Still, when he asked a bit later: "So these flashpoint achievements, are they all group missions?" I couldn't hold back any more. I was like "*sigh* Yes, flashpoints are for groups. Seriously, how do you not know this? This is stuff that you learn in the first week unless you're trying really hard to stay ignorant." And even if he was avoiding the Fleet (for some silly reason I can't begin to understand), there are still droids on many of the planets with yellow triangle things over them, and surely this guy realizes that a yellow triangle thing means "Hey, talk to me, I have a mission for you!", and of course the droids are flashpoint couriers with holo messages from Satele or Malgus saying "Hey, we need you for this vital mission, get your ass to the Fleet ASAP!"
But apparently this guy was like "I'm just going to totally ignore that droid and all other mission-givers. And I'm not going to try to learn about any part of the game I'm not playing right now."
I have no idea whether it's understandable for this to bug me as much as it does or whether I'm overreacting.
I can be on at 10/11 tonight my time.
I'd say you are overreacting a bit- the guy was trying to learn about it at that point, after all.
Alk: Sweet. I'll be online at one my time, then.
Which characters will we do it with then??!!
Okay, I'm in. Tomorrow, you say?
So, since Forzare and Kilgore never turned up, we ended up queueing for random Flashpoints.
We... somehow ended up getting into HM Kaon Under Siege for our very first one. That's like, the second hardest Flashpoint.
and I wanted to do HM Esseles to refine my tanking enough to be able to do those ones :<
Oops, sorry Nova. I forgot that your "tomorrow" was my "today" last night. >_> Were you able to finish Kaon at least?
Also, you're probably right about me overreacting. Hopefully I'll demonstrate that to be the exception rather than the rule in the future.
We did not manage to finish Kaon. We got up to the Rakghoul Behemoth, but we did not manage to defeat it in two tries, and the cost of repair fees get kinda exorbitant.
You have my sympathies. The Hard version of the place just frightens me to imagine. Not only do you have rakghouls, but you have (as you said) GIANT rakghouls, you have exploding rakghouls that can take you with them, you have rakghouls with freakin' automatic weapons...*shudders*
(Actually, to be honest I don't much mind the raks with guns. Because I'm used to fighting things that try to shoot me, and at least they're doing that instead of trying to bite and infect me.)
I kind of expected the rakghouls to have slugthrowers. Mass-based projectiles instead of energy-based, just for that primal touch.
Hey Nova, do you want to burn through Coruscant with Phretho and Nedi some time this week? I ended up hitting level 19 with her last night when I cleared out the class quest on Coruscant and going any farther would make it hard to do stuff together.
Sure, I can play in the afternoons or on the weekend. Only at about 4:30 my time or later on weekdays today and tomorrow though, sorry![:( :(](/forums/resources/emoji/frowning.png)
Okay, so, I should spare Alk the trouble of reminding me to write about my headcanon adventures and just... write about them.
The only one I have down pat in my head is the story of the time my Consular met my Agent. Some time after Chapter 2, but before Chapter 3 of the Consular's story. After the war is reignited, but before the situation with the First Son of the Emperor. Absolutely none of which is canon, but I don't think any of it contradicts canon either, so...
Okay, so, the actual event itself. Um, Noximillian was called away from dealing with a situation on Balmorra involving a treasonous Republic commander to go help the Coruscant Aegis deal with an Imperial attack on a Republic transport vessel. She left her companions behind to deal with the mess. When she got there, Nox did the Aegis' usual thing of shooting down like, twenty ships by herself, but then, bam, her ship was hit directly.
The ship careened down and crash-landed on an uninhabited (supposedly) planet nearby. She landed, relatively unharmed, by which I mean she broke her left arm and had a lot of cuts and bruises all over her body. Her ship, unfortunately, was badly damaged during the crash, and was no longer operable.
Up in space, it turned out that the person to shoot her down was Fey- my Agent (who is Tempera in the game, but still Fey in my head
). Anyway, Fey went and did her usual thing of shooting down a bunch of ships, but- in turn- she was shot down by a Hammerhead-class cruiser.
Fey managed a safer landing than Noximillian had, but still sustained a number of minor injuries, which her medical training dealt with handily.
Noximillian was soon found by C2-N2, who had faithfully accompanied the Jedi as a butler droid. C2-N2, distressed at his master's state, dragged her back into the ship, where he set around tending to her wounds.
It soon turned out that the planet was not as uninhabited as previously thought- several large predators stalked the plains they had crashed in.
Fey, with her ship inoperable and her crew out of contact, set out to see if she could find anything to repair her ship with. She soon encountered C2-N2, who was doing the same. He pleaded for help for Noximillian, and Fey agreed, secretly planning to search their downed ship for usable parts later.
They entered into an uneasy truce for a while, and then monsters attacked. Fey fought them off as well as she could, but some of them got too close to C2-N2, and he stepped in, defending Noximillian with his body.
Noximillian woke up soon after, and was distressed by the state of C2-N2 and her ship. Unfortunately, with her broken arm, she was not exactly at the height of her combat capabilities, so she set about repairing C2-N2, and then her ship, using parts salvaged ship from Fey's.
