If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
Images you know you'll never use. (Now NSFW)
^^ Yeah, sorry about that, it wasn't really you as much. I don't actually remember what was in DYRE's post that you responded to anyway, but it was more that you were like "What the fuck are you doing" when he was just explaining something, as far as I could tell (or remember, at this point). Although you seem to dislike moe enough that I might have assumed you thought that way had you not said so.
But since we've started talking about Japanese affairs, I found some pics:
hotlinking to funnyjunk doesn't work gaiz
@ All Nines:
I think moe shows certainly have a tendency to pander, although that's probably an element of anime as a whole. The difference between something like K-On! and the real examples the pic maker chose, I guess, is the demographic each kind of woman is pandering to. Even heterosexual women basing their presentation on what they think appeals to a male partner, entirely, is a bizarre elseworld kind of thing. Both men and women, in reality, base their presentation on a desire to appeal to various different groups for various different reasons.
The most obvious one is whoever they're sexually attracted to as a wider demographic, but that's not the beginning nor the end of it. People use their appearance as a means of placing themselves in the world, how they perceive themselves and their presentational style probably being the most important single factor. Your average heterosexual person is looking to appeal on at least three different levels, too:
So the desire to look attractive extends beyond the search for a partner, or the desire to keep a partner. It's about presenting oneself favourably to a number of different groups, and certainly more than the three mentioned above -- depending on the presentational style. A business suit is visual code for a certain kind of social placement, and you can see the same basic concept reflected in personal possessions like vehicles, living spaces, equipment and more.
Obviously, how people present themselves and the reasons they do so is extremely complex and highly subject to social context. I will say, however, that the image above is silly and compares two extremes. It's not my place (nor anyone's) to judge women as a whole, but I think we can all agree that there's some common "girl stuff" that's pretty dumb and some common "anime girl stuff" that's just as bad or worse.
Maybe NSFW? I dunno, it's words
Sorry Alex, but
Computers are not made of blood your image is bad and you should feel bad
^^If I were going to cut my monitor in half, I would definitely stuff some ketchup packs or something into it for added effect.
> dyre doesn't store emergency blood transfusion packs in his monitor
And while I'm on a theme:
^ That last picture somehow got me to wonder if you and Moony ever met.
I chuckled. Well done.
@ Alex's response to me:
>this trhead ITT
jajajajaj oh dog :DDDDD fugin asburger :DDDDDDD
pigture relateds X-DDD its u :DDD beeng assburger
epin le happy duk 5/5 :DDDDD best mene wit gread salami tasde:D
God I love shitposting like this
What show is those armor guys from?
e: nsfw maybe?
I honestly have no idea. The picture was on /tg/ one day and I snapped it up.
It's High School DxD.
I'm trying to figure out why the knight cut his computer in half with what appears to be a katana instead of a European sword.
This is why, Bee.