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Vidya Gaems General



  • Playstation pad with face button for jumping.
  • I guess I should count myself lucky that I had easy access to a therapist for a good while.

    Re FF2: It's the only Final Fantasy game I dislike. It shows that they tried to experiment a bit too much in early RPG history (non-exp-based growth, serious plot, etc.). Granted, I played the NES version and they fixed many of its issues in later releases (fuck you, item limit).

    Re platforming inputs: Move with arrow pad, jump with action key. Basically like Cave Story.

    Besides that...

    Due to Blizzard's nefarious psychological conditioning I started playing WoW again. They finally did that thing where you can use WoW tokens (which can be bought for gold) to buy battle.net balance, not just WoW game time. You have to be in the game to use it (it's an in-game item) so I had to spend one to get more time, and thus I'm back in Azeroth.

    I bought Starcraft II (all three 'games') and I plan to buy Overwatch as soon as it's on sale. I'll still have money for something else, I'll sell it for real-life money if I can. I guess I should've bought more tokens when I had the chance before they increased in price.

    As for WoW, we managed to save the Nightwell from Gul'dan's treacherous corruption, granted, this was LFR (i.e. braindead difficulty). I want to do it in normal or heroic with my friends/guild, and they need a tank badly, so it'd be nice if I could tank for them, but my schedule probably won't allow for it.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Some pretty interesting stuff here.

    Apparently one of these games is (at least in Korea) reputed to be the inspiration for Falcom's acclaimed Trails in the Sky.

    And I didn't know these folks did Pangya.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Holy SHIT, Mickey Mouse (a.k.a. The Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle) has a lot of levels.

    I played through 20 of them, then I was wondering when the end was.
    25 came and went.
    30 came and went.
    40 came and went.
    I checked online.

    There are 80.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Looks interesting.

    Seems like it's from the same group who ended up doing Tales of Phantasia -- Wolf Team.

    This is apparently one entry in a trilogy.
  • Bovarian Mammarian
    El Viento is a freaking impossible game and if you can beat it I will give you 200 Imipoints.

    I feel like I've said this before.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    What if I use savestates?

    I feel like I've asked this before.
  • Bovarian Mammarian
    Savestates will reduce it to 100 Imipoints, but still.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    ^ looks interesting.  I should watch the whole thing when I have SPAAAAAAACE time.


    I'm slightly disappointed that Terraria is no longer 21 MB in size but more like 150 MB now.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Wait, Overwatch costs US$40 and then has in-game purchases?
  • AFAIK the purchases are cosmetics and vanity stuff, although I've only checked superficially.
  • Anyone remember when $40 for a current video game was considered cheap?
  • Bovarian Mammarian
    I remember buying NES Contra back around 1989 for $40.

    And that was 1989 dollars
  • edited 2017-03-23 23:27:47
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    The great SNES JRPGs were all like $69.99 and 79.99 I think.

  • Bovarian Mammarian
    I bought Secret of Mana for around $70 circa 1994.

    That is the most I ever spent on a video game and the most I ever will.
  • I don't think any game series has been taken apart and had its technical aspects examined in every possible way more than Mario.
  • Bovarian Mammarian
    I'm fairly sure that Super Mario World is the most hacked game of all time.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    in the related videos
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    When faced with a barrier preventing one's entry into a location of interest, it's fun to speculate about shinesparking through the barrier.
  • edited 2017-03-26 21:38:25
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    So this is the cover art for a little JRPG called LiEat.  This character eats lies.

    Someone on the Steam forum tried to argue that this picture is sexualizing.  (No, they weren't the SJW type.  They were the "anime is pedoshit because it sexualizes little girls" type.)

    I think that says more about them, heh.

    (This was the thread but it's since been deleted: http://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/12/135512133550125490/ Its title was "Why do people hate anime so much?" and its contents...you can probably guess why it was deleted.)
  • @Mario 64: I found a better one:

    Alternatively, this:

    There was also that user who was recreating Mario 64 using Blender, but as it tends to happen there hasn't been updates in years.

  • Due to Blizzard's nefarious psychological conditioning I started playing WoW again. They finally did that thing where you can use WoW tokens (which can be bought for gold) to buy battle.net balance, not just WoW game time. You have to be in the game to use it (it's an in-game item) so I had to spend one to get more time, and thus I'm back in Azeroth.

    I started up again in November, for the same reason. Didn't buy Legion just yet (I'm waiting until THAT'S on sale) but it was interesting seeing the various changes from the last several years; I'd stopped before Cataclysm, you see.

    Unfortunately I've been occupied by other games and I've ended up just giving Blizzard approximately $20 Canadian per month for nothing, kind of like people end up doing with gym memberships, I guess. :/ But I've resolved to start playing again.

    A mistake I made when creating my first character was to choose the Earthen Ring server, as that was the one I'd been on in 2008 and before. I didn't realize how unpopulated it would be due to the game losing subs. I ended up making a couple more guys for Dalaran, which had LOTS more people.