Fey was a bit surprised at the lengths Nox was willing to go just to keep a butler droid alive, but soon came to respect C2-N2's loyalty to Nox and the way Nox respected the droid.
It took a few weeks, but eventually, Nox had the ship somewhat flyable, but it would not hold up to the rigors of hyperspace travel. Luckily, by then, Pheri- my Bounty Hunter- flew in, having been hired by Qyzen to find them and deliver Nox and C2-N2 to him. Fey hitched a ride with the promise of a large sum of credits later, and they were all dropped off on Nar Shadaa.
There, Nox spoke to Fey, and they agreed to keep the truce going. So long as Fey didn't interfere with Republic operations in a manner that could get anyone who was not a soldier injured, and Nox did her absolute best to keep civilians safe, they agreed to a mutual ceasefire, where they would not attack each other, and would tentatively offer each other assistance if they needed it and were not actively opposing each other at the time.
Thus, headcanon over.
As you can probably tell, neither my Consular nor my Agent are particularly close to many of their companions. Noximillian is only particularly close to Qyzen, who has had her back during many occasions and treats her with a lot of respect and attempts to understand her way of thinking as she does him, Nadia, who is her Padawan she has an odd relationship with, and C2-N2, who was programmed to be loyal to her, but goes above and beyond the call of duty when required. My Agent... Well, she kinda likes Toovee Arate...
So, yeah. Giant animal attacks and crash-landings. Great for building up mutual respect between quiet soldiers on opposite sides of a war.
Now that I've sufficiently bored you to tears, time to move on.
oh my GOD
Fuck the Chapter One boss for the Agent.. No, seriously, fuck him. He is easily the cheapest boss I've fought to date.
I am a Level 29 Operative, with decent gear, all skills, and so on. I have fought pretty much every enemy in the game to this point, without any issues. Some fights were close, but I always prevailed.
And then along he comes, and hahaha. Wanna get him below 80% health? Well fuck you, that isn't happening.
He deals over 1500 damage a hit. What the fuck? That's a quarter of my health! And he can cast it twice before my interrupt gets off of cooldown, what the hell?
I'm sorry to ask, but can one of you guys come help me with this fight?![:( :(](/forums/resources/emoji/frowning.png)
Actually, scratch that. Remembered that I joined a guild, asked a guildmate to help me. I got like, no EXP, but I have a better weapon now, so it's all good.
don't mess with toovee
"code word: onomatophobia"
shit just got real
Yes it did.
Nova, you may not give a fuck about spoilers, but some of us do. So kindly keep any info about what happens with Jadus and any other characters to yourself, or use the fucking spoiler tags like everybody else. This is seriously not cool, at all. And I'm seriously pissed off about it right now.
Sorry. Blah blah blah late night stressful time at home blah blah.
Anyway, so I'm finally up to the quest to get to the last boss fight of Chapter 1 for the Sith Warrior. Aaaand... then it turns out that because I'm only Level 27, despite easily having enough raw power to defeat one of the enemies before him and survive for twice the amount of time actually required to defeat said enemy, I can't actually hit the enemy because the enemy is Level 32 and the way the combat works out, something like 75% of my attacks don't actually hit him.
So now I have to go back to Alderaan and grind my way up to Level 28 just so I can land a hit on this one enemy.
^ Yeah, it can suck when you're underleveled for stuff. On my first charcter, i was 29 when I got to the act one boss and that was no fun.
If you don't want to do PVP or space missions, doing each world's bonus series is a good way to keep up. Also, heroic dailies, since thy give really good XP.
You probably already know that but whatevs.
It... if the boss proves to be too tough, I'll probably have to ask either you or Alkthash to come and help me with it, honestly <_<
I will be four levels underleveled, and it is a pain in the ass to go back to planets and grind my way out.
But, it's like... the content is just so boring. I mean, I love the story, but I hate then having to travel halfway across the planet, kill fifteen robots, and travel back, to go up about a fifteenth of a level. It's annoying and ridiculous.
So I go and do all the stuff I actually enjoy, like space missions, and the planetary-spanning quests which have a tendency to have the quest rewards fairly close to the quest location, and that usually keeps me about three to four levels under the recommended level, with enough credits and gear to keep me fairly well geared for my level, and with Nox funding me, my character is functionally equivalent to someone five or so levels higher.
But then, I run up against a brick wall because leveling just can't keep up, and all of a sudden only one in four attacks are actually hitting.
It's just annoying and tedious.
oh my god
So, I defeated the boss's first form easy as once I got to Level 28. I mean, I didn't dip below 80% health once.
Now I'm on his second form, and I'm lucky to get him below 60% health before I die.![:| :|](/forums/resources/emoji/neutral.png)
I have not. They're kind of ridiculously expensive, costing something like 200k per line for a 30% EXP boost in a specialized area.
Also, beat his second form once I remembered Force Choke exists. Now I'm up to his third form. forzare come kill him for me :<
seven times
seven times I've died to this stupid fucking boss's third form
this is ridiculous
i'm not actually having fun any more
Finally beat his third form and now I can't fuckin beat Jaesa. Goddammit.