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  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Time to start digging for ancient magical artifacts.

  • Oh, one thing just for the record, all that is being justified based on that violence during the protests.

    And Capriles just cancelled the march. He said he'd been told there'd be infiltrators looking to cause violence

  • ...my nan finally kicked it today.

    My sympathies, mate. I hope it was peaceful and painless.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    [New Mexico] state Rep. Moe Maestas says he's "interested," too."

    I read that as "Moë Maestas".


  • Man, now Maduro and his cronies have pretty much said they'd fuck up governors and deputees who say there should be a full audit, as well as the one National Electoral Council rector (the only non-chavist one) who said as much.

    Pot banging time! Man, these things give me hope.

  • edited 2013-04-16 20:44:05
    A Mind You Do NOT Want To Read

    Who else here thinks Venezuela's politicians are officially outclassing Serbia's in terms of craziness?

    Also, thanks again everyone. *hugs back*

  • You can change. You can.

    Juan help.

    It depends. Do your relatives on the US have citizenship? Cuz if so, you are pretty much golden. Otherwise, yeah, I'd recommend applying for a visa out of the country ASAP if you want to move to the US/Canada.

    You can also try Colombia or Brazil if you feel like taking a bus ride but that's even more risky.

    There's the matter of the money too. >_>

    You could argue for political asylum in Canada's case too, I think. Considering the situation, it is likely you'd get it, too. (Not sure how likely, admittedly)

  • I'm a damn twisted person
    Fuschlatz - my condolences for your lose

    Stormtrooper -yeesh, were the politicians in Venezuela always this crazy or did the post Chavez environment just bring out the worst in them?

  • Do your relatives on the US have citizenship?

    An aunt's married to a natural citizen, so I assume she is (funnily enough, she hates me because she thinks I'm a chavist, because my mother used to be). I also have another aunt and two cousins who've lived there for, like, 15 years.

    You can also try Colombia

    I've actually been considering that a lot. It's like Venezuela, but... better...

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    How much opposition is there to Maduro?

  • You can change. You can.

    I'd say that preferably you should check on the US connection first. Then try Colombia. I'm not sure how great things are there these days, but well, I liked living there for the most part and Uribe is no longer president so that can only be good, right?

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    > that can only be good, right?

    > tempting fate


  • You can change. You can.

    Nah, it can only be good. No (non-rhetorical) questions asked. Trust me on that one.

  • Stormtrooper -yeesh, were the politicians in Venezuela always this crazy or did the post Chavez environment just bring out the worst in them?

    They didn't need to be totalitarian thugs before. Chávez' charisma would win the voters with a large margin (most non-presidential elections were much closer and I guess not so fraudulent), both sides would believe it and accept it, and then he'd work things around to make his suckups climb positions, and that's how he lasted for so long. This reminds me of a quote:

    "The continuation of authority in a single individual often has been the end of democratic governments. Repeated elections are essential to popular systems, because nothing is as dangerous as leaving a single citizen in power for a long time. The people become used to obeying him, and he becomes used to governing them; whence usurpation and tyrany originate. A fair zeal is the guarantee of the republican liberty, and our citizens must fear with excess justice that the same magistrate, that has governed them for a long time, governs them perpetually." ~ [Simón Bolívar]

    So basically, it took Chávez' death and the Capriles vs. Maduro debacle for electoral fraud to be taken seriously and to show that at the very least half the country isn't pleased with them, so now a load of people are up in arms and they have to take drastic measures. Maybe the lack of leadership they had before and the impending crisis has to do with it.

    How much opposition is there to Maduro?

    Half the country (more when you count government advantages), two fifths of the National Assembly, three regional governments (out of 23, counting Capriles') and a bunch of municipal governments here and there that don't matter all that much.

    Uribe is no longer president so that can only be good, right?

    Hah, that's funny, we don't like him because he'd sever relationships with us every other week. What do you over there dislike him for?

