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  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    So I just set this up: http://glennmharvey.livejournal.com/

    And happy birthday fourteenwings.

  • There is love everywhere, I already know

    -adds Glenn on livejournal-

  • edited 2012-06-18 08:03:38
    Diet NEET

    Real classy background they got for this one(NSFW lyrics):

    Also, Draven's little escapade made us featured on the Anime Reality, which provides more hilarious background info on his internet history.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    When it comes to electronic music, I seem to enjoy it a lot more when it's meant to be funny. Like that.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    this is just a writing thing i did earlier today

    posted here because... because. :V

    Six years after she was born, she met the Princess for the first time.

    Her father was presenting a sword to the King. It was fine craft, perhaps the best the land had yet seen.

    She paid no attention to the ceremony. She had eyes only for the girl with long, black hair and jade-green eyes.

    When the ceremony was complete, she asked her father to introduce her to the Princess.

    She forgot her manners while introducing herself, and bit her tongue.

    Long after the introductions are over, when she and her father are walking home, she closes her eyes and remembers the sound of her Princess laughing.


    Twenty-two years after she was born, she meets her Princess again.

    She kneels formally, offering her blade and her life in her Princess's service. She was presented with the tunic of the Royal Guard.

    Her Princess attaches the badge of the Guard to her tunic. Her face flushes as her Princess flashes her a quick grin and a kiss on the cheek before standing back and accepting her blade.

    She remembers the kiss for days afterwards.


    Twenty-seven years after she was born, her Princess was stolen from the castle, her family murdered.

    She accompanies a young member of the Guard in his search for her. Blond hair and blue eyes; she remembers thinking that he complimented her Princess in that. She hated him for it.


    Twenty-eight years after she was born, she finds her Princess.

    A rebel prince had stolen her from her castle. She can't remember what the original plan was.

    A marriage was announced. Her Princess would marry the rebel prince, allying their two armies and making their nation stronger.


    Thirty-two years after she was born, her blond friend cornered her in the courtyard.

    It was a quiet discussion, she remembers. He talked about his feelings for her Princess, and his hatred fro the prince that had stolen her away from him.

    It was his last sentence that shattered her.

    But then you love her too, don't you?


    Thirty-two years after she was born, her blond friend died.

    His body was brought in through a side gate. His face was unmarred, but his torso was bloodied beyond recognition. Arrows studded his corpse.

    She mourned quietly, as was the tradition of the Guard.

    And if others of the Guard heard her speak to his grave one night, none mentioned it.

    If others of the Guard heard what she said, none of them knew what to make of it.

    Forever, she told his grave. I would love her forever.


    Thirty-five years after she was born, her Princess was stolen again.

    She accompanied the prince and the court wizard to rescue her.


    Thirty-seven years after she was born, her Princess found them.

    The warlock who had captured her Princess lay dead at her feet. She stared at his face, and smiled.

    Her Princess was safe again, and that was all that mattered.


    Forty-nine years after she was born, she realized she had not aged.

    Her face still retained the same smoothness it had when she was thirty-seven. Her hair had not yet turned grey, and her face was not starting to wrinkle.


    Fifty-four years after she was born, the court wizard finally figured out why she was not ageing.

    She was immortal, he told her. The warlock had cursed her in his death, to never die, to never embrace the solace of the final sleep.

    It wasn't much of a curse, he said, scowling. In fact, it almost seemed like a boon.

    The fool.


    Sixty years after she was born, her father died of old age.

    If her brothers found it strange that she visited more, they never said anything.


    Seventy-three years after she was born, the last of her cousins in her generation died.

    She dug the graves herself.

    It was the only apology she could offer.


    One hundred and eight years after she was born, her Princess died.

    It was a miracle she had lived for so long, people said. She had been a wise and just ruler, bringing a new age of peace and prosperity to the land.

    She abandoned her post as Captain of the Royal Guard soon after.

    It was too painful, watching everyone she knew die.


    Three hundred and fifty years after she was born, someone found her.

    An intrepid adventurer, a dashing thief, a swashbuckling swordsman.

    He begged her to teach him her way with the sword. She told him, slay the dragon that lived at the top of the mountain first. Then I will teach you.

    Nobody survived fighting the dragon. That was how she maintained her peace.

    He survived.

    So she taught him.


    Three hundred and fifty-one years after she was born, he died.


    Six hundred and twenty years after she was born, she realized she had forgotten what her Princess sounded like.

    On that day, she travelled back to the castle. Nobody recognized her.

    She curled up on her Princess' grave and went to sleep.


    Nine hundred years after she was born, the world had changed, and she was finding it hard to keep up.

    The world had gone from one of iron and magic, demons and dragons, to one of steel and electricity, where the biggest disaster looming was that of global warming.

    She took an art class, and settled in to her new life.


    Nine hundred and twelve years after she was born, a child asked her why she always drew the same woman.

    Well, she told him, it's so that I don't forget what she looks like.


    Nine hundred and seventy-four years after she was born, the first civilian ship breached the Solar System and made it to Alpha Centauri.

