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Vidya Gaems General



  • The IRCs want you(r soul): irc.esper.net, #ijbm
    This just in -
    [3:08 PM] Doctacosa|Work: Plot twist - the guy that made AM2R is now working as a level designer on the next Ori!

  • Bovarian Mammarian
    I read that he had learned a lot of programming stuff from AM2R and was actually looking into working professionally on games. So, good for him.
  • edited 2017-08-08 14:59:59
    I've begun playing Forge, the Magic: the Gathering engine again, particularly the Quest mode where you collect cards, play against harder foes, get money, etc. with mostly random-generated (except opponents' decks) and user-customizable stuff, so it has a lot of replayability. I really like it's a bit like Civilization in that one might get stuck playing without anything to show for it at the end. Also since I've been out of touch with MtG, finding out about new stuff in-game is kind of cool.

    I sometimes wonder what kind of games would be good to "campaignfy" like that, like how Gran Turismo does for racing games.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    A certain Contra III (SNES) boss -- specifically the giant one that comes in from the background -- I just learned its name tonight.

    Originally, I got its name from some friends who played the game. Either they were messing with me or I had misheard them, but I took its name to be "Beavinson Butthead". (Turned out they were likely referring to the cartoon called "Beavis and Butthead".)

    Turns out its official English name is Robo-Corpse.

    Its original Japanese name? "Grand Prix Robot Big Fuzz", according to http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/DubNameChange/ForeignToEnglish .
  • I think enough time has passed for me to post this without coming as too gushy:

  • Bovarian Mammarian
    A certain Contra III (SNES) boss -- specifically the giant one that comes in from the background -- I just learned its name tonight.

    Originally, I got its name from some friends who played the game. Either they were messing with me or I had misheard them, but I took its name to be "Beavinson Butthead". (Turned out they were likely referring to the cartoon called "Beavis and Butthead".)

    Turns out its official English name is Robo-Corpse.

    Its original Japanese name? "Grand Prix Robot Big Fuzz", according to http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/DubNameChange/ForeignToEnglish .

    Have you played Contra III? Great game, tough as nails
  • edited 2017-08-16 02:05:35
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    A certain Contra III (SNES) boss -- specifically the giant one that comes in from the background -- I just learned its name tonight.

    Originally, I got its name from some friends who played the game. Either they were messing with me or I had misheard them, but I took its name to be "Beavinson Butthead". (Turned out they were likely referring to the cartoon called "Beavis and Butthead".)

    Turns out its official English name is Robo-Corpse.

    Its original Japanese name? "Grand Prix Robot Big Fuzz", according to http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/DubNameChange/ForeignToEnglish .

    Have you played Contra III? Great game, tough as nails

    I have and nowhere near well enough to beat it.

    Oh, also, the name is apparently just "Big Fuzz".

    In case anyone didn't know who Big Fuzz is:

    this is Big Fuzz.

    I get the Big part but not the Fuzz part.

    Once you've seen that, enjoy this fanart: https://modusprodukt.deviantart.com/art/Contra-3-HD-111188032
  • I managed to beat it on Normal with no Konami code (for some reason I had forgotten it existed despite all the memes).

    Good times.
  • Bovarian Mammarian
    Konami code doesn't work in that game.

    I can't even beat it on Easy. I suck ha ha ha
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Apparently it only works on the Japanese version?
  • Bovarian Mammarian
    There are cheats in the Japanese version but none of them use the actual Konami Code.
  • edited 2017-08-20 07:36:10
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    AM2R felt like it was missing some of the feel of the original Metroid 2, and among the reasons are:
    * "better" music -- i.e. music that sounds smoother rather than sounding really "empty" or creepy or otherwise more evocative
    * the final boss of M2 is way harder. I have just tried several times to go through the final gauntlet and failed each time. AM2R's final boss was a cakewalk compared to this.
  • Bovarian Mammarian
    While I love AM2R, I have to admit that it lacks some of the "creepy" factor of the original. The original feels like an empty desolate planet almost all the time, whereas AM2R only gets that feel occasionally.

    I don't get the final boss of M2 being harder, though. There's only one phase. Bring plenty of missiles and there you go.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    While I love AM2R, I have to admit that it lacks some of the "creepy" factor of the original. The original feels like an empty desolate planet almost all the time, whereas AM2R only gets that feel occasionally.

    I don't get the final boss of M2 being harder, though. There's only one phase. Bring plenty of missiles and there you go.

    I kept on bringing plenty of missiles and it still creamed me!
  • Bovarian Mammarian
    well then, let us not forget Cranky Kong's advice.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    i still haven't figured out how to lure it so i can bomb it in its stomach but i managed to do that a few times and i finally won
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    OH! I kept on dodging. That was the problem. She's hitstunnable.

    That said, it still does take like 140 missiles to kill her, if you don't use bombs.
  • Bovarian Mammarian
    hitstun is the key.

  • Finally, a Fate-themed Meguca.
  • edited 2017-08-28 17:06:58
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I once complained that Steam had no Final Fantasy, no Mega Man, and no Castlevania.

    Now it has all three (the last one on a bit of a technicality, albeit), plus Tales, Ys, Legend of Heroes, Atelier, and soon...Secret of Mana.

    I'm not actually a huge fan of Secret of Mana (though it is a decent game, just sorta boringly grindy if you're playing it single-player), but honestly I never expected it to get an English PC version, just a few years ago.

    What's next? Tactics Ogre? Langrisser? TearRing Saga? Shining? Summon Night?
  • Bovarian Mammarian
    My sister and I loved playing Secret of Mana back in the day. It was like a 2-player Zelda.

    I agree it's not as much fun with only one player, though.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I'd maybe actually care about Steam if they got Shining Resonance translated.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I actually started netplaying Secret of Mana with UE and another friend some years back. We never finished though.

    But yeah it's a lot more fun with a friend.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    http://www.hellblade.com/the-independent-aaa-proposition/ just ran across this. may be interesting to some of you
  • Wait, this one is better:

  • edited 2017-08-30 15:51:01
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    ^^ I don't like DiveKick, but the video made me a little interested in Fantasy Strike, as a person who has basically never played fighting games before and doesn't like learning movesets.

    (I generally prefer to master positioning and movement over movesets.)
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Attn: Bluesy Cowgirl

    Metroid series commentary

  • Bovarian Mammarian
    eh? somebody ranting about bombing walls for 20 minutes? I think I'll pass
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