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    we don't like him because he'd sever relationships with us every other week.

    what did he do during the off-weeks then?

  • edited 2013-04-16 22:42:28
    You can change. You can.

    He kinda sorta maybe wiretapped the supreme court's phones*

    And there's the whole "Operation Phoenix" thing that almost caused an international crisis (With the Colombian government bombing an Ecuatorian forest to get some guerrilla lieutenant)

    and he was pretty much a believer in trickle down economics and cut funding for education and health because he believed the civil war was kind of a priority.

    To be honest, the thing is, at the beginning of his period his extremism was, as much as I loathe to admit it, kind of necessary. I mean there was a point when kids couldn't be able to go to school because they were kidnapped and recruited to fight for the guerrilla and they pretty much owned the amazon forest and most of the western and south area. But you know how it is with war dogs. They can't do peace. They know war too well. And once the war became incredibly one-sided as it is today...yeaaaah.

    * : totally did, but the court never found him guilty. Just the head of the intelligence department.

  • Oh yeah, also discount those who voted for Maduro only because Chávez told them to. Also, I think Capriles' temporary replacement as governor is also an oppositor, I'm not sure, at the very least officialists didn't mind sieging his place. Also, the only remaining decidedly oppository (virulently so) TV station remaining just got new owners, we'll see how that goes, and if they don't go along with the government, chances are they'll go the RCTV way next year. Most newspapers are oppository, though.

    ^^ oh u

    ^ Ahh. I remember hearing lots of horror stories about guerrilla kidnappings and raids and stuff here close to the border as a kid, and ended up assuming they stopped doing that because they didn't want to step on their bro Chávez' toes.

    Ahh, I remember how he supported the same FARC that kidnapped his citizens. Fuck that shit.

  • edited 2013-04-16 23:09:55

    lolz Maduro is the gift that keeps on giving.

    Capriles: Your messages have to be to generate peace for the country. We've seen threats to radicalize. Can I ask if you'll radicalize desolation, blackouts, the scarcity problem, the inflation problem?


    Maduro: We'll get to the gist of it. I'll take radical measures this Monday. I ask support from the whole people. Radicals. I don't know how long... we'll get to the gist of it and end infiltrators, bureaucrats and the corrupts in the national electrical system and I'll decree the electrical system as a state security service. Strict, with military discipline. Inner. No more joking around. My life goes there.

    I'm laughing now but I'll be pissed off next time we have a blackout.

    (Should I make a thread for this?)

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    That just sounds awful, honestly.

    I should check in with Daltar to see if she's alright.

  • (Laugh so as to not cry?)

    Yeh, you're probably right, I might've become too cynical.

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    Well no, I understand that coping method (I think, anyway), I'm just trying to express sympathy without coming across as teh condescending whyte firstworlder, is all.

  • A Mind You Do NOT Want To Read

    ...how much of an idiot am I for formerly thinking that Daltar and Stormtroper were the same person?

  • Probably about as much of an idiot I am for taking at least a year to realise it was Stormtroper, not trooper.

  • a little muffled

    Took me a long time to notice that too.

  • I want to know how daltar's doing, too. If you talk to her, please tell her Maracaibo's pot banging is quite loud.

    ^^, ^ Everybody does that.

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    I didn't!

    in fact I did not even know you were Venezuelan until you began discussing this.

    also I will tell her that but what is a Maracaibo.

  • You can change. You can.

    Where she lives, I guess?

  • edited 2013-04-16 23:52:44

    A Maracaibo is a second largest city in Venezuela and capital city of the Zulia state, known for being where I live.

    Though I guess the electricity thing confirms a fear I had. Chávez had a knack for making the common chavist think their problems came from enemies they didn't see, and that they had to fight it and not reason with it. Maduro is that common chavist.

    Edit: Also, a video I post whenever Maracaibo comes up even though nobody else can get it:


  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    holy shit this video is incredible

  • You can change. You can.


    my whole life

    it was all just a lead-in to this moment

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