If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"

IJBMer Updates



  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Anyways, I got promoted at work!... to a whole other department. I don't have to work Saturdays anymore!

    Unfortunately, there's going to be a lot of travel in my future...
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    I'd congratulate, but I'm not quite sure if that's what you wanted. I take the travel means you driving around?
  • I'd congratulate, but I'm not quite sure if that's what you wanted.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I take the travel means you driving around?


    On the bright side, no more working Saturdays, at least on a regular basis.
  • edited 2023-07-05 03:15:41
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Have been busy lately. Hence why I suddenly posted a backlog of dreams.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    Too many fireworks and barbecues?
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    nah lol
    i did watch fireworks last night but that was it

    i've lately been busy both keeping up with my sudden explosion of social media involvement and trying out new platforms and other software

    like i recently picked up two new web browsers and set them both up

    and it took me a while to figure out how to make Windows 10 recognize something as a browser and let me choose it as my default browser

    (turns out it's actually quite simple: open up cmd.exe and type the full path to the executable and append -setDefaultBrowser (and then press enter of course))

    (it seems to also produce a shortcut on the desktop for some reason)

    i also tried out some other browsers in the course of choosing these two

    also did some gaming and anime watching, though not as much gaming lately, more anime watching
  • I gotta say I welcomed the US independence day as I hadn't taken a day off for quite a while (and also we apparently have the rest of the week off too for some reason). It also means I had (directly or indirectly) two different back-to-back independence days.
  • edited 2023-07-07 07:00:22
    I saw the Mario Bros. movie. It wasn't bad but I kinda expected more given ticket sales, also "I understood that reference" doesn't do anything for me these days, if it ever did.
    OTOH Bowser was very funny.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    A major insurance company is pulling out of Florida.

    Stuff like this ain't good. :(
  • edited 2023-07-12 20:38:59
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Also there's a recent report showing that Florida has had the most people moving into the state...but also the most people moving out of it.

    For what it's worth, even besides the very controversial policies of the current state government, housing affordability is itself a serious problem, at least where I live.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    I guess I'll let you crash on my couch for a few nights if need be. -\_(o_o)_/-
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    what the fuck

    also, it's somehow worse than i imagined it'd be
    GALINDO: Yeah. So what Apple has done in Switzerland is that they applied for a trademark of an apple - so, an image of an apple. And specifically, they're trying to gain rights over a photographic - a really true-to-life depiction of an apple variety that's called the Granny Smith. Now, this is the generic green apple that you can find in the supermarket anywhere. And so they want to own the rights to that particular image in Switzerland, and they applied for that protection to the IP rights office in Switzerland. It's called the IPI. And last fall, the IPI said you can have it, but only for some of the goods that you want it for. So then now what's currently happening is that Apple is appealing that. And so what Apple wants is full protection and not just the limited number of goods that the IPI institute agreed to give it for.
    But what's interesting here is that, beyond Switzerland, there are countries that have granted it protection for this particular apple. Some examples of countries who have given it is Israel, Japan, the European Union, the African Union have given it.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    lrdgck wrote: »
    I guess I'll let you crash on my couch for a few nights if need be. -\_(o_o)_/-

    i will keep this in mind if i find myself stranded in poland
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    There was a protest in the city yesterday about a proposed same-sex marriage law. I walked right past some of the protesters at lunch actually.

    This is the sort of thing where the hype around the law is way bigger than it should be (I'd detail the case but it's dumb) because there's no way it's happening anyways but it still made people mad enough to show up.

    It also made me mad enough to remember why I'm not the biggest fan of Christians (and/or Christianity) in the first place. I earnestly thought "If I have to unleash transgenderism on your children* I will do so because I might as well be selfish".

    *I wanted to link to an article that details this slippery slope but Google is heavily, heavily stacked in favor of same-sex marriage so I'll find one later.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Setting aside the issue that "transgenderism" isn't something that can be "unleash[ed]" (although certain people, likely including the aforementioned protesters, think of the topic this way)...

    Funny thing is that I used to use the slippery slope argument against same-sex marriage. Well, I did that in debate events partly because everyone else was arguing in favor of it and arguing against it gave me a guaranteed speaking slot lol.

