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IJBM D&D game! (discussion)
Noted! I will not take it then.
Also, that leaves me with pretty much everything but spells done. I'm going to focus on damage dealing magic if no one minds. :x
edit: except for my cantrips of course. Even being able to cast it essentially at will is not enough for me to consider the 1d3-damage dealing Acid Splash worth the cost there.
Gonna totally take Mage Hand though. I can use it to throw shit at people.
Okay, so I've got Mage Hand, Read Magic, Resistance. Can't think of a fourth. Kinda want to add Ray of Frost just cuz it's Ray of Frost, but "just cuz it's X" is usually a bad reason.
I just realized I think I get Eschew Materials for free.
I also forgot to pick languages. Those are important
I also apparently get an extra skill point or hit point for having a level in one of my favored classes (yes, classes, Half-Elfs get two, because y'know, why not, I guess).
There's a rather obscure feat (it doesn't seem to be in the core handbook) called Elemental Spell. Basically, it lets me change any given elemental damage type to another elemental damage type (that I must pick).
I don't think I can take it at first level because it requires me to use up a spell slot that's one level higher than the spell I'm casting. So, I guess I could take it, it'd just be useless for anything that's not Ray of Frost. But I could take it at fourth level when I start learning Level 2 spells.
More to the point, my question is simply whether or not this is an acceptable feat to take when the time comes. Also whether or not it affects my elemental ray and subsequent bloodline powers. I assume not, but one can never be certain.
edit: oh hey, I can't take Empower Spell either. Jeez this is tough.
edit 2: With all this in mind, I think I actually will take Elemental Spell provided I'm allowed to. It'll let me cast Ray of Frost with a different descriptor, and I think that versatility in the elemental damages I deal is a good thing. My electric ray is cool and all, but if I do this and pick Acid as the descriptor, I'll be able to cast spells (or spell-like abilities with my Elemental Ray) that deal any of the four types of pure elemental damage (Fire, from Burning Hands, Electric, from my Elemental Ray, Cold from Ray of Frost, and Acid from an Acidified Ray of Frost).
Is this wise, or do I overthink again?
Also the fact that I keep missing rather important details about my Bloodline Powers is annoying. See here:
Interestingly this means I can, in addition to casting my electric Elemental Ray, also cast an Electrified Ray of Frost essentially at will. I feel that's very fitting.
I'm hesitant to accept spells/feats that aren't in the core rulebook.
The primary problem with allowing you to change elemental damage is that there are several enemies which are immune to several types of damage and vulnerable to others- primarily, elementals, which would be a bitch.
It's cited as being in the Advanced Players' Guide.
Suffice it to say we're not advanced players. But I just thought it would be useful. Of course, perhaps too useful.
If it's really too much trouble that's fine, though I still can't think of a good substitute.
Also I would like to officially posit that Elementals are bossin'.
Yeah, but that is neither the Player's Handbook nor the Pathfinder rulebook.
I think I will have to say no, simply because of my aforementioned concerns.
If you are looking for a first-level feat to take, consider Toughness.
Isn't that the one that gives you extra hit points.
I suppose that'd be good.
This is true enough. You're the DM, so I won't press the matter.
Besides, even without said feat I can already deal three different kinds of elemental damage anyway. So perhaps it'd be overkill.
I generally let people swap out Toughness for a different feat later in the game.
okies, so now I just have to figure out what these Bonus Feats are all about (there is no way in hell I get all of these at first level) and pick languages, after finding out where the hell the Languages field on this character sheet generator is.
Seems fair.
edit: See this is silly. It tells me these are my bonus feats.
But I do not understand when I learn them.
I'm going to operate under the assumption that any time I would gain a new Feat, I also get a bonus feat.
Thus, today I get Dodge as my first bonus feat. Is this at least sort of correct?
Evidently, I failed a spot check.
I think I've got everything now though.
Except languages. I get two bonus languages (I know Common and Elven by default. Half-Elf and all that.) But am not sure what to pick for them. I assume it would be things Rede can reasonably be assumed to have learned on the street, or maybe the Air language (I forget its name off the top of my head) to reflect her lineage.
Also according to this sheet I somehow have 11HP instead of nine. Gonna have to look into this.
Really coulda sworn the default Sorcerer hit die was a d4. Not sure where the thing got a six from.
This is the closest I could come to actually copying my Charsheet document.
Yes as a picture, because I had to screencap it. Guy who made that generator evidently expects seven bucks in return. Not really willing to spend that kind of money.
In any case, I'm sure there's at least something wrong on here, so feel free to correct me and I'll edit it.
You are not buying any other items?
I will edit that when I have decided what I want/need. Sorry >>;
Also, you need to choose your two bonus languages.
I did, I just couldn't find a place to put them so I just put them under "notes".
The input for the character generator had no Bonus Language field![:/ :/](/forums/resources/emoji/confused.png)
for reference:
The reasoning for Auran should be obvious. Goblin because GOBLINS.
Also, where'd you get the extra points for Bluff?
I have no idea. In fact I didn't even notice it until you pointed it out.
It's not listed under the assorted Half-Elf stuff, so I don't think it has anything to do with that....I'm baffled.
Yeah I'm not sure, looking at my input sheet I only put one rank in it. I'm not sure where else it could be coming from.
Yeah, I'm checking it out now, and you have the correct amount of ranks in skills, but I have no idea why you have an extra three ranks in Bluff, Knowledge (Arcana), Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device.
You do have Skill Focus as a bonus feat because you're a Half-Elf, but you haven't indicated what skill you're increasing, and it would only work on one of said skills.
Perhaps since I forgot to check one, it borked and interpreted it as "all of them".
Let me re-route that to Spellcraft.
Actually Skill Focus does not seem to be on here at all.
Well, I will just edit the picture and remove the extra ranks manually.
You have Skill Focus noted below 'Special Abilities'.
Yes, but there's no place on the input sheet to actually select what skill I want focused.
Said sheet is this thing by the way.
Yeah, there's a reason I fill character sheets out manually.
Actually nevermind. I appear to be a freaking idiot.
Hold on, I found it.
And all that did was add another three ranks to Spellcraft.
On top of the three that were already there for no reason.
I use automatics mostly because I tend to find doing it manually even more confusing.
I found that learning how to do it manually taught me the basics of the game much more effectively than anything else.
I should be able to start on my character tomorrow, once I've gotten a big essay done and over with.
Is Pathfinder under Open Game License?
Also, since we're playing Core, I guess I'll be a Barbarian instead of a Magus. I've figured out his name, and his personality is coming along.
I believe so.
Thing is that unless I have the rulebook directly, physically in front of me at all times, I forget shit. A lot. Hell I forgot a lot of shit doing this. I have basically no attention span. It's kind of a problem.
Anyway, I will attempt to transmute that monstrosity to a more comprehensible (to me anyway) format. I hope you'll find it as intelligible.