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Religious apologists and antitheists insulting one another



  • edited 2011-06-30 18:38:49
    You can change. You can.
    @Leader: I don't know much about it either. as for the AGNOSTIC COP OUT. I'm also atheist.

    ^Lack of proof is not evidence.

  • edited 2011-06-30 18:43:56
    I'm sorry, but i gotta disagree. Both sides are at fault there, not just
    antitheism. Both because most religious people dismiss what atheist and
    antitheists have to say and atheist dismiss what religious people have
    to say. Even when the subject is not about religion.

    I actually agree you on that so I guess I was unclear earlier. I apologize if I made it seem like religious people are always right since that was definitely not my point.

    Unity is not worth the damage that religion inflicts upon society.

    I think that looking at the conversation from here onward might give some more background for my perspective here.

    As for the original point, I think that the chances that you will be able to get rid of religion (or that anyone will) are incredibly slim. That is why I think that unity is better. I believe that it is not only more practical, but that through making an honest attempt to understand each person's perspective we can cut down on the damage that other things like petty grudges, hate, and religiously-fueled violence do to society. I feel like it is a lot more pragmatic to try to tackle those issues together rather than apart.

    I might have some bias here though since I may not have seen the kind of negative stuff from theists that others may have.
  • $80+ per session
    The absense of evidence is not the evidence of absense.
  • @Vivi: It is when you claim that your God has carried out specific actions. Lack of any evidence for your claims makes for a very solid argument against you. Burden of proof is on the people who claim their god exists, not the other way around. 
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Seriously. I have not yet found ONE religion that's even remotely
    plausible or has even the slightest shred of actual evidence to back it


    That's your fucking problem right there.

    People don't need to prove something exists to believe in it. That's why it's called believing. It doesn't fucking matter if it's fake or not, whether or not that it can proven to exist or right, or that it has been proven that it doesn't exist. As long as you tell yourself it's real, none of that shit matters. Call it insanity, stupidity or naivete if you wish. That shouldn't matter to you because YOU are not the one doing it and what they think and believe has absolfuckinglutely no effect on you.
    This whole "Your God doesn't have proof that he exists, therefore your religion is invalid" bullshit gets tedious and annoying because of the fact that it's the core beliefs are what matters, and most people need the "God part" so that they either are intimidated into not doing bad, or feel right in helping others in need. There is nothing wrong with that.

    Rather than attacking the "God isn't real" part (which hasn't worked for over 200 years or more), or trying to disestablish something that you should just leave by itself, how about you try to disestablish the arguments and actions of the less-than-reasonable insane/crazy/stupid people who are also religious?

    Hell, the world would be a better place without insane bigoted fuckfaces anyway, it doesn't matter if they wave the flags of god in your face or not, or they wave the flags of indifference in your face either.

    I like religion as a set of core values. It has worked for me that far, and even when we scour every fiber of existence and find out there is no God, I will still refuse to murder or steal from another person and respect their privacy. Not because it's illegal, but because I have no right over another person's life or any right over possessions they own, and when you respect another person, and they respect you, then very few problems are had. This can be accomplished easily amongst others with the same set of values, which is why sharing your belief system with others helps people understand how to convey this respectful environment. No, this is not the same thing as the Crusades, Televangelism or Forcing Religion on other people because if you don't believe in the same thing, you can just ignore it. People will not badger you to agree with their religion in this system.

    But of course since God doesn't exist I am a retard for treating others with respect because my religion dictated it, right? Oh woe is me. Well maybe things will be better in Heave- oh wait, my heaven is a lie you say? Well I guess I should live my life with much vigor and happi- Wait, I can't do that either? looks like I will have to sulk in morbidity and rot in the dirt. My bad.

    Deal with the fact that people think God exists. The unexistence or death of God should generally be something the people themselves must come to terms with, and not by the sharp bile-tainted tongues of wannabe Satanic LaVeyan dipshits, Nietzsche cocksuckers, and anti-theist pricks. Hell, even their family members are better people for this kind of thing.
  • You can change. You can.
    ^ You know, if there wasn't so much bile in there, I'd completely agree with you. If you'll excuse me, though, I have to run away before you knife me with your words.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Sorry, it is the only way I can convey a point because I am a retard, you know?
  • edited 2011-06-30 18:57:11

    Believing in God doesn't just affect you, it affects everyone around you because you end up basing all your actions on irrational belief in something that isn't there. 

    Because eventually your belief in these things is going to end up at odds with how the world really works and then you're going fuck up. You're going to fuck up and hurt the people around you all because you had the fucking gall to delude yourself into thinking taking orders from your imaginary friend was a good idea. 

    It fucking matters, because it fucking hurts. 