    The difference that struck me, though, was that when I was in an instance there was little to no chat in the party. Like, if I asked a question somebody would answer it, but mostly it seemed that everybody was like "Okay, we're just gonna assume that everybody wants to speedrun this and everybody knows what to do with the various bosses, and also if you try to take time to read the quest text we're not gonna wait around for you." Kinda sucked, might be different with guildies I guess.

    Finally, I have been keeping up with what's going on in Legion and I'm happy with the direction they're taking Illidan. I'm still worried that my favourite Stormrage brother might end up turning evil before it's all said and done, or having to make a Heroic Sacrifice so soon after we finally got him back, though.
  • edited 2017-03-28 19:42:25
    Yeah, the speedrunning through instances is one of the biggest changes since Cataclysm. Basically dungeons (and to some extent the rest of the game as well) is much much more focused on AoE than before, which in turn means the default strategy is to pull wave(s) after wave(s) and keep on as long as nobody looks like they're going to die, which won't happen for most of your leveling, and so there's no need to organize targets or crowd control or anything. I remember my first post-WotLK dungeon (Razorfen Downs) I did as an OoM healer because I couldn't sit down and drink (not that they needed me). It gets better at the level cap where mindless pulling is a much riskier strategy and boss mechanics are not something you can ignore in Heroic/Mythic (although of course, Mythic+ is all about speedrunning).

    Another big change was extending the Outlands/Northrend questing philosophy to 1-60 as well, so it's much more streamlined now. I somewhat used to disliked this, unlike 60-80 you're at it for a long while and so the railroading gets tiresome, but eventually the problem solved itself since it's now easier to level than it was in Cata and thus if you keep following the do-quests-in-A-then-the-quest-to-go-to-B-repeat thing you end up outleveling zones, thus encouraging you to go out the way now and then and explore.

    But the biggest change easily is the class homogenization. All DPS can do more or less the same things any other DPS can, same goes for tanks and healers, and so it really cheapens one's decision in class choice or party setup, there's no longer a "I'm a mage so I'm good at AoE" or "our group has lots of CC" or "I'm an elemental shaman so unlike most casters I'm not terrible at healing" and in many ways it feels artificial, that conveniently all the really important character-making decisions were already taken at Blizzard's offices rather than by the player.

    On the plus side this means the game is much more balanced now, and although this is hard to "confirm" since dungeon/raid setups are now in practice spec-based rather than class-based they're easier to design and thus you get more, more interesting mechanics since developers don't have to worry about e.g. whether a party has at least three people who interrupt. Also many of the small differences between classes that don't matter much in PvE are actually really important in PvP (such as the fact that WW/MW monks are really good at moving around). Also one might consider this a good thing (I wouldn't) but specs are much more different now: non-tanks are hopeless at tanking, non-healers are hopeless at healing, and non-DPS... well, tanks aren't that much worse dealing damage, but still.

    Also, it's really hard to pull aggro from a tank (without taunting) even if you try to do it on purpose, so except when pulling ads, for the most part it's no longer an important game mechanic.


    Anyhows, unfortunately I haven't been playing much lately because university, and haven't been able to do anything of import with my friends due to schedule issues.
  • Ah, that video's the greatest. :D

    The various changes give me mixed feelings. I did Shadowfang Keep yesterday and despite only doing it twice before and still not knowing what to expect from the end boss, the run went pretty smoothly. But it was almost TOO easy, and I do sort of miss the whole "Okay, there are three guys up there, so I'll sap this one, then you sheep that one, and then we'll all aggro the last one" stuff at low levels.

    Since Sylvanas is dancing around up there, btw, she and a lot of Forsaken NPCs are making me feel that by rolling a Horde character I chose the side of the "bad guys", which bugs me since I haven't thought of the Horde as evil in 15-16 years, since Warcraft III. I also made my Alliance toon a worgen, which means I played through a starting questline where I saw Gilneas get attacked by Forsaken for no reason. And then me and another NPC spied on a conversation between Sylvanas and a representative of Garrosh's where she assured him that she wouldn't use the plague on the Gilneans, and then after he left she told her subordinate "Well, of COURSE we're gonna use the plague on them. I don't give a shit if it's a war crime or not."

    I currently have a quest to round up human slaves, "beat them into submission", and then take them to another place where they're gonna be forced into backbreaking labour on behalf of the Forsaken. I'm not particularly looking forward to that.

    But Dave Kosak wrote some great quests for Cata (I'm assuming it was him, at least). I particularly enjoyed this one:

  • Bovarian Mammarian

    raocow is playing MegaMari which makes me think of Earthlight Cream.

    because, you know, Marisa + Mega Man.
  • I approve wholeheartedly. I did a blind playthrough of Rosenkreuzstilette on stream the other week, which is similar. I liked it a lot. Perhaps I should have posted it here.
  • Bovarian Mammarian
    I wish I could've seen that stream.
  • I'm sorry. ;_;
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