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  • One person thought I was female due to "ponicalica" ending in an "a".

  • ^^Girls aren't some exotic species. I get what you're actually saying, but the wording could be better.

  • edited 2012-03-27 21:23:42
    Has friends besides tanks now

    It probably could. My question is less "how do girls work", and more, "how do I bring up a certain subject without coming off as a jerk/desperate, when I have x, y, and z options", which can apply to either gender. It just happens to concern a girl, on account of my being a straight male.

    I didn't bother asking "anyone who's been with a significant other" (as in, boys, as well) because there are so few girls here, and the only one I know of who has a SO is with a girl.

  • David Wong is the name of the main character in the book he wrote.

  • You can change. You can.

    ^^Girls aren't some exotic species.

    while this is true, I think approaching women in terms of dating requires more than that knowledge and thought in your head.

  • edited 2012-03-27 21:36:23

    ^Well, I have no experience in that regard. 

    How do people here generally mitigate the effects of posting under education-related stress?


    By posting post-educated-and-unemployed stress.

  • You can change. You can.

    I normally don't post, although my problem was that I posted to assuage education-related stress (Or, in other words, to procastinate) so I wouldn't be able to help ya.

  • edited 2012-03-27 21:42:45

    ^^That's one of the things I'm worried about.


    Dude, there's no shame in just letting loose and bitching about your problems for a bit.

  • You can change. You can.

    Or admitting that something's worrying you. It's not like we're going to shun you forever for what you said.

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    I usually mitigate it through acceptance of the fact that I'm a terrible student anyway and don't give much of a shit anymore (at least, not until I get to college; what I really want to do is just get the hell out of high school. I'm tired of it).

  • Might as well then.

    In regards to employment, I'm stuck between people telling me it's not my fault that the economy is lousy and a society that tells me that if I'm unemployed, it's my fault. And despite having reasonably good grades, I get paranoid that everyone else has 4.0 GPAs and tons of experience under their belt. 


    I know that feel bro. Just keep in mind what there is in life that gives you personal value and makes you happy, even if in superficial ways.

  • You can change. You can.

    I was normally too used to just do things at the last hour and solve my problems right there, but the last semester involved me being sick during a third of it, so wheeeee, that went amazingly well. 

    In regards to employment, I'm stuck between people telling me it's not my fault that the economy is lousy and a society that tells me that if I'm unemployed, it's my fault. And despite having reasonably good grades, I get paranoid that everyone else has 4.0 GPAs and tons of experience under their belt.

    Well, if I've learned anything from the last few years is that it isn't always your fault that you're unemployed, but the fact is, that unless you are limited by outside circumnstances and you don't try to look for a job, then it might possibly be your fault, so basically, what i'm saying, i guess, is that you shouldn't beat yourself down for it if you're actually trying, sending your resumé around, etc. 

  • edited 2012-03-27 21:57:03

    I guess. I eventually want to get myself into a position doing something I love in relation to my applied physics interests, but there's that classic catch-22 of requiring a job to get experience and requiring experience to get jobs.

    ^The resume thing is perplexing because so many sources offer conflicting advice on how to appeal to employers. Do you be confident or humble? Do you say certain things or not?

    Admittedly I was reluctant to post problems because my average GPA is 3.7, so it seemed kind of jerkish considering how often people have trouble with their GPA.

  • You can change. You can.

    All this college searching is not really helping me, grrr.

    I don't know what's worse, really. The fact that I feel that I simply can't go back to my old school (I mean, I was more than welcome there and I even kinda sorta agreed that I'd return by february, but I just can't set foot in there and feel good about myself for some reason I cannot fathom), the fact that every university I look for is suddenly unaffordable or the fact that while I have a secure plan should I not find a satisfying and viable option, I simply do not want to proceed with it. 

    and i keep lashing out at my mom even though she cares about me and is just trying to give me something to do in the meanwhile, but on the other hand, i am simply not interested in an oral speech class and i'm not exactly bad at presentations either.

  • You can change. You can.

    ^The resume thing is perplexing because so many sources offer conflicting advice on how to appeal to employers.

    One of the main secrets of the trade according to my mom is that employers are not homogeneous. Often, they are each searching for a different kind of person according to the job they require the person to perform and the team they intend such a person to work with, as well as their own personal preferences in terms of personality (Which is an aspect they try to maintain out of it as much as they can, but is also somewhat influential)

    either way, I think that the best you can do is research the job you want to do, and do it before going into the company in order to become the person they're looking for. 

  • I guess I can say that if you're not interested, it won't help you much unless you eventually become interested. Maybe you can check possible transfer options.

  • edited 2012-03-27 22:01:33
    You can change. You