  • $80+ per session
    Religious fags.
  • edited 2011-06-30 18:57:38
    You can change. You can.
    ^^^ ...

    All I have to say to that is.

  • edited 2011-06-30 18:58:53
    Fargle: If you're going to accuse me of strawmanning, then don't strawman yourself.

    And your statement is analogous to the idea that all black people are crooks because.................all black people are crooks.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭

    don't need to prove something exists to believe in it. That's why it's
    called believing. It doesn't matter if it's fake or not, whether
    or not that it can proven to exist or right, or that it has been proven
    that it doesn't exist. As long as you tell yourself it's real, none of
    that shit matters. Call it insanity, stupidity or naivete if you wish.
    That shouldn't matter to you because YOU are not the one doing it and
    what they think and believe has absollutely no effect on you.
    whole "Your God doesn't have proof that he exists, therefore your
    religion is invalid" attitude gets tedious and annoying because of the
    fact that it's the core beliefs are what matters, and most people need
    the "God part" so that they either are intimidated into not doing bad,
    or feel right in helping others in need. There is nothing wrong with

    Rather than attacking the "God isn't real" part (which
    hasn't worked for over 200 years or more), or trying to disestablish
    something that you should just leave by itself, how about you focus on trying to change the attitudes and mindsets of the less sane people who use religion as a crutch to stir chaos?

    world would be a better place without these people anyway, and their religious preference shouldn't define whether or not you decide to address them on their wrongdoings, since many Anti-theists are just as capable of the same attitude.

    I like
    religion as a set of core values. It has worked for me that far, and
    even when we scour every fiber of existence and find out there is no
    God, I will still refuse to murder or steal from another person and
    respect their privacy. Not because it's illegal, but because I have no
    right over another person's life or any right over possessions they own,
    and when you respect another person, and they respect you, then very
    few problems are had. This can be accomplished easily amongst others
    with the same set of values, which is why sharing your belief system
    with others helps people understand how to convey this respectful
    environment. No, this is not the same thing as the Crusades,
    Televangelism or Forcing Religion on other people because if you don't
    believe in the same thing, you can just ignore it. People will not
    badger you to agree with their religion in this system.

    Deal with
    the fact that people think God exists. The nonexistence or death of God
    should generally be something the people themselves must come to terms
    with, and not by those who dislike religion or religious people. Even their family members are better people for this kind of thing.
  • @Chagen: Again, you need to learn the difference between Biology and Philosophy. 
  • edited 2011-06-30 19:02:33
    "It has worked for me that far, and even when we scour every fiber of
    existence and find out there is no God, I will still refuse to murder or
    steal from another person and respect their privacy. Not because it's
    illegal, but because I have no right over another person's life or any
    right over possessions they own, and when you respect another person,
    and they respect you, then very few problems are had. This can be
    accomplished easily amongst others with the same set of values, which is
    why sharing your belief system with others helps people understand how
    to convey this respectful environment."

    The thing is, the things you're describing have nothing intrinsically to do with your religion.

    also, >implying right and wrong
  • edited 2011-06-30 19:04:14
    You can change. You can.
    Believing in God doesn't just affect you, it affects everyone around you because you end up basing all your actions on irrational belief in something that isn't there. 

    No, you're basing your actions in the moral code written by some men's interpretation of the universe and the metaphysics behind it. Whether they were "enlightened men of yore" or "rabid lunatics from the past" is up for debate. 

    Because eventually your belief in these things is going to end up at odds with how the world really works and then you're going fuck up. You're going to fuck up and hurt the people around you all because you had the fucking gall to delude yourself into thinking taking orders from your imaginary friend was a good idea. 

    I have yet to meet a religious person whose belief system is somehow at odds with how the world works and has their life fucked up completely beyond repair. And I have yet to hear a case of such a thing. Because, here's the deal, they don't let their religion be the be-all end-all of their actions. That's what morality and ratonality are there for, and no sane human skips them. Not religious ones. Not atheist ones. Not agnostic ones. 

    ^But it is intrinsical to her religion as her religion taught her that. 
  • edited 2011-06-30 19:10:29
    Yes, but if they're not intrinsic to religion, then you could easily have them without religion, making religion kind of superfluous to being a good person.

    Besides, why shouldn't religion be the be-all end-all of your actions? If an omnipotent, omniscient being says you should be doing something or doing things in a certain way or face judgement, I'd think doing exactly what he says should be pretty high up, as far as priorities go. The highest, even, to the exclusion of all else.