    When she heard the news, she shook her head in disbelief.

    What would they come up with next?


    Six thousand years after she was born, they rediscovered magic.

    Of course, by now, they had no real need of it. Anything that magic could do, technology could do, or so they thought.

    Technology could not make one truly immortal, however.


    Eleven thousand years after she was born, the government started playing God.

    Creatures started appearing on uninhabited planets. They all looked vaguely humanoid; they all stood upright, they had between two to four legs, they had recognizable heads and faces, they all had arms.

    She wondered if she could learn how to make someone.

    Pictures just weren't the same.


    Twelve thousand years after she was born, the last of her family dies.

    She is silent at the funeral. The people around her are giving her odd looks, wondering who she was.

    She didn't care.

    She bites her lips to keep from crying.


  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Sixteen thousand years after she was born, she realized that she had forgotten her name some time ago.

    She was so used to changing her name every few years that she had long given up keeping track of the names she had used previously. Somehow, her original name had gotten lost, as well.

    She hides in a cave. The closed space and the darkness comfort her.


    Twenty-five thousand years after she was born, she found out that she truly could not die.

    The passenger ship she was flying on was caught in the explosion of a dying star. The ship was instantly torn to shreds and sent hurtling towards a nearby planet.

    She hung on to a piece of debris, trying not to get flung away. Who knew how long it would take her to land on a planet if she missed?

    When people approach the planet several months later, she sneaks aboard their cargo bay, snickering as she remembers the last time she had done this (she had been so determined, back then- I must save the Princess!).

    They never catch her.


    Forty-four thousand years after she was born, her people had forgotten that they were the ones to originally create the aliens now mixing with her people on board the capital ship.

    In truth, at times, she was hard-pressed to remember, or if she had simply made it up.


    Eighty-one thousand years after she was born, she realized that she was still a virgin.

    Her laughter is swallowed by her drink as she drains it, hoping to forget once more.


    One hundred thousand years after she was born, she contemplates ending the world.

    She discards the idea soon after conceiving it. She did not actually know if it was possible, and it would not be fair to everyone else, whose only crime was existing when she did.

    Still, she sometimes considers the idea before she lies down to sleep at night. It is the only way she could find peace again.


    One hundred and sixty-two thousand years after she was born, she realizes that she has nearly forgotten her first hundred years of life.

    She has few flashes of it, these days. She remembers a young blond boy with a determined smile. She remembers digging a grave for her brothers- the grave was crude, she laughs silently to herself, barely passable for a rectangle. She remembers black hair, green eyes, and a kiss on a cheek.

    She remembers a single word. Forever.


    Two hundred and fifty thousand years after she was born, she steps foot on her old house once more.

    It is no longer a house; it has long been taken over, to build an apartment, housing hundreds of people. She buys it.

    The castle is still there. Not in shape, but in purpose and intent. The Senate building stands tall there, the largest building on the planet.

    She walks through, and nobody interrupts her.

    The courtyard she remembers is still there. Larger, of course; it has to fit hundreds times more people.

    She sits on a bench, and she tries to remember.


    Four hundred thousand years after she was born, she tries to remember if her Princess ever existed at all. She remembers very little of her; a smile, warm green yes, silky black hair, and a kiss on the cheek that was over almost before it began.

    She laughs. It doesn't matter if her Princess was real or not; either way, her heart still leaps when she thinks of her.


    Nine hundred thousand years after she was born, she wonders if she is insane.

    Her memories, at this point, are broken, scattered, confused. She remembers a time before there were aliens, but all records insist that aliens have lived with humans forever. She remembers her Princess, but no records of her exist. She remembers thousands of years of solitude, on an empty, frozen wasteland, and thinks that that would drive anyone insane. She remembers being caught in a dying star, once, but surely nobody could survive that.

    She shoots herself in the head.

    Three days later, she wakes, and begins to laugh.

    Yes, she is immortal. Yes, she is insane. Yes, she is crying.


    Nearly two million years after she was born, she nearly dies.

    The Lord stands above her, choking on a blade that had just cut through his throat. She remembers, just moments ago, being the one in his position; being stabbed by his hand, and feeling her life drain from her, finally, for the first time.

    Instinctively, she had kicked out, wanting to die, wanting to live.

    She had fallen off his hand, and survived. And now he was dead.

    She cried over his corpse.


    She wonders if it has been five or six million years since she was born. She has lost count, and the calendars change too much for her to keep track of.

    So she begins to count again.


    Four million, nine million, millions of years after she was born, she wonders why she exists.

    She has wondered this many times before, but each time, she forgets.

    As always, she is left wondering. Nobody can tell her.


    Twenty million, twenty-five million, the distinction no longer matters. A thousand Ages after she was born, she wonders if a God exists.

    She knows that she will never be able to find out.

    It's a good way to pass a millennia or two, though.


    Ten thousand times ten thousand years after she was born, she meets another immortal.

    He claims to be over three thousand years old. She humors him, pretending to be twice that.

    They hang around together for a few millennia, before she gets bored and leaves.


