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I miss IJBM2's early days
I miss Komodin's hate-boner for Vorpy, I miss Karlz Balena and Inkblot repeatedly mentioning how IJBM2 was going to die a slow, painful death, I miss Kino... well, being Kino, I miss me, Icalasari, randomtropeloser and Vorpy making a bunch of wonderthreads when everyone else was asleep and generally being stupid but in a fun way, I miss when Vivi was still known as Saturn and Vorpy was still known as Tnophelia (and wasn't banned), I miss when there was only one mod and one admin, and I miss being one of the first three users here (or first five, or something like that).
And now all I have are memories. Memories, and old threads. ;_;
i don't want to go to modelland
don't make me gooooooo
No wait, I don't.
I miss not going on IJBM2 because Vanilla and my browser had agreed to disagree.
^ I thought I knew that name from somewhere. Mysteriously, he didn't have any complaints about Team Fortress 2, or not enough to stop playing it.
Emphasis in boner.^Emlahasis on Emphasis!
Do I win!?Thanks. Thanks a lot
And their gender was set as female.
In other words, I miss when Nyar was being a German.