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  • edited 2012-09-03 19:07:55

    Swords swords swords!

    (Sorry it took so long, only yesterday did I have the chance to render.)

    Well, the scene looks more plain than when it was still rendering. Oh well, I tried. I think I'll do it again some other time, and make the scabbard.

  • edited 2012-09-03 19:13:10
    You can change. You can.

    INUH: now i'm curious as to what service provider you use and if i ever helped you perform the upgrade and didn't notice it was you

    Malk: I thought you never watched the movie. I thought your soul was non-polluted.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    I only count one sword.

  • You can change. You can.

    That said, I'm quite liking the show so far. Knowing that they made it up as they went does make it a little less enjoyable, but not to the extent I expected.

    The big thing with Lost is that a lot of what they had to make up was less because they were planning to improvise from the get-go and more because they had a rocky production history. Once Brian K Vaughan comes on board, he pretty much puts the show back on track for season 4 and 5. By 6, he leaves and the show's kinda weaker because of it, but I'd say it's good enough. 

  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.

    Even though it was mostly made up as they went along, I pretty much always felt like it was coherent enough that it didn't really bother me.

    Mid-season 2 is probably the weakest the show gets, so I guess just keep that in mind as you go forward.

    There was definitely a jump in momentum and quality once they had a set end date, though, which IIRC was in season 3.  

    Also, I loved season 6, even if it was kind of aimless at times, but I think I'm kind of in the minority there.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    Swords swords swords!


    That's a lovely representation of a 12th century or so kingly sword. Lenitcular cross section with a lengthy fuller, rounded point, strictly single-handed hilt with a firm pommel and practical design emboldened by decoration. You certainly did your research. 

  • No rainbow star

    I'm too lazy to look for the pun thread, so here you go:


    "Wait, why isn't Ho-oh a water Pokémon? ...oh, right. It's a peroxide Pokémon..."

  • edited 2012-09-03 21:06:35

    You certainly did your research. 

    Thanks, but I only went through Wikipedia's list of famous swords, found one I liked (Charlemagne's), and googled for pictures.

  • Kichigai birthday!!

    ^^^ Woah, they showed The Green Mile tonight on Spain's TV.

  • Went to a major con this weekend, the first big one I'd been to since NYCC a few years ago (and the first one I really cosplayed at). I had a great time, seeing all my friends and getting excited about being huge nerds and all that.

    Now I'm looking at all the pictures I took and trying to figure out how to choose which ones to dump on tumblr. Probably just going to belay that for now and watch Doctor Who instead, if only so I don't worry about running into spoilers whilst interwebbing.

  • edited 2012-09-03 22:22:04
    Has friends besides tanks now

    ^ On a similar note, I just got back from my school's first Anime Club meeting. The anime shown this time was Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, which is pretty funny, because there's a sort of line that's drawn, content-wise, and PSG kinda pulled the line's intestines out through its dick, but didn't quite cross it. And now I almost want to see if I can one-up it, but I don't want to immediately cement a reputation as that pervy guy or something. But that'll probably be for a few years down the line. I'll probably do either K-On! or Nichijou, or maybe Welcome to the NHK.

  • But that'll probably be for a few years down the line.

    You have shows that you are planning to watch several years from now?

    In any case, B Gata H Kei is just a romantic comedy with the same kind of ecchi jokes that you get in other anime, so... no it is absolutely nothing like PSG in any way.

  • edited 2012-09-03 22:30:48
    Has friends besides tanks now

    You have shows that you are planning to watch several years from now?

    Well, each person only gets to show one thing per year, and there's a whole bunch of stuff that I want to, so . . . there's a possibility that something I watched last year is something I want to watch a couple of years down the line. And if recent anime seasons have set the bars for future seasons, I may very well never find some fresh, new thing to top the stuff I've already seen.

    In any case, B Gata H Kei is just a romantic comedy with the same kind of ecchi jokes that you get in other anime, so... no it is absolutely nothing like PSG in any way.

    Yeah, they aren't alike at all, though I haven't watched enough ecchi (and why would I?) to know what compares to B Gata H Kei, and I feel like the basic idea is at least unique to anime. Then again, I'm sure I could find something similar to PSG anyway, if I really wanted to. But I meant that . . . well, really, I just kinda went "Challenge Accepted!" when the president said that he didn't want anything raunchier than PSG.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    That's an interesting way to do it. The anime club at the school I went to started the year off by showing the first episodes of I think ten series, then people voted for what four they wanted to continue. The normal meetings then showed two episodes of each of those and then a movie or another series or something at the end.

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    ^My anime club did the exact same thing. >.>

  • My school doesn't even have an anime club.

    Not that I'd likely attend it if it did since that would involve interacting with people, but still.

    As it is, we only have a combination of a gaming club and an anime club, which is mostly focused on the former.  This is a problem because I don't have any interest in recent video games or Magic: the Gathering, and also I'm pretty sure all the members are just this one guy I don't really like and his friends.

  • You can change. You can.

    There was definitely a jump in momentum and quality once they had a set end date, though, which IIRC was in season 3.  

    Late Season 3. Like season finale-late. That's why I often use season 4 as a point of reference for "Lost gets really good here". Not like it was bad. It's just that the first season's momentum is lost in season 2 and most of season 3. 

    Even though it was mostly made up as they went along, I pretty much always felt like it was coherent enough that it didn't really bother me.

