If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"

Hey, everybody! I've been banned! :D



  • AHR - No, that's a fair point. But I'd probably have some idea of who might be a regular poster on the site and who might just be a troll, and as Anne says, doing the research wouldn't take long. And, at least when I was there, Anne posted in a lot of threads in Yackfest. She was hard to miss if you went there at all.
  • edited 2011-10-23 11:44:57
    While Signed was kinda creepy, his avatar had the girl Wriggle Nightbug from Touhou in it, who controls (She is a bug) bugs so she wasn't actually being molested by them...

    Not that this excuses his actions (though I never got to see him at his worst)
  • edited 2011-10-23 11:49:02
    I stand on Grendel's shoulders
    He doesn't hang out in Yack Fest, though, that's the problem. These days I hang out mainly in Yack Fest, Forum Games, the Writer's Block and World Builders forums, and occasionally the Media forums, since I can no longer stomach the rest of the site.

    I did go into OTC recently though.

    I came out with an empty six pack and a headache.

    ^ Regardless, it's a naked little girl being caressed and just barely covered by slugs. There have been many good, innocent and wonderful pictures painted of naked children, such as Madonna of the Yarnwinder, but this is not one of them.
  • I'd like in on this PM.
  • Nothing gets done if you never report things. Hence, the OTC complaints with that one thread.
  • I remember reporting Guy Fawkes as Dracosketch. The mods didn't do anything until she started supporting SA again.
  • Radd: Why would they do something? Draco left of her own free will.
  • At the risk of putting words in his mouth, I suspect FE regards Yackfest as "those crazy kids and their wacky conversations, arf, arf." If he wants to do social conversation, he posts in the Cobbies' thread in Old Folks' Home, frequently after a drink or two. He can be pretty funny when he wants to be.
  • You can change. You can.
    Nothing gets done if you never report things. Hence, the OTC complaints with that one thread.

    OK, now, where do you get the idea that things are not reported? Because there's a reason Myr's ability to holler was taken out, yannow.
    edited 2011-10-23 11:59:14
    JC: Own personal experience in the media section (which Signed hung out in a lot). Since it's less moderated, you can get away with more stuff, and people are less likely to report things.

    I'm not saying no one reports things, but sometimes I get the feeling people don't report as much as they should.
  • You can change. You can.
    Yeah, but you singled out OTC, where people have had constant and massive complaints and where many of the regulars have displayed both extremism and general dickery.

    and yet, it takes months to ban them, at least.
    edited 2011-10-23 12:04:27
    JC: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?discussion=13167892970A85980100&page=1

    Haven't you seen that thread?

    It's what I was referring to when I mentioned OTC.
  • You can change. You can.
    Yeah, I have. Still believe that things are not as simple as clicking a yellow button and hope the almighty mods come from above and solve your problems. 

    Hell, even the threads where the mods are regulars themselves tend to be full of forgiven shit. All for the sake of listening to all opinions. 

    So, whatever, I know it's not the site I like anymore, so I won't visit it and I'll share my view on it if it's relevant, but I don't see the point in charging all out as Noimporta and InsanityAddict have pointed out just now.
  • They don't magically solve problems.

    They enforce rules. You might disagree or agree with the rules, but they still enforce them.

    I think there is a difference.
  • Likes cheesecake unironically.
    That reminds me of the time when Altimeter/Altoid/Belial made the "faggot" thread. Among his many faults, FE is way too impulsive.

    That being said, you are getting way too worked up over this and TV Tropes in general. TV Tropes is just a little timekiller, nothing more. It would be better if people would understand this. When one gets banned from there, one should just shrug and move on not making whining about it.

    And yes, I'm aware that I made that mistake, taking TV Tropes too serious, myself. I regret my participation in the Troper Tales thread, which in any event was nothing more than a huge waste of time.
  • You can change. You can.
    Well, yeah, the problem is the rules, which are enforced and written by the administration, and which can be rewritten. 