    But really, I'm just bitter that I couldn't get into the religion thing while it was still fresh, and Scientology already has the one big segment of the market I might have had a real change with.
  • $80+ per session
    My grandma is very religious, Fargle. Jehovah's Witness. She is also a very smart woman who works for the government and makes over $100,000 a year. Did religion fuck up her life, or the life of her children, or their children?
  • I am Dr. Ned who is totally not Dr. Zed in disguise.
    I have yet to meet a religious person whose belief system is somehow at odds with how the world works 

    Do you remember when the Pope said that condoms had holes in that helped spread AIDS?
    Not to mention creationism.
  • @Juan_Carlos: I never said it would fuck your life up beyond repair. I just said you would fuck up and people would get hurt. I consider it the responsibility of good sapient beings to avoid fucking up wherever possible. Choosing to believe is to consciously choose to fuck up. Therefore it must be eliminated. 

  • edited 2011-06-30 19:16:55
    You can change. You can.
    But I haven't met the Pope. :P

    As for creationism, by now, most religious people (Including priests) simply go with "God helped mankind evolve"

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Fargle. I'm going to ask you one, and only one, question.

    Why does anything exist?
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Believing in God doesn't just affect you, it affects everyone
    around you because you end up basing all your actions on irrational
    belief in something that isn't there. 

    Nice try, straw baler. That is assuming that everyone who believes in God bases their actions on something you didn't even specify and is very ambiguous. Ambiguous arguments are nice, aren't they? They can be interpreted as anything you wish and can refute any points they make later, but in general it's just sentence filler.

    eventually your belief in these things is going to end up at odds with
    how the world really works and then you're going fuck up. You're going
    to fuck up and hurt the people around you all because you had the
    fucking gall to delude yourself into thinking taking orders from your
    imaginary friend was a good idea. 
    Oh my, this is a very dumb argument which is alluding to some more ambiguous actions. I didn't think people would crash and burn just because they thought Santa Claus was real and found out he wasn't. Does this mean children should STOP behaving themselves once they figure out there is nothing stopping them from getting rewards on Christmas and behaving themselves, or should they become aware of the fact that being respectful and not misbehaving on that month will lead to your parents who buy you presents to get what you want? Most likely the latter.

    Aside from the egregrious amount of overdramatic ramblings, I can safely say you are very fixated on the "bad religious" people and have a huge amount of seething hatred for them for these Crusader-like "IM A GOD WARRIOR" delusions you are having. Yes people like that exist. They would be like that regardless if religion was in their lives or not. Crazy people will be crazy, you know. If it's not God, then it's the local drug dealer's Weed Ghost, or the Probe Sattelite, or Cthulhu or Voldemort or any other being that they can throw themselves upon as an idol or god. You seem to be more of a anti-theist to be a dick to those who believe in God rather than...whatever the fuck Anti-theism is REALLY about since I only know what it's supposed to be about due to the Internet filth and no really reasonable people to talk to about it.

    It fucking matters, because it fucking hurts.
    So does anal sex.
  • edited 2011-06-30 19:13:03
    When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    @ Fargle: No, you're just restating the same thing. 


    @Vorpy: Wouldn't that be "Fucking it matters, because fucking it hurts."? 
  • I can has respons to argments?

    @INUH: Why does there need to be a reason?
  • I am Dr. Ned who is totally not Dr. Zed in disguise.

    Haha, you know what I mean.
    Well you say that, but there is still a strong creationist base in America though.
  • You can change. You can.
    Why does anything exist?

    Because I mastrbated that one day. Sorry.
  • edited 2011-06-30 19:18:15
    @Vorpy: You want to know what my Anti-Theism is REALLY about? It's about making sure trying to make sure that no-one else ever gets hurt the way I did. 

    Also, I never said people would crash and burn because they stopped believing. I said that their lives would be improved by it. 

    @INUH: You assume there's a reason behind existence? Why?
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    @Vorpy: Wouldn't that be "Fucking it matters, because fucking it hurts."?

    Not on my end. :<
  • edited 2011-06-30 19:18:09
    You can change. You can.
    Because it probably got ignored because it was the bottom of the page, I'm going to repost this here:

    Again, I've yet to meet people who've fucked up and hurt other people simply because they were religious. Well, all those crusades and stupidity the church has done, but let's face it, are they really religion's fault and not a human mistake that was instigated by humans being idiotic?

    ^Strapon, darling. they are a thing.
  • edited 2011-06-30 19:22:10
    @Juan_Carlos: Of course it's Religion's fault! Religion was the whole reason the fucking things were carried out! The same goes for all kinds of atrocities, including ones that are still ongoing. Like the stoning of women in Iran etc etc etc. 

    EDIT: Seriously? You've never met ANYONE? Do you live in the world's most atheist neighbourhood or what? Hell you could just come and meet my parents. 
This discussion has been closed.