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Post internet comments that made you facepalm here.



  • The thing is that I'm so sick of seeing those DAMN comments everywhere on completely irrelevant videos and constantly top-rated.
  • No rainbow star
    ^ Way to get a top comment:

    [CURRENT POP STAR] sucks/can't play music/is a hack/would explode if (s)he heard real music. Thumbs up if you agree!
    Here, There, Everywhere
    Tweenage Youtube posters are the bane of mankind.

    On an unrelated note, is there or isn't there an embargo on this thread for FSTDT...?
  • edited 2011-12-29 17:47:43
    I am Dr. Ned who is totally not Dr. Zed in disguise.
    kill chickens today so funny wacthing them run around with no head lol now cooking one on the fire love it !

    Not facepalm, but all my hate.


    Wow man fuk u tarzan.ya jingle bunny humped yer wifes arse n noo shes got a hole like pavaroties belxh aha be hone with you ya hoe bag

    Bizarre racism.
  • This conversation appeared in the comment section of a Judge Judy episode involving a woman suing her mother, with the mother laughing and explicitly saying that she doesn't care for her daughter and that they have no relationship to speak of. A commentator said that no matter how horrible she is, she's still the plaintiff's mother and the plaintiff is wrong to be suing her. Someone rightly responded:

    "NOT TRUE. Her giving birth to her doesn't mean shit. Anybody can give
    birth to a child that doesn't automatically make them a mother. It's
    what you do for your child that makes you a MOTHER. She obviously did

    But then some other dipshit came along and said:

    "That would explain why all adopted kids go and look for their real moms. Because the giving birth part doesn't count.


    Keep dreaming."

    The person who made the previous response said that this wasn't true, because not all adopted children seek out their biological parents. The other idiot replied:

    "Very few that don't. And they are freaks."

  • Silence is golden.

    Next list anyone? To be honest, I haven't done much recently. I've retired from the main wiki again, so the forum will likely be the main place you'll see me at. I had a hard time coming up with this list. This actually took me about a month, with fifteen minutes of work each weekday, and one hour each weekend, mostly on deciding placement. So my latest work. Movie games usually equal bad games. Games starring a pink puffball usually equal good games. So why am I saying that? No reason. Uh, moving on, the Top FIFTEEN Females In Gaming. I did just say that. The sections are: Personality, Importance to the Game, Looks, Voice (If voiced at all), Strength, and Theme (If they have one). Let's begin, mkay? PBP is lifted, but one-per-franchise is not.


    To start this list, we have the only non-humanoid on this list...Amaterasu, from Okami. Can't go by looks, because Ammy's a freaking wolf goddess. She really doesn't have too much of a personality, besides her bravery. Not really sure if Ammy's even a she. Japan says yes, Europe says yes, America says Ammy's genderless, and I don't know about Australia. But Ammy's on here for two reasons. One, her themes are beautiful, especially The Sun Rises, and two, I LOVE HER VICTORY HOWL!


    Another Ammy sort!? Yes. This time, it's Amy Rose. She is...kind of humanoid, I guess. She's bipedal, has hands and feet where they should be, but that's about it. Moving on, Amy Rose's upbeat personality rocks, and I really enjoy how she feels towards Sonic. You never know what she'll do to embarrass him next. But she loses points for not having a theme. And her voice is ANNOYING AS HELL!


    Since she's a silent protag, Matodsuki from Yume Nikki doesn't have much of a personality. She also doesn't have much of a theme. But she is STRONG AS ALL HECK (mainly in willpower). I've barely played Yume Nikki (I've played about five minutes, and I'm planning on playing more when I get the time), so I don't know much...but what I do know is that since there are so many foes to fight, you'll be busy. And the nightmares she has are very creative. And odd. I certainly would not want to meet her in a dark alley. Or a brightly lit room. F*CK YOU JOHN HENSON.