    Later though, after actually growing up, I started considering the counterarguments and realized I couldn't make an argument in favor of restricting marriage to heterosexual couples without being circular. Every procreation-based argument I tried needed to address various exception cases. And as for the slippery slope, I thought of polygamy, but I couldn't make a satisfactory argument against it if all the participants were consenting adults, and it's not like custody issues and such are avoided in heterosexual partnerships (quite the opposite, to the chagrin of humanity). And I think I even used bestiality as part of the slippery-slope argument, but that's easily counterargued by the issue of consent.

    And on top of that, even in the absence of all these counterarguments, there's the fact that any changes to the law are considered one by one, with a new discussion happening every time.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I did that in debate events partly because everyone else was arguing in favor of it and arguing against it gave me a guaranteed speaking slot lol.

    Oh I remember.
    And I think I even used bestiality as part of the slippery-slope argument

    Well I did find this when looking for proper slippery slope arguments.

    This article is super modern Christian "well, we aren't saying x, y or z".

    Anyways, most of the time I find that the "The slippery slope was right!" arguments just kind of look at lots of not actually logically linked events, they just claim they were right because they said x in 2005 and actually something not x has happened but it's vaguely similar right?
  • edited 2023-07-15 05:18:10
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    I was going to dig up the toy thread for this but it's a more general marketing thing; I feel like I'm seeing less and less licensed Marvel stuff for children. Whereas Barbie and Disney Princess (and vaguely separately, Frozen) are still heavyweights in the more-girl-weighted section of the licensing aisle*, I'm seeing the boy-weighted aisle have stuff like PJ Masks or Paw Patrol rather than Marvel (though I will say I've seen DC themed toothbrushes a lot for some reason).

    I wonder if Marvel is starting to be seen as more a preteen-to-adult thing rather than appropriate for kids. I don't even know if a kid-focused Marvel cartoon or whatever has even come out in a while.

    Ah wait, I forgot about Spidey and His Amazing Friends, that new CG snow.

    *With Rainbow High slowly catching up and L.O.L. sort of happening and then not. I think in the long-term, if they can figure out how to mass-produce Rainbow High art without depending on Michael Brendan [whatever] all the time or just use the dolls in licensing stuff rather than relying on CG stills from the webtoon* then Rainbow High could become a thing.

    **Misusing this word because it's convenient.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Oh I remember.
    Yeah, I felt like I'd mentioned that before. Though not the bits after it.
  • I finally got a new computer... sort of, it's missing a case, but that's not stopping me from using it.
    Hopefully I can now do a bunch of stuff I previously couldn't, but just by not hanging randomly it's huge progress over my previous ~12 year old machine.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    A newer computer missing a case beats an older one with a case, like, about every time I can think of. Good for you.

    A humster is a hybrid cell line made from a hamster oocyte fertilized with human sperm. This is possible due to the unique promiscuity of a hamster ova, which allows it to fuse with non-hamster sperm.
    The more you know.

    In other news, I had a little talk about travel to the USA today, and now I have a reply to Glenn's old post:

    impression of the US as a child:
    * freeduhm
    * cowboys and Indians
    * they have lockers in schools
    * [outdated term] are so cool and talk jive
    * hamburger as diet staple, awesome
    * Ronald Reagan is a pretty cool guy, eh fights commies and doesnt afraid of anything

    impression of the US as an adult:
    * cowboys actually don't spend all their time gunfighting, also Brokeback Mountain
    * Indians actually don't live in teepees all the time
    * they have shootings in schools
    * you don't call jive talking people that way, also, shootings by cops
    * basically, every other kind of shootings
    * hamburger as diet staple actually not awesome
    * I don't know if Reagan messed up the place or if it always has been (insert astronaut meme)
  • edited 2023-07-17 22:20:33
    Free Kosovo, Palestine is Serbia

    I don't think I had impressions of Poland as a child. The earliest memories I have of it is it being what polonium is named after and being where Marie Curie is from, later it became the anti-commie place, then the anti-Nazi place, then the cryptography place, then (IJBM comes in) the meme place, then the Catholic place, then right-wing populism place.

