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Agreed. Specially in our current environment where lotsa creatures get protection from removal fairly often. Not sure if Ravnica's when Wizards is going to get rid of Hexproof but...yeah.
How often are you going to be getting out an 11 drop without some form of mana ramp (AKA green's specialty) or cheatery (elvish piper, quicksilver amulet, yada yada) anyway? Besides, if your only win con is a big creature, you have more troubles than just removal.
Worldspine Wurm's going straight into my Stonebrow EDH.
Probably never. All I'm saying is when you're using those you can pick any fatty you like, and I just don't find this one very exciting.Anyhow, unrelated to giant wurms, I got bored and made a B/R knights deck. Not particularly great, but then, B/R knights is kind of a dodgy archetype anyway.
Why would they?
Maro has said they've got no intention of removing hexproof. They're likely to avoid hexproof guys that are also hard to block, however.
Yes but why wouldn't you go and cheat out something better and stronger which would actually win you the game rather than just a big creature that turns into three smaller creatures?
I mean, the way I see it, if it's between this and Wurmcoil Engine in an EDH deck, I'd go with the Engine all the way. All this guy does is be big and have big spawns. Which I guess is awesome if you're a Timmy who likes to smash (And I am, mind you, which is why I like the card) but it's not really much.
Plus, you hafta remember that EDH games do tend to involve a lot of mana by the end-game even without having to ramp. And sometimes even before that. After all, by the eleventh EDH turn, the game is still just starting. So, yes it is very possible, if not in Standard/Modern.
Yeah but nobody's judging the card as a wincon. Hell, no card on its own is a wincon. Well, very few are, anyway. The question is simply "Why would you use that unless you have a plan for it".
At any rate, the big thing is simply that Green is a colour that is known for hosing removal. Hexproof, pro-instants, pro-blue and so on. And I don't think that paying 11 for a big guy who can't defend himself considering this is really that good. Specially considering that Petrified Wood-kin can easily become a 15/15 if you play your cards right and build around it (Or if you're playing EDH
There's been lots of complaints regarding hexproof. I don't think they would go for a straight "Not gonna use this again ever" like with Affinity or the "Free" mechanic from Urza block, but I think it'll become much less prominent, if what I've heard and seen regarding hexproof's anything to go by.
Oh, and yesterday, it occurred to me that turn 3/4 kill is possile and almost easy in Standard. O-O
Eh, I like the card. I just think it's unfair to say "Dies to removal" is a bad argument simply because Gatherer is a thing full of people who say shit just for the sake of saying shit.
tell me
Well, I guess it didn't occur to me so much as it turned up in a Google search while I was trying to improve one of my decks.
Of course, that's valid in Standard for all of a month. :P
Sudden idea for the Wurm.
would you say it sneaked up on you
. . . Shit, turn 2 win is actually possible with Turbo Infect. It's highly unlikely, but technically possible. Especially outside of Standard, since you can then use Groundswell and Vines of Vastwood.
. . . Anyone up for some games? :DDDDDDD
There are a lot of good criticisms of that wurm, but I don't think "dies to removal" is one of them thanks to its progeny. Unless you Path or Swords it, you'll have to spend at least one other card to get rid of them.
I specifically said exile-based removal before.
The death trigger might as well say "protection from black", honestly.
Wrath of God isn't black. :P
Also, Revenge of the Hunted.
I think I'll be able to play for a while. Though I'll need to build a deck real quickly.
Forgot about Revenge of the Hunted. But, uh, yeah, that works, too. And I'll probably use various decks, so if you have things from multiple nonstandard formats, that's fine.
If you're still up for it, my user name on Cockatrice is Crescent.
Okay. I'm ready to go.
What's your user name?
Oh, right. I'm just Everest there.
Good games, Stormtroper. Any chance I could get the Human deck's decklist? I have a friend who'd probably appreciate it.
Ehh, it's just something I built quickly after watching someone have fun with it. But sure:
2 Hero of Bladehold
2 Increasing Devotion
3 Mayor of Avabruck
4 Champion of the Parish
3 Gavony Township
4 Avacyn's Pilgrim
4 Oblivion Ring
3 Champion of Lambholt
2 Sublime Archangel
4 Cavern of Souls
3 Fiend Hunter
7 Forest
6 Plains
3 Sunpetal Grove
2 Apostle's Blessing
4 Hamlet Captain
4 Gather the Townsfolk
SB: 4 Fresh Meat
SB: 4 Naturalize
SB: 3 Apostle's Blessing
SB: 2 Beast Within
SB: 1 Champion of Lambholt
SB: 1 Increasing Devotion
have i said before the Hero of Bladehold is ridiculously fuckawesome
cuz it is
I... it's beautiful.