    I SO wanted to put Lara Croft on here. But since I don't want a court case, I changed it to another Square Enix character I like. Celes, from FFVI. I haven't played the game in years, so this'll be a little shaky. Celes is probably the most lovable character in the series, famous for its emos. She's a former general turned traitor for who knows what reason. Celes is outgoing, sweet to Locke, and her theme is simply excellent. You also get the feel for her when she tr-



    I give up. Lara Croft takes the spot. I have never played Tomb Raider, so I know almost nothing about her. But she gets on this list for really starting GIRL POWER in games like this, and is a good start to female protagonists. I'm actually not so sure whether or not to find this a good thing...


    I SO wanted to put a character from Persona 3 or 4 on this list. But I just couldn't decide who, with all their insane plots. There's so much in these games, I could not decide who. So screw Persona, but we'll stay on the subject of Japanese games. From the Japan-only Daigassou! Band Brothers, we have Barbara the Bat. I have it, but since it's in Japanese, I have no clue what they're saying. I got it from a buddy of mine who has a summer home in Kyoto. Anyway, Barbara is on this list for a similar reason as Lara. She brought the females to the music games. Too bad it was Japan-only. WHY DO THEY HAVE TO BE JAPAN-ONLY YOU LAZY MOTHERFU-


    I'm pretty sure I'm wrong, but games are SUPPOSED to be about entertainment, not annoyance. So the repetitive speaking of this chick is what sets her back. Yes, it's Samus Aran. Maybe the first female protagonist in gaming, Samus' gender was first revealed to players who took out the original Mother Brain. Surprisingly, her looks haven't exactly progressed too much in my opinion. And she's very annoying. Let's not forget her famed chat about the baby in Metroid Prime 3. But she's really on here because she set the tome for female heroes. And what I consider to be her theme, Metroid Charge, is absolutely awesome.


    I found a good selection from the Persona series. Chie from Persona 4, which I got for Christmas, is my choice. I'm pretty sure I'll regret this choice. Oh well. Moving on, Chie's a brainiac who loves cheering her friends on and encouraging. She's also strong in battle. I also believe she may be one of the few who doesn't shout PERSONA before each stinking move. But she's a bit low for one, not really having a theme, and two, the lack of an interesting backstory. Interesting backstories are synonymous with the Persona series. 


    I don't know what made me put Sylvia from No More Heroes up here. Whatever. Her changing personality from HOLY SH*T IS SHE CRANKY to really seductive and back is plain hilarious. While she doesn't have a theme, she DOES have a great voice. I seem to smile whenever she opens her mouth. Who knows what her accent truly is, but I would say it's Ukrainian. I believe Suda51 also said that. Jeez, take some hints, you impotent dipsh*ts.

    6 & 5.

    Mai Shiranui vs. Chun Li...Fatal Fury vs. Street Fighter...Upper Body vs. Lower Body...so many more. These two are both awesome fighters with great themes and personalities, and are equally hot to boot. But who's the better one? That, my friends, I couldn't decide on. Mai Shiranui and Chun Li are tied for the fifth spot. How bout you tell me your opinion on who's better?


    Touhou has, like, no males in its cast. That's seriously what made this selection so difficult. My choices were eventually narrowed between the Scarlet sisters, Remilia and Flandre. I didn't know who would be better for awhile, but I decided on Remilia. Claiming to be a descendant of Dracula, Remilia's an epic character. The Mistress of Fate, this harbinger personality appears to be arrogant and sort of childish at the same time, her looks...I can't seem to describe without innuendo, which I HATE, and let's not forget her theme. It's debated over whether it's officially called Septette for the Dead Princess or Septette for the Dead Queen. So I came up with my own name for it. Septette for the DEAD ROYAL B*TCH.


    The Mario series has three princesses, Peach, Daisy, and Rosalina. But you likely already knew that. They all have their own voice actresses, personalities, themes, and looks. But who's better? In my opinion, it's the Cosmic Princess, Rosalina. She's one of the more outgoing characters, and her appearance is a mix between Peach and Sailor Moon. Never thought I'd say that. Wait, Sailor MOON...jeez, never even noticed that. Moving on, the track I consider as her theme, the Comet Observatory music, is simply beautiful. And I love her catchphrase. May the stars shine down on you...I could listen to her say that all day. But what puts her at number 3? I don't particularly think the Intergalactic Queen should have a Southern accent, which she acquired in Mario Kart 7 when Kerri Kane became her voice actress. Do you agree?


