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Rottweiler got banned



  • «That was not only on-topic, but he only got into his more objectionable beliefs when asked. And he phrased his beliefs as his own opinions, not as facts which everyone else is somehow too stupid to recognize.»

    Did you not read that, notwithstanding?
  • edited 2011-04-23 22:15:51

    @notwithstanding: The nonspecificity actually helps a lot. That would be a lot ruder if he only wanted certain people to die. 

    Especially including himself helped, as oddly hypocritical as that would be coming from a not-dead guy.

    EDIT: And again, he wasn't rude about it. He phrased that about as politely as you could possibly phrase wishing for the deaths of everyone on earth.

    And it shows in everyone's reactions to it; there's nobody going "OMG I CANT BELIEVE YOU SAID THAT" like happens with Rott half the time. And nobody wants to argue with him.

  • Much like I wouldn't care if someone told me that "purging the world from the spics" is merely their own personal, innocuous opinion, I don't find the nature of the phrasing to ameliorate Tongpu's particular stance in any way.
  • Again, that seems to be only you and Myrm; nearly nobody in the topic wanted to argue with him, and nobody was terribly offended about it. And even if an argument did break out, it would've been on-topic.
  • «Much like I wouldn't care if someone told me that "purging the world from the spics" is merely their own personal, innocuous opinion, I don't find the nature of the phrasing to ameliorate Tongpu's particular stance in any way.»
    Rotty seems intent on telling the world that Islam being inherently inferior is merely their own opinion, regardless of whether the topic of the thread was related or not.
  • edited 2011-04-23 22:22:50
    Nobody wants to argue with Tongpu because they know him too well to take the bait. I'm more interested in the troper community being so desensitized by his bullshit that they are more willing to defend it as respectful than acknowledge it as abhorrent.

    Ponicalica, I am well aware of what Rottweiler does, and I have personally criticized him for doing so numerous times. These posts of mine aren't to say that Rott is any better, simply that he is no worse.
  • That's not true; I've been on the forum since before Tongpu and I've never been offended by him. Surprised often, but never offended. In fact, I don't think I've ever started an argument with him, and the few times I've seen someone else start an argument with him it was not about the nihilism and was completely on topic.

    Phrasing goes much further than you think it does. People are a lot more willing to cut you slack if you don't judge them for having a different opinion.

  • This one still does not consider this ban even remotely just, but this one expected it to happen ever since the posters started to be banned for being a "general annoyance" (read: in disagreement, and not overly apologetics about it) instead of direct rudeness and personal attack. So this one's fears came true, although in this instance turning out to be right is a small consolation.

    This one is going to leave the main forums until Rott returns.

    This one certainly does NOT intend to cause any drama, nor considers herself important enough that it should be noticed, so there is no need to discuss it any longer. This one is not trying to "get her way" or something.
  • Please. Trying very hard to horrify people by praying for higher death tolls is not altruism, it's simply being despicable.

    So you disagree. Strongly. Doesn't make him bannable.
  • Because you never know what you might see.
    I found Tongpu incredibly offensive and shocking when I first joined, FWIW.  I was horrendously naïve back then, though.  I've become desensitised.

    > posters started to be banned for being... in disagreement, and not overly apologetics about it

    This does not happen, and to the best of my knowledge, never has been the case.
  • Well, I'm certainly going to miss Beholderess on the main fora.
  • edited 2011-04-23 23:14:14
    Phrasing goes much further than you think it does. People are a lot more willing to cut you slack if you don't judge them for having a different opinion.

    I am well aware of this; I simply disagree that this is how people should handle things.

    So you disagree. Strongly. Doesn't make him bannable.

    No, nor do I wish him or anyone else to be banned. I'm a firm believer in growing a thicker skin, and in that, one could say that Tongpu serves a purpose. All I'm responding to is previous allegations about Rott being far more insulting (and therefore more bannable) than Tongpu. And I differentiate between tolerating the presence of and tolerating the opinions and statements of.
  • Tongpu never insults anybody because he's too focused on admiring the 52 raped and mutilated corpses of 13-year-old girls in his closet to ever insult anybody.
  • That was redundant.
  • I just realized that.
  • Oh and Rotty and Leigh would like to know why GMH is not approving their registrations.
  • Who is Leigh?
  • Leigh Sabio.
  • Basically Rotty's main squeeze/confidant/just as mad about the ban as he is, possibly even more so
  • They're approved. We admins can't be approving members every second of every day :}
  • edited 2011-04-23 23:44:29
    I would imagine that GMH is just away from his computer at the moment.

    edit: Ninja'd.
  • ...I think I remember that name...somewhat...
  • Inside, too dark to read
    Well, this has not been a good day. I had to drive myself to urgent care with a burning sensation of fluctuating intensity between my right shoulder and spine, cold hands and feet, cold and numbness in different limbs at different times.

    I was afraid they were stroke symptoms. Now Leigh is crying and her mom thinks I might die.

    It's weirdly heartwarming to see that I inspired a giant thread here. And why IS Tongpu's homicidal mania inoffensive while being old-fashioned is?
  • edited 2011-04-23 23:51:37
    Holy hell, this thread exploded in activity since I last saw it. Because this thread needs more forked conversations, here it goes:

    @page 2:Count me among those who think Rott was anything but a good debater. He abuses the fact that he views the world through different eyes to make debating him difficult, and this would come to light only after the thread has turned to crap. The thing is, being a bad debater is not a bannable offense in itself.

    The fact that he's a giant psychopath who needs to be locked up before he rapes a girl and mutilates the body ain't enough for you, Longfellow?

    Tom would commit acts of terrorism given the right circumstances, but I don't have to play internet psychologist to hear him say it.

    @page 5: The guidelines should be written to address non-personal attacks. At this point it should be clear that they can cause problems (and I'll be one to admit to having used them as replacement for personal attacks), and there should be a reference to know in which cases they're OK (can you insult philosophies and their adherents? does "insultee per capita" count?).

    @page 6: I can't say I've had much experience with Tongpu, but I'd wager him still being accepted has more to do with not being as involved in debates. If he merely posts something questionable, he's another internet face with an opinion. If he gets into an argument about it, he just killed a thread.

    Edit: Look who ninja'ed me. Well, get well soon Rott.
  • edited 2011-04-23 23:58:05
    sees Rottweiler's post

    lols IRL

    I'm sorry, Master, that you're having such a hard time. I love you.
  • ...Get a room.
  • I'm sorry to hear that, Rott. I do hope that whatever it is isn't too serious.

    In regards to the Tongpu question, my wild not-a-mod guess would be that Tongpu tends to be quite a bit less aggressive in his arguments, and there is far less of a tendency for threads he posts in to become "The Everyone Argue About Tongpu's Views" thread. This makes him more low profile, and less likely to need mod intervention. Why all that may be can be left as an exercise to the reader.

    Regardless, welcome, and I hope that you are on the mend soon.
  • Inside, too dark to read
    there is far less of a tendency for threads he posts in to become "The Everyone Argue About Tongpu's Views" thread.

    Right. His views don't create a storm of derailing and insulting replies. Old-fashioned beliefs are more offensive to the consensus than his are. Since these involve homicidal nihilism, well...

    And thank you. I hope not too.
  • edited 2011-04-24 00:12:12

    Awww Rott.... If it's any consolation I don't think Rapid Edward would've intentionally banned you today if he'd known that.

    EDIT: Again, it's not what you say, it's the way you say it.

  • I think it's less that his particular out-of-mainstream views are inoffensive, and more that they're far less likely to be taken seriously. I can't speak for anyone else, though.
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