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Rottweiler got banned



  • That's because people are better at actually ignoring Tongpu. 
  • Because you never know what you might see.
  • Wha'ts the deal ab out Tongpu what does he say that is so horrible?
  • See Khwarizmi's link.
  • When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT

    I also distinctly remember him posting the text of the bill for the "Gay Rights History in California Classrooms" thread. Incidentally, it may have been that thread that Rott was banned in. That was actually nice of Tongpu. 
  • I'm a little confused it just seems like an Existentialist rant.
  • Actually, I'm not really seeing what's so ghastly about what's in that link. It;'s just musings about existence, utility, and the functions of belief, not one of his occasional 'hey, wouldn't it be sweet to rape someone if you could get away with it?' posts.
  • Yeah, he also does that, and talks about how serial killers are awesome, and tells depressed people that they should commit suicide.
  • Meh he's entitled ot his opinion however batshit it may be.
  • Because you never know what you might see.
    I was looking for a Tongpu post that didn't amount to "the universe sucks", not a rape post.
  • edited 2011-04-23 19:34:58
    ^^^ Seldom with the frequency and persistence with which Rott posted about Islam being the enemy and the like, though, as I recall. Which is likely why one is banned and the other is not.

    ^ Fair enough.
  • Oh g9od Rott is a Bigot. a SoCon.
  • Oh yeah, cause it's totally worse that Rottweiler disliked Islam as an entity but was polite to the actual Muslims on the forum.
  • I just can't tolerate bigotry I can't stand bigots and I don't like to associate with them.
  • Yeah, I hate bigots. And the Dutch.
  • You stole the joke I stole!
  • Telling someone that you consider their religion to be a threat to Western civilisation is hardly being 'polite', in case you hadn't noticed.
  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.
    It is phrased to be polite, and it technically is, that politeness to the individual but not to the group is either being hypocritical or inconsistent in wordview,  or being a condescending prick,
  • Because you never know what you might see.
    But if it's your honest opinion, how can you have a debate if you don't express it?
  • @ Laculus Okay, I'll go tell Desertopa he isn't allowed to express his atheism anymore, shall I?
  • When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    Myr: please stop being unreasonable. Rottweiler said that Islam was a threat to world civilization; how is that similar to a troper expressing atheism?
  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.
    Desertopa is not only atheist, he is antitheist.
  • Desertopa believes religion is an impediment to human progress. Or at least, he believes humanity would be better off without it. Why is expressing disdain for religion in general less okay than expressing disdain for a specific religion?
  • and I thougth I was insufferable.
  • Because you never know what you might see.
    I must admit, it's a while since I've seen a Desertopa post so I can't remember, but does he stress that religious people are bad people?  Because I think that might be why Rott upsets some people.
  • When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    Because it offends a broader spectrum of people, I suppose. So more people are likely to think "Oh, well at least he didn't insult me." 
  • Maybe you should take a break and go read some half baked philosophy, that way if you fly off the handle you won't say anything that'll embarrass yourself.
  • edited 2011-04-23 20:03:11
    There's a difference between 'I don't believe in God' and 'religion is utterly evil'. Apart from anything else, that sort of absolutism is seldom helpful in a field of debate like an Internet forum. Likewise, there is a difference between expressing your honest opinion when asked and popping into every vaguely-related thread and saying 'oh, by the way, I think that Islam will be the doom of us all, and now back to the topic at hand'.

    Oh, and yes, if 'Topia's an antitheist who makes a similarly aggressive habit of calling religious folks out for being religious, I'd say that warrants reporting too.
  • Because you never know what you might see.
    Did Rott really do that?  I don't recall seeing it.
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