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Animu/Mango General



  • edited 2012-07-08 22:15:19


    I like horribly depressing things myself.

    Have you seen Bokurano? I guess it is kind of like Evangelion because of the whole dark mecha with middle schoolers plot, but I think it takes a different enough approach from that series to make it not seem like a copycat. If you can stomach the scary and depressing parts, I feel like it may be a good fit for you or anyone else who is into horror and/or dramatic stuff.

    That being said, I can certainly see how someone might find it overly angsty or lacking in depth so this may be entering into your mileage may vary territory.

  • Bokurano seemed more like Gantz to me than Evangelion or anything else.


    > Basically everything, but I'd like to get the standard superhero stuff and then go from there.

    Is there a particular hero/team you'd like to start out with? Juan, Alk, or me could probably help.

    Also, I've been continuing Oreimo. My favorite dynamic is between Kyosuke and Manami, mainly because they are fine with friendship even after some serious brazen awkwardness. It's also pretty funny that her first reaction to 'finding out' her object of affection has a little sister fetish is to ask if he wants her to call him onii-chan.

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    Oh, right, Manami. Forget what I said about Kuroneko (though I don't care if the writers like her more than Kirino, she's much less aggravating in and of herself), Manami's the best.


    Kirino simply has her tsun side set far too high. There are some cute moments, like when she's singing along to the mahou shoujo theme song but they don't make up for the bullshit.

  • There is love everywhere, I already know

    Who got Vocaloid Cosplay in my Hyouka? But really, Hyouka just keeps getting better...

    Is there a particular hero/team you'd like to start out with?

    Aqualad, I guess? But anything at all would be fine.

  • edited 2012-07-09 00:28:41
    Personally, I think that Aqualad and the rest of the Aqua Clan is kind of dull, which should really be the reverse but it's not.

    That's me, anyway. And this is the wrong thread for this sort of thing.
  • Kirino is great.  Anyone who says otherwise... has different tastes than me I guess.  Manami was forgettable but I guess that's appropriate considering her whole thing is that she's boring. 

  • edited 2012-07-09 01:22:12

    ^^Hurm. Aqualad has been largely forgotten until Young Justice happened. He premiered again in a 52-issue year long event called Brightest Day.

    For some other major characters.

    Batman: Court of Owls is a good jumping on point that started this fall. It's only ten issues long so far and it's still going on.

    Superman: All-star Superman by Grant Morrison. 

    Spider-man: I think the initial Stan Lee run is timeless but I get why some people might have trouble with it so looking up a story called 'Big Time' would be a good jumping on point.

    Also, Everest, why does nobody ever have the reasonable assumption that Kirino is gay/bi? When she's playing one of her eroge she even screams 'That's so hot!'

    ^You and I have different standards of boring.

  • I'm a damn twisted person
    Fourteenwings - why don't we take the comics chatter to the comic rec thread so not to pollute the sacred talk of waifus and mangos and deres tsuning.

    And then watch us toss out a mango rec anyways for shits and giggles.

    >so not to pollute the sacred talk of waifus

    Don't mock my love for Holo, you fool.

  • I'm a damn twisted person
    What about Yuuno?

    Oh jesus god did she see that post someone hide me.

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    Also, Everest, why does nobody ever have the reasonable assumption that Kirino is gay/bi? When she's playing one of her eroge she even screams 'That's so hot!'

    Probably because that would mean there can't be any more jokes about her wanting to have sex with her brother, and we couldn't have that, could we? Or something like that.

  • edited 2012-07-09 10:23:32

    ^You and I have different standards of boring.

    But, I mean, like... that's actually how she's portrayed in the show.  Being completely unremarkable is... her thing, just like how Kirino's thing is that she's a tsundere, and Kuroneko's thing is that she's a tsundere, and Kirino/Kyousuke's dad's thing is that he's a tsundere.

    Also, you can't imply the main female character is gay because that means she can't be some otaku's waifu.

  • You can change. You can.

    silly, that's why writers invented bisexuality (the shit i say to amuse one or two people tops)

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Is there an anime series that prominently features mangos?

  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    What about Yuuno?

    Overrated as fuck. Uryuu Minene is the best character in that work.

  • edited 2012-07-09 17:08:50
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    IJBM: Mio is too damn cute in this picture.

    She's a K-On character!  They're not supposed to look pretty!cute; they're supposed to look derp!cute!

    So every time I see this picture I think it's some other character.

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    they're supposed to look derp!cute!

    Uh . . . no?

  • I'm a damn twisted person
    I'm gonna side with GMH here. K-on's character designs have a certain vacantness to their expressions. In a way, they are silar to the Shetland Pony frOm Hark, a Vagrant!
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I think it might be the lack of noses.

  • edited 2012-07-09 17:14:45

    They have noses though.  Tiny dot noses, but that's really all that's needed.

    Also, Mio's face looks really strange in that picture.  I don't know why though.  Maybe it's because her eyes are drawn in a really shoujo-ish way.  I dunno.

  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    The lack of noses is a worrying trend in anime, for me at least.

  • Lack of noses doesn't bother me.  Tiny shadowy dot things are enough to suggest a nose as far as making a face look like it has depth and contours and whatnot, so I don't think faces look particularly weird when they're drawn like that, and in fact it looks cuter so...  Though I guess I do have to admit that it makes anime character faces look a lot more samey.  If you actually draw noses, then that's an easy thing to vary between different characters to make them look different, and of course if noses are just one tiny dot then you can't really do that.  And especially when you're also only using a handful of different eye and face shapes... yeah.

  • Kichigai birthday!!

    Tiny hands and hamster teeth are key when designing a K-On!

  • Kichigai birthday!!

    That gif is great, and I don't even like K-On!

    Also, 70s > 00s=80s > 60s > 90s

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!




  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    It's not that they don't look cute and whatnot, is that detailed character designs is one of the things I like about the manga/anime media.

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