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GMH plays Pokémon Perfect Crystal: the Quest for the Full Pokédex
I remember trying to train a Zubat, but getting annoyed that after a while it hadn't learn a decent attack move.
By having exactly the team i specified.
I have a Zubat and an Ekans. Which one should I raise first?
Also, my Sentret evolved into
Fawriel!a Furret.ACQUIRED: Furret
Kinfa unfortunate, but this creates the interesting task of making good use of the earlier forms.
Attack 30
Defense 29
Sp. Attack 23
Sp. Defense 26
Speed 33
Caught a glimpse of a Growlithe.
It roars me away.
This keeps happening.
Ugh, decisions....
Meantime, Zubat is now Level 12 and has just learned Bite, which means it's no longer reliant on the really cruddy Leech Life move to deal damage.
Catching that H took me forever. It wasted like four Poké Balls, one of them even after my Gastly put it to sleep.
Oh, so yeah, I belatedly remembered that I had a Gastly with Hypnosis and should have sent that out against the Growlithe, rather than wasting two Poké Balls and one Fast Ball on it. So now I'm basically heading back there. It's only there in the daytime I think. But in the meantime I took a detour and realized that my Zubat, with Leech Life and Bite, is now great for hunting Unown.
I screwed up another C encounter by Leech Life'ing it only for it to run away, then I finally remembered to switch my Gastly to be sent out first.
The second C encounter this time took me an entire Gastly level up to get to it.
Mean Look. Switch to Zubat. Leech Life. I forgot to do Hypnosis, so switch back to Gastly. Hypnosis.
Second chamber of the Ruins of Alph entered. I haven't encountered anything there yet. I think I will need a truckload of pokéballs for that.
Game saved at the place where I first encountered a Growlithe. Gonna do that later.
Hoppip is trying to learn Stun Spore, but it already knows:
Flash (why did I teach it this move already???)
hmm...as sparkly cool as synthesis is, it's not really going to be all that useful...
But wait, there's more!
So both poisonpowder AND stun spore are kinda useless to help catch stuff.
Hoppip does get Sleep Powder later.
I think I'll go with the utility of having Poisonpowder right now. At least it works with Synthesis in case I need to do a stalling tactic to defeat a tough opponent. Bye bye Stun Spore.
Ilex forest is up next! (It's a shame it's dark, or else I'd have preferred to wander around here in the morning.)
And I wonder who should learn Cut.
Rattata evolves into Raticate at level 20...and also learns Focus Energy before it does that. There goes Tail Whip...though this was a close one since I'm really not sure which one's more useful.
Funny thing: Rattata learns Focus Energy at level 20, then evolves into Raticate, then learns Scary Face.
Now I need to come up with a new team. I'm swapping out Raticate, probably for Ekans or Spinarak, because they both have Poison Sting, which can work great on...this forest of bugs that are extremely underleveled compared to me, actually.
Also need a pokémon that knows Cut. Kinda want to teach it to Totodile. Or maybe switch in Bellsprout or Oddish for my current Hoppip and then put Cut on that.
Petal Dance
Sleep Powder
Razor Leaf
Sleep Powder
Haze and Screech don't really go together so I think I can replace either one with Strength, which is the only HM Ekans/Arbok can learn.
Putting Cut on Victreebel makes me choose between that and another pretty decent move. On the other hand, while Moonlight is healing, it's relatively useless for me given what I'm trying to do, so I can more safely put Cut on Vileplume.
In other words, this means I'm picking Oddish to replace Hoppip right now.
Now I still need to decide between Ekans and Spinarak.
Ariados's eventual moveset...well I've gotten this far:
Poison Sting
Night Shade
Leech Life
Fury Swipes
Then I'm not sure what to dump to get Spider Web. And whether to pick up Agility. And what to dump for Psychic. The list above gives it four attacks -- poison, ghost, bug, and normal. The two STAB moves, however, are horribly weak, so one of them should probably be dumped, probably Poison Sting. But Fury Swipes isn't that great either...
Reasons it's okay I'm not playing Pokémon; Defog being an HM, ever.
Flash has always been an HM.
First gen's HMs: Cut, Fly, Surf, Strength, Flash.
Second gen's HMs: Cut, Fly, Surf, Strength, Flash, Whirlpool, Waterfall.
Anyway I think I'm going to go with Oddish and Spinarak. Wanna get Spinarak out of the way now. Also, Cut gives Oddish a pretty powerful workhorse attack move early on.
Holy crap I'll have like four poison types on my team. Oddish, Spinarak, Gastly, and Zubat.
I kinda like the term "workhorse attack". Basically meaning that one attack that your mon keeps turning to just to get things done. I dunno if anyone else has coined this term, though I wouldn't be surprised if someone else did.
Then again in gen 1 it had a weird relationship with Bug, where both Bug and Poison were super-effective against each other...just that Bug type moves rarely came up because they amounted to Leech Life (which was easily accessible only on a non-bug pokémon, Zubat -- yes, that confused little me for the longest time), Twinneedle (only accessible if you trained Beedrill), and Pin Missile (only accessible if you got a Jolteon, for some reason), so the Bug-on-Poison thing rarely showed up. Though incidentally it could be exploited if you got a Zubat, since it resists Poison defensively but has a Bug move.
Paras/Parasect also has Leech Life but then presumably everyone ignored it because of its 4x weakness to both Fire and Flying.
Wow, Picnicker Gina's Bulbasaur has pretty good special defense. And it turns out that Dark type in gen 2 is all special.
SEEN: Snubbull. Oh hey, look, it's another pokémon that flees. Also has some weird moves -- Charm and Scary Look.
SEEN: Abra. Another fleer. Time to put Gastly in the front of my lineup.
Hey Pokéfan Brandon, don't make your kid dress up in a silly pikachu costume unless they want to.
ACQUIRED: Snubbull
Apparently, Abra can use Teleport even if it has been Mean Look'd.
Edit: That was because my Gastly switched out, ending Mean Look's effect.
This is a problem, though, because my Gastly's Lick with OHKO the Abra. I guess I need to hit it with Hypnosis.
Come to think of it, I should have thought of this earlier.
Gastly vs. Abra: Mean Look, Spite Spite Spite Spite Spite, run it out of Teleport. used one (-1), -4, -4, -5, -4, -2...too bad, you can't escape now!
Oh damnit, now I have to deal with it using Struggle.
Red HP! Fast Ball! Captured!
Time to reorganize these.
Abra - 3 stage level
Jigglypuff - 2 stage stone
Snubbull - 2 stage level
Ditto - completed