    As for the US... uhh... I don't think it's changed much, or at least less of a childhood vs. adulhood thing and more of a gradual change in awareness. Though there's definitely the thing with guns everywhere and its associated gun culture.

    Also, I don't think burgers have the "archetypical US food" status over here and are instead just plain normal food. I think pies fit more into that category.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    I remember one time you asked me what people around here think of Venezuela, and I failed to mention the soap operas. Finally, my mistake can be rectified.

    (Although I must admit you guys have to share that stereotype with the Colombians and accept the fact Brazil got the dibs on the colloquial name.)
  • edited 2023-07-20 01:26:02
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I don't think I've heard "jive" in forever except in the sense that something "jives with" something else meaning that they go well together.

    As for the language/way of speaking, I've heard it referred to as "Ebonics" or "AAVE". While I had a hunch this is what kid!you meant, I had to actually look up "jive" to confirm it. Wiktionary does also confirm that the term is often considered derogatory, which is probably why I don't hear it anymore.
  • edited 2023-07-20 08:27:02
    I know about "jive" from Airplane! (I wonder how big the backlash would be if it were released today).
    Anyhows, I got a case!:
    I bought it for $30, I'd say it's cheap but it does have drawbacks, it's super old so it has no front-facing USB ports (though it seems it does have slots for top-facing USB slots), the included fans are tiny and it has bad airflow (I'm not sure how the front intake works). That thing at the top is some kind of controller for fan speed and display for temperature, though I don't know yet how to set it up.
    Other than that, it has an Intel i5 13500, Gigabyte B760 DS3H AC, G.Skill 2x16 GB Ripjaws* V 3200 GH DDR4 and the NVidia GTX 1070 that I already had. It's powered by a 600W BitPhoenix PSU, which won't be enough if I ever get around to using multiple graphics cards, but ehh, that won't be soon, plus it was cheap/new.
    It runs Mountain of Faith on 60 FPS, but more importantly it looks like it'll be useful for 3D and AI work.
    * Can't say I'm fond of the trend of PC parts with angry names.
  • edited 2023-07-20 19:15:29
    "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    Now you can turn it into one of those custom liquid-cooled overclocked beasts that end up in YouTube videos and articles on techy websites.
    Mountain of Faith
    So, that's what passes for memetically everyone's childhood game out there? The biggest names here are Gothic (1 and 2), Heroes of Might and Magic 3, and I think I can add Age of Empires (1 and 2) and Baldur's Gate (also 1 and 2). For a rather arbitrary value of "childhood", but whatevs.
    I had to actually look up "jive" to confirm it
    I know about "jive" from Airplane!
    ...yeah, it's a bit Airplane!, and a bit TVTropes speak.

    As for them talking the talk and stuff, I kind of grew up watching a lot of movies involving a fast-talking streetwise Black guy from the ghetto who acted as if it was a comedy even when it wasn't. You know, the kind Eddie Murphy was the king of in his prime. I don't know if it was some weird fad of American cinema, some kind of type casting that Black fellas only recently got out of, or anything else.
  • edited 2023-07-21 06:59:58
    I was already an adult when I got into Touhou, but yeah. I think my childhood games would be Final Fantasy and Pokémon ones.
    I'm not brave enough for watercooling, I wouldn't be comfortable knowing that stuff that cost me dozens of dollars is close to liquids that could damage it. Liquids may not be as mystical as electricity but fluid mechanics classes taught me I shouldn't underestimate them.
    Edit: Also I've unironically looked into underclocking my stuff.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    Today I failed as a man.

    I had to drill four holes into the wall. I had this drill set, it said "universal", I'm drilling and drilling and hardly a thing comes out of it and it's still not the worst time I had drilling, I'm like, are all the walls in this house load-bearing or whatever, but finally I do it. Then I try to screw in the thing I needed the holes for and it turns out I took my measures wrong. Second take. New places for holes now carefully measured, I take a look at the drill set and there it is on the back of the box, "metal".

    I have a separate set of masonry drills, but these f@#kers said "universal", so I figured they would do. My guess is they meant "universal" as "it will fit your machine". I took the masonry drill to the wall and it went in like into butter.

    Well f@#k me sideways. My grilling license is hereby revoked.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Congrats on the new setup Storm!
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