    I always thought it was an exaggeration to say they made most of it up as they went along. There are some elements in the show that really seem to have been shit that was added just to posit/answer questions, but a lot of it felt too cohesive to believe they at least hadn't planned to structure most of the show. If I had to wager, I'd go for 75% of it being planned. 

    Mid-season 2 is probably the weakest the show gets, so I guess just keep that in mind as you go forward.

    >Implying Stranger In A Stranger Land isn't a thing

    >Implying the PoWs subplot isn't a thing either

    Also, I loved season 6, even if it was kind of aimless at times, but I think I'm kind of in the minority there.

    I loved season 6 but I felt that the jump from this epic sci-fi story to a mystic semi-realistic fantasy ended up weakening the show. Not to mention that the season builds up a lot of stuff, which makes it more watchable in DVD but when it was originallly aired, it felt like there was no payoff and the answers were weaker and weaker as it weng along. Basically, the show had become Twin Peaks around early season 2 before Lynch got back

  • edited 2012-09-04 00:11:57

    Michael Clarke Duncan passed away. I feel sad now. :(

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    Hey IJBM, type 44.244269, 7.769721 into Google Maps and zoom in.

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    Huh, that's kinda cool

  • There is love everywhere, I already know

    It's a bunny!

    But why?

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Probably one of those satellite map easter eggs.

    My school's anime club is also a combined anime and gaming club.  Seems to be a mix of various people who are variably interested in various geeky whatnot.

    Their scheduling model seems to be anime for three hours then whatever.  This may include the club prez playing League of Legends on his computer, projected on the wall, while people just hang out.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    Been a while since I've made an especially angsty post, but here goes. 

    My older brother got out of prison recently. His last nine months or so were for breaking parole, but before that, he was doing really well. But this time, he just seems to have regressed so much. The last few times he's been over here, he's been high on something. Not just pot -- I know a weed high when I see it, and this ain't it. And this is how things used to be, years and years ago when he was at his worst. This is a disconcerting high, especially given my brother's indulgence; he'll be falling alseep while eating ice-cream or something, undecided between a food he likes and unconsciousness. 

    He just keeps digging himself holes, and I'm not sure how much longer I can tolerate it. The thing is, I've always been the one who offers the gentlest criticism of this kind of thing, and I haven't even had to in the past few years because he was doing so much better. But now it's freaking me out, my mother out and my younger brother out. My dad already hates him, which makes things more difficult. 

    Angst over. 

  • That's terrible, Alex.

    I hope he comes to his senses.
  • You can change. You can.

    Sorry to hear that alex.

    I know you probably considered this, but why not just talk to him?

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    I haven't had a detailed discussion with him about it, but one time I did suggest he leave the house because of how bad he was. He left in a huff; as far as I can tell, he doesn't perceive the state he's in while he's tripping in whatever it happens to be at the time. So he thinks I was just being an asshole, but his presence was unsettling everyone else in the house. 

    What makes the discussion difficult is the following:

    My older brother is thirty-six years old, being my half-brother of another father from a considerable time before I was born. Despite this, he's still obsessed with the rebellious persona of his youth, and buys into the idea that deviance for deviance's sake is stylish or automatically worthy of respect. In this respect, he's very immature -- I can't recall the amount of times he's tried to get me to watch something based on how "dark" it was, or how many times he's overanalysed something deceptively simple (cough cough Evangelion). So he's stuck in this mindset of deviance being automatically acceptable because, to him, mainstream viewpoints are almost automatically wrong by default. So his drug habits, to him, are okay due to their alternative lifestyle designation.

    It's very, very difficult to discuss mature subjects with him because of the above. He's also bought into conspiracy theories for a long time, and as I mentioned earlier in this thread, tried to get me to buy into that whole "Ancient Aliens" thing. So I think the essential issue here is that he blocks out the real world as a defensive mechanism, finding solace in fantasies and his perspective wherein deviance is automatically superior to the norm. But he doesn't realise that if those things were real, he'd be seeking fantasies, because the real world is never enough for him -- and ironically, he's missed out on the "real magic" I and others have discovered via learning and observation, like the way we come up with an abstract concept like "justice" and our collective belief ensures that it exists. 

    The really difficult part of this is that he's getting towards forty years old and can't support himself, which in turn fuels more escapism. 

    I make him sound pretty horrible in this post, but I've also seen him at his best, which is really something to behold. It's just that the weight of his mistakes and bad luck keep dragging him down further and further, and rather than confront those issues and become stronger for it, he escapes into bogus theories and conspiracy narratives. And there's always a breaking point with him, after which he goes back to prison and the cycle repeats. Not everything is his fault, of course, with the correctional system not really supporting rehabilitation very well and employers discriminating against former inmates, but I'd have thought he'd learn his lesson about the drugs. He goes cold turkey in prison, but often returns to them on the outside, which suggests to me that they begin as an escape rather than a continuation of addiction. 

    Thank you both for your condolences, too. 

    Here, There, Everywhere

    For me to say that this situation is "extremely unfortunate" would be a massive understatement. All I can say here, really, is thatI hope that things turn out for the best, even if I'm not sure how they would.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Sorry to hear that, Alex. I hope things improve for him.

    Anyway, up to Lost S2E8. Um...am I supposed to give a shit about Ana Lucia? Because I kind of don't, and I get the impression that the writers want me to.

  • edited 2012-09-04 13:28:11
    Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.


    She was pretty much my least favorite character in the whole show by far.

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