    Not to mention that said rules are clearly ambiguous at best, and are basically "If the mods like you, you stay. If the mods don't like you, goodbye, luv"
  • I really wish I could have seen this past forum drama.

    What was the last TT thread about?
  • You can change. You can.
    Where we deleted TT' for good. 

    Not like it matters, the damage was done.
    edited 2011-10-23 12:15:32
    JC: It's human bias, and it shows up in all places. School, websites, I don't think it's a fault, so much as a fact of life. An unfortunate one, but one that will always exist. And I think TVT does an OK job on it, all things considered.

    I mean, I treat people differently depending on whether I like them or not. Doesn't everyone to some degree?
  • To be honest, I was being too extreme last night. It is just a small site, nothing more. 

    Hypothetically, if people were to start some big argument, I would participate, but it isn't nearly as big a deal as I treated it last night. 
  • No rainbow star
    SA apparently is also reading this thread

    Hi SA! :D!
  • If SA is reading this, then I'm going to stop posting in it except when REALLY needed.
  • I stand on Grendel's shoulders
    I am really really tempted to post a particular image that makes me sad. :(
  • I stand on Grendel's shoulders
    In other news, this story is absolutely beautiful.

    Oh Build Your Own Boat you crazy, wonderful man. :D
  • Likes cheesecake unironically.
    So, whatever, I know it's not the site I like anymore, so I won't visit

    Isn't it like that since a long time ago? And yet you stayed, because of some other people. If you staying at a site you dislike just because there are some people you like there, then it's a sign that you feel way too much affection for people on the internet. It's really better that you get away from this.

    Would actually be a good IJBM topic. "People who act as if internet relationships are the same thing as relationships in real life"
  • You can change. You can.
    When it comes to an administration, it should try to avoid that. TvT doesn't even try. 

    What TvT should do is create a simple rulebook and enforce it. That's all there is to it. Just write the things that shouldn't be done, and if someone does those things, then google bounce/forum ban/edit ban them. It's not hard or impossible.

    But when you go with a rule as ambiguous as "Don't be a dick", then you have people staying because of bias, which means that idiots and trolls stay for a long long while.

    Hell, how long did it take for Signed, Deuxhero or whatever the fuck, and so on to get kicked out of site when they have been confirmed to hold views that the site supposedly does not want even mentioned in paper?

    That's all I ask, I guess. A site that doesn't allow this shit to happen instead of forgiving it for the sake of supposed openness to all opinions. 

    I know I won't get that out of TvT so it bothers me far more that people come to expect that out of it at this point. We've argued endlessly with Eddie about things, and he just won't budge. That's his site and he runs his site however he wants. Now it's all just a matter of weighing the pros and the cons. And I'd say the cons are winning this one by far too much. 
  • edited 2011-10-23 12:26:34
    I stand on Grendel's shoulders
    The guys in the SA thread are right. All that can be done now is to sit on the sidelines and watch.

    I really do wish that TVT didn't have to be a shitstorm of oh god what the fuck is wrong with these people, though.
  • You can change. You can.
    Isn't it like that since a long time ago? And yet you stayed, because of some other people. If you staying at a site you dislike just because there are some people you like there, then it's a sign that you feel way too much affection for people on the internet.

    Nah, I just can't play Magic with many people accessible outside of TvT. Only Noimporta comes to mind. And some of the IJBMers, I suppose

    non-playing EDH faggets, all of them. >:|

    With that said, I don't think there's anything wrong with appreciating someone's friendship online. They are people and you enjoy talking to them. That's all there is to friendship at its core. Of course, there are some obvious things you lose along the way, but they are things that people appreciate in different lights, like physical touch and the ability to hang out. 

    to me, they're good and I love them, but they're not what matters when it comes to a friendship
  • edited 2011-10-23 12:36:28
    Diet NEET
    Meh, most of the "oh god what the fuck is wrong with these people" come here after their bans anyway, but most of the time with the common sense to not voice their soapboxes or fetishes out loud 24/7.
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