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Vidya Gaems General



  • edited 2017-06-15 13:29:44

    This looks like it could be my kind of thing if only it weren't a video game with no guarantee of translations in any language I can understand.

    fourteenwings: also does this Tokyo whatever Dolls thing really start with a girl going to a concert and then the second bit has her absorb a magical heart to fight off Vertexes

    fourteenwings: These things are so specific

  • edited 2017-06-15 18:16:13
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    clearly instead she should go to a guest lecture and then fight off vortices
  • On the weekend I saw many people tweeting about the games unveiled at E3. One of the ones people seemed to really like was Sea Of Thieves, so I searched for the trailer. It does look pretty good, although I'm gonna wait for others to buy it and read their reactions before I shell out for it myself:

  • Speaking of Overwatch, I finished my (competitive) placement matches today. I got a 1886 rating. 1500-2000 is Silver League, i.e. second worst so maybe that's not a good rating? Anyhows I expected Competitive Play to be more toxic than regular playing but other than a couple players whining about their teams, people were chill about it. I wonder if now that they won't be placement matches it'll be different.

    Also I should figure out who will be my defense and tank mains.
  • If I ever get into competitive then that's good to know, because I've heard stories of toxicity from other people.

    If it were me I'd go with Bastion and Reinhardt. 
  • edited 2017-06-18 17:31:42
    Yep, things are different now that I'm playing with other Silver League players. All but one game so far has involved at least one player blaming/insulting (an)other player(s) for losing (almost always the Mercy, including that tank who thinks it's a good idea to jump far from our team into the enemy team and expected me to somehow save him), or otherwise are obnoxious. I think I'll keep a log about it

    Anyhows, My rating has been taking a nosedive (1730 now), so I'm guessing placement matches were kind towards me. I gotta figure out how to git gud.

    Bastion and Reinhardt are two of the few heroes I don't like (I don't like having to stay still or being almost exclusively melee). For tanking my favourites are D.Va and Orisa, while for defense my favourites are Junkrat and Widowmaker but I'm clearly not good at either.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    When I first played TF2 I expected I'd mostly enjoy playing Engineer and Spy.

    Instead these days I main Heavy, Medic, and some Pyro and Scout.
  • When I first played TF2 I expected I'd mostly enjoy playing Demoman, Soldier and Sniper.

    I wasn't entirely wrong about the latter two, but I enjoy playing Scout, Medic and Spy moreso.
  • I have not played TF2 in like 9 years but when I did play it I only could play as Scout.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I couldn't play as Scout or Medic until I got a better computer than my old Pentium. Heavy and Pyro require less aiming so they were my first two classes.
  • edited 2017-06-22 06:08:41
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Installing Steam fresh on a computer.

    I thought it took up a lot of space when it took up like 92 MB.

    Apparently now it takes up 443.4 MB. That's just Steam by itself.

    Edit: and the first thing it does is download a 138,300 KB update.
    Edit: and the second thing it does is download a 44,902 KB update.
  • There is something about this I find funny.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    So, on FFVII

    Hojo is planning on saving the last remaining Ancient/Cetra by breeding her for future experiments.

    Then in the next scene, he has her in a tank with a magical beast talking about how they're both endangered species and without his help they could go extinct.

    The hell was he doing? Breeding them? That's some weird shit right there. Hojo is crossing some lines.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Vorpy wrote: »
    So, on FFVII

    Hojo is planning on saving the last remaining Ancient/Cetra by breeding her for future experiments.

    Then in the next scene, he has her in a tank with a magical beast talking about how they're both endangered species and without his help they could go extinct.

    The hell was he doing? Breeding them? That's some weird shit right there. Hojo is crossing some lines.

    typical mad scientist
    heavy on the "mad"
    light on the "scientist"
  • edited 2017-06-22 09:34:14
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    "Steam is like reverse piracy. Instead of not paying for games I play, I pay for games I don't play."

    (source: http://steamcommunity.com/id/blinkdoggie )
  • edited 2017-06-24 06:39:33
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    [for anyone who already read this on HH...this post contains new stuff you haven't read at the end]


    this is a good example of a review that addresses a game in a way that i find very useful, and which leads me to a different conclusion than the review's own rating.

    The reviewer's rating: Not Recommended.

    Conclusion: I might enjoy this, especially at the price point of $0.49. Seems like an arcadey Star Fox type thing that's fun to play but just boring with regards to variety. As long as it doesn't go too long or otherwise become too tedious, I'd probably enjoy it.



    ooh the art style is nice

    better than what i typically see from these sorts of game

    it's not got a full English version yet but I might as well wishlist it and see when it does get a full English version.



    this looks kinda neat.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I spent $3.48 in GOG's summer sale.

    As of right now I plan on spending $1.99 in Steam's summer sale to buy a certain game as a gift. I haven't yet decided if I'm going to buy anything for myself yet. If I don't buy more than $1.49 worth of games for myself (or other gifts), this would actually mean that I'm going to have spent more on GOG's summer sale than Steam's summer sale, for the third or fourth year in a row. (Oddly this hasn't happened in winter sales. Not sure why.)
  • Glonn what is your opinion on Castlevania: Bloodlines.
  • Bovarian Mammarian
    Second best of the traditional Castlevanias, after Super IV.

    I know I am not glonn.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Glonn what is your opinion on Castlevania: Bloodlines.
    It's a nice game. Can't whip with as much flexibility as SCv4 Simon but has a second character with a spear. Michiru Yamane's first Castlevania game, and she did a solid job with it despite the limitations of the Genesis sound hardware.
  • edited 2017-06-24 19:38:18
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    @Earthlight_Ray do you prefer playing as John or Eric?
  • John, because he's more powerful.
  • Bloodlines is the best. <3
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I like how in the third stage (or whichever uses the "Discoloured Wall" theme music) they actually get different stage paths based on their abilities.
  • Bovarian Mammarian
    I think that can happen in a couple of different stages.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Oh I see, it also happens in Stage 5 (Versailles).
  • typical mad scientist
    heavy on the "mad"
    light on the "scientist"
    I just remembered I was supposed to post this:

  • Bovarian Mammarian
    that is a good point
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