    Ten thousand times one hundred thousand years after she was born, she realizes that she has not thought of her Princess for over a week.

    She wonders if she is beginning to heal, at last.

    She wonders if she is beginning to forget.

    She hides in a cave and sears the memory of her Princess in.

    She will never forget.


    Ten thousand times ten thousand times ten thousand years after she was born, civilization collapses.

    She waits in a cave.

    It takes nearly fifty thousand years for the first planet to rediscover space travel.

    She discovers she has a fondness for mushrooms covered in orange juice.


    She is no longer sure that there is a number long enough to describe how long she has been alive.

    Today, she discovered that even if you lived as long as she had, it is not possible to have seen it all.

    She sits on a dying planet and watches the way the water steams under the sun's heat.


    She is older than most planets when she sees it.

    Her heart freezes as she sees a twirl of black hair. As the girl twists to touch her friend's hand, she catches a glimpse of jade-green eyes, and her heart starts beating again, almost painfully.

    The girl's life is over in two hundred years, in the blink of an eye.

    She watches from afar.


    Eternity is a long time. Sometimes, as she tries to sleep, she wonders if she will live long enough to see a fraction of eternity go by.

    She hopes not.

    She knows she will.

    that is apparently too long to post in one post :V

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    Don't be put off by the length, by the way. It's worth a proper reading. 

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    It's less than two and a half thousand words, by Microsoft Word's word counter. Most of the length is because of how short each paragraph is.

  • edited 2012-06-18 08:53:10
    He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    Pretty cool. Although I sincerely doubt immortals, when they are so few, will stick around for so little.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Can you explain what you mean? I'm not quite sure, sorry.

  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    Sorry, I meant that  a few millenia of companionship seems relatively little, like weeks or months, maybe even days, when for what I can tell there are not that many immortals.

  • edited 2012-06-18 09:07:18
    If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.


    I kinda don't want to tell you my reasoning behind her actions, in favour of letting you decide for yourself.

    My opinion of that scene is that she just grew bored of his company. It's great being able to talk to someone and know they'll be there the next time you turn around, but after a while, you grow sick of the same person.

    It is my opinion that while it may seem like days or weeks when you look back on the millenia, but when you are actually living through it, each day still feels like a day.

    That is only my interpretation, though, and you are free to think what you want.

  • No rainbow star
    Itchy finger. Driving me mad. Bumps all over it. Only itches where bumps are. ;.;
  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    Also, Draven's little escapade made us featured on the Anime Reality, which provides more hilarious background info on his internet history.

    Can I get a link to this?

  • You can change. You can.

    amon is best character.

    nova: you should bump the writing thread

  • http://www.theanimereality.com/2012/06/05/eric-draven-pedophile-chinese-kobold-wizard/

    Link/post nukeable at the mods' discretion if it conflicts with the no-drama rules. The bro's new tumblr is linked in the comments to this post, in which he has changed his story to being a Zelda fictive(otherkin, but with fictional characters). Curious how that works.

  • There is love everywhere, I already know

    I cannot get over this song. I don't know if it's Nostalgia, the guys or the ear-worminess because I know it's not the quality music and/or vocals.

  • edited 2012-06-18 11:42:03
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human


    Pretty good song.

    Also, added you back.

  • So apparently I'll be getting that internship at that very important company.



  • "I've come to the conclusion that this is a VERY STUPID IDEA."

    End of the school year, and I'm spending half of the day watching movies. TRON in Programming, School of Rock in French (teacher has a hard-on for Jack Black), Stand and Deliver in Calculus.

  • I have no idea what I want to do as a summer job, to be honest. Considering the town I live in, it shouldn't be hard, but I'm not sure about what I'm good at.

  • if u do convins fashist akwaint hiz faec w pavment neway jus 2 b sur

    High notes are dominant in opera, your dick stinks so much, go and wash it, after running in snow a plate of soup is pleasing, my dick stinks but my ass smells.

    I <3 Serbian rap.

  • edited 2012-06-18 14:27:19
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    My high school did a theater production of Stand and Deliver.

    ^ wut

  • if u do convins fashist akwaint hiz faec w pavment neway jus 2 b sur

    Would you expect anything else from people who look like this?

    prti bee gee

    prtie bee gee 2

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    Yay my college acceptance letter went through!

    Boo I have to start jumping through hoops of the petitioning process.

    Yay I have health insurance!

    Boo I have a health insurance bill.

    Yay, Nextwave and Avenging Spider-man came in the mail!

    Yay, they kept in the bullshit intro about Hawkeye.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    nova: you should bump the writing thread

    no thanks

  • You can change. You can.

    but why

    anyway, rewatched Superman vs The Elite with my mom. She liked it. I knew she would cuz lol leftie

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    because people who want to make fun of my writing would check the writing thread.

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    ^ Wait, what?

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    We all know that there is a site that likes to mock sites like this, and likes to mock people's writing.

    And I would rather not have that mocked. I'm bad enough at writing already, don't need people to mock it and make me feel self-conscious about it.

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