    To Love-Ru is a series with fantastic characters. Lala's the comedic one, but she seems to have too MUCH a personality, which really kills her. Celine's a freaking baby, so while I enjoy her, she really doesn't have a personality. So for this, I picked Golden Darkness. What an epic name that is. While Golden Darkness, nicknamed Yami, is likely Rito's age of seventeen, she has the appearance of an immature nine-year-old, and wears the same black dress every day. The emotionless Yami has so many weapons in her disposal. She can form huge blades FROM HER HAIR. But she usually forms fists instead. Still, pick your poison. She had been sent to assassinate Rito, but decided against that. She now roams the streets with books in one hand and taiyake in the other. While Yami's aware of her duty, she doesn't think she'll ever carry it out. But she DOES have the tendency to remind Rito that due to his positively extroverted personality, his "method of execution will be quick and painless."


    Did you really think this character would NOT be on? Marle from Chrono Trigger is a character I enjoy. She's outgoing, and is a great tech user, with her ice and healing moves. In fact, I believe the double tech Ice Sword II, which involves her and Crono, is the most powerful in the game. Marle, or Leene, Princess Guardia XXXII likes to keep her royalty hidden. And what a relationship this cutie has to Crono! There's even a marriage photo in CTDS! I'm not going any further due to spoilers, but I'm pretty sure I've made my point. I'm Tylor (yeah, that's my real name), and I think Ice Sword II is...

    *dons sunglasses*

    ...An EPOCH move.


  • probably human
    ...My head hurts now.
  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    I have never wanted to punch someone over the internet more than now.


    Who made it?
  • probably human
    We aren't supposed to name names.
  • You can change. You can.
    We are not?
  • You can name names as long as you don't go confronting that person, same holds true in reverse.
  • edited 2012-12-08 09:27:07
    Silence is golden.

    I'll just assume Nerd Culture is people who think wearing glasses and watching big bang theory is nerdy. Without actually knowing what being called a nerd actually required you to do.

    I remember back in the day nerd was an insult because you actually had to be passionate about something "nerdy" Now its just "lol I played Call of Duty I'm such a nerd xD"

    [Being a NERD means] be passionate about a hobby that seen as "nerdy" and have to deal with the bullshit that goes with it, but you still dealt with it because you loved it. I don't say I once went through detroit and call myself a gangster.

    It just bugs me that I had to go through so much bullshit my whole life for my hobby, be labeled a nerd and worse, and then everyone is doing it so casually and call themselves nerds like its some fucking badge of honor.

    I just dislike the term being used so flippantly. Its like a super tamer and G rated N Word feeling.


  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    That's pretty dumb.

    On the other hand, hipsters.
  • BeeBee
    edited 2012-12-08 16:50:22

    Yeah, I gotta say my disdain of hipsters overrides my disdain of that guy.

    It's close though.

  • Don't agree with his point, but it's understandable. A lot of my friends got picked on for being huge fans of Star Wars, Star Trek, Blizzard games and LOTR and they get shit on for even mentioning them, but now being nerdy is apparently "in". I can see why some people would get pissed.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I forgot this thread existed, lol.  I was confused by most of the 58 new posts.

  • edited 2012-12-09 00:51:02
    Definitely not gay.

     Marle from Chrono Trigger 

    great tech user

  • There is love everywhere, I already know

    college costs an incredible fortune and people all over the world struggle to even attend college.

    this is especially true for Asian Americans who face open and systematic discrimination at most top institutions (like for example Harvard and MIT) to get admitted. Asians are soft "capped" because the nasty Liberals think "too many" Asians are bad for the student body and for the school's fundraising. Asians are required to have higher board scores and even kids with perfect grades and boards are turned away for "more deserving" black, latino, jewish, gay and plain white kids with lower scores but "more social" impact

    then once they're admitted they get less financial aid because more than other ethnic groups administrators assume Asian kids with both parents will simply work harder to pay their way, compared to more other kids who "need it more"

    wow, i've been so enlightened and i'm sure every word of this is true

  • Definitely not gay.

    Somebody's been taking his racial profiles from 9gag...

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