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A thread about architecture, buildings, and interior design
Because I have more thoughts on this than can be contained in merely
one thread about plans for a fantastical university campus. And
evergreen doesn't hang out here anymore and in any case I'm not even talking so much about real-life real estate as I am just opining from my imagination and going on flights of fancy.
Anyway, at the moment I'm thinking back to this one house in Connecticut that we once saw. Sort of a strange-ish thing. Had garage in the basement, and was situated on a slope if I recall correctly. All I remember was that one of the rooms, a living room of some sort, was carpeted and had dark blue walls. Was used as a children's play room when we saw it.
Each room houses two residents, one human and one android (who is ridiculously human except that he/she "sleeps" in a specialized recharging chair that looks like a dentist's reclining chair, rather than a bed).
The basic room is two stories tall and features floor-to-ceiling windows over its entire height. It contains a full kitchen with an extended countertop as a breakfast area, a full bathroom, a common area with sofas and a coffee table, and an upper nook that is directly above the entrance/kitchen/bathroom which overlooks the large windows and lounge area, and contains a full-size bed, dressers and drawers for clothing, shelving for books, and a desk and chair. (The recharging chair is on the lower floor next to the window.)
If you've worked there for a while you can even upgrade to an apartment with an expanded common area with more sofa space and a formal private bedroom.
I wonder how I'd use it, or what I could do with it.
Source: http://lumegame.blogspot.com/ ; Apparently it's the dev's studio.
i've climbed on top of at least two of them
going through this makes me want to look at tiny houses again but i need to sleep
[hauty woman from the 50s disapproval GIF]
OTOH eeew, sink oven.
whiteoff-white nothingness and two-story floor-to-ceiling windows.When I I dream about school all the hallways are hexagonal and once they alternated between being made entirely of glass and of a dark, earthy concrete. Another time, the classrooms were concave and sort of had a step every row, so the teacher would have been sort of standing way above the guys sitting in the back row (almost everywhere is empty when I dream about it).
a stack of condominium units, all spanning two floors -- an entrance floor and an upstairs. However the upstairs is placed offset from the downstairs, such that from the side each unit looks like this:
so now you can stack them like this:
> why would you do this
because more interesting than a box i guess lol
i forgot i left vimeo autoplaying and suddenly i saw this haha
@fourteenwings is this open and spacious enough for you?
This is really neat.
In case anyone's wondering how a windcatcher works, Wikipedia has diagrams and descriptions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windcatcher
oddly enough my architectural ideas rarely include swimming pools, with the exception of pools or bodies of water in strange places -- e.g. river running beneath a house, or an indoor swimming pool.
Incidentally, years ago, I once ran across a (single-family residential) house in Bloomfield, CT (I think) that had an indoor swimming pool. I wanted to see it just out of curiosity though I never got around to it.
I'm wondering how much light the interior gets, since the windows are a bit small, but it seems like a neat color design. I presume the small windows go with the larger one on the right.
I wonder what the round things on top are.
I'm guessing these are two-story townhouses, based on the edge of the picture which gives a clue as to how high up this structure is? Maybe three-story, given that the lower story window doesn't seem to open up onto a patio.
also that wine glass looks really fake lol
This in turn caused me to look up pictures on Google image search and end up in a Pinterest dedicated to indoor playplaces, especially in houses. Which eventually led me to this interesting construction:
Can't look at specific Pinterest posts unless I have an account, apparently.
That is weird, because I don't have a Pinterest account.
(also i like secret compartments...)
FWIW, from what I recall, the pinterest posts include such things as:
* a ball pit with blue balls and a painting of a tropical beach on the wall
* a slide that's like three or four stories tall and that goes down to the first floor, in an office-like building, as seen from several stories above it, in a huge open foyer
* a Dubai hotel where every room has its own swimming pool with a view
* a trap door to a wine cellar whose circular staircase downward is itself lined with comparments
* some other small secret comparments stuff
* a spiral staircase with a spiral slide wrapping around it, which I think is in a basement pub somewhere
* a large backyard swimming pool with a dry lounge area with couches located below grade in the middle of the pool
* a bedroom where the bed and night table and dressers are located on a platform surrounded by water
* an indoor setting like an office or bedroom or somesuch (I forget which) but which has a slide in a wall which leads to a swimming pool
* a bathroom built atop a disused elevator shaft, built such that the toilet is right on top of it, and with glass as flooring to show bathroom users the shaft below them
@Vorpy you want pools, here are some.