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So I just used Wikipedia to figure out how to spell my grandmother's name. #2012
Also, now I'm listening to the third movement of Beethoven's "Tempest" Sonata (in D minor, Op. 31 #2).
Avengers Academy #26: Second most misleading cover on a comic I've read. Anyway, this issue has everyone sit down and figure out the new status quo, while more information about the weird stuff going
Avengers Academy #25:...huh. I was expecting all of the story points to get resolved in the same issue the big superhero fight gets resolved in. Always good to mix things up a bit, but it means I was
American Vampire #2: The main story and backup are both better than they were in the first issue, which was already good enough to make me buy the second issue immediately. Enough said.
Avengers Academy #23: This story arc is really interesting. I only partially know who to root for and what's going on, and I'm looking forward to finding more out.
So right, speaking of Secret Avengers, I gave it a shot at the point Remender took over(issue #21.1). And it actually is good. Big like Avenger's stuff should be with a robot/cyborg assimilation plot
The series we'll be watching for anime club #2 is Time of Eve. We're watching the OVA series and not the movie.
Avengers Academy #22: Another good issue, but since I'm not entirely in the know about some Marvel continuity stuff, there was a lot of "wait, what? Magneto's a good guy? Wait, what? There are tw
Avengers Academy #21: A lot happened in that last arc, so this issue's a lot more relaxed. It almost has a "first issue" feel, since it's introducing a new status quo. And then, at the end,
Avengers Academy #20: ...Briggs? Really? Yes, I know I said I wanted him back, but not in that context... That said, this series has been pretty great so far, so I'll give them the benefit of the doub
Captain Marvel #2: Well, that all came out of left field. Don't get me wrong, I'm still enjoying reading it, but...what?
Bloodstrike #29: If ever there was proof that there's no such thing as bad ideas, just terrible writers then it's Bloodstrike, Originally from the 90s, Bloodstrike was one of the horde of horrible cha
Warlord of Mars #20 - The Warlord of Mars comics are all pretty weak if I am honest, and really they're only worth reading if you like really cheesy, pulpy comics or if you're a mega fan of the movie
Avengers Academy #2: Whose bright idea was it to have the most screwed-up superheroes instructing the most screwed-up potential superheroes? Anyway, that little logical gap aside, I'm definitely enjoy
Ms. Marvel #28: ...what? This...apparently takes place after Secret Invasion #3...even though #27 said to read Secret Invasion #1, then Ms. Marvel #28...what kind of fucked up reading order did Marvel
Ms. Marvel #27:...eh. There's a little good stuff here, with Carol being depressed about how she's had anger management issues throughout the series. And...then she randomly sleeps with Wonder Man and
Ms. Marvel #26: So...does Marvel do events that aren't "all the superheroes beat each other up?" This is better than Civil War by orders of magnitude thus far, but it's kinda weird that they
Ms. Marvel #25: Silver age flashbacks, drawn and written in the style of the silver age. That is pretty damn awesome. The universe continues its efforts to screw Carol's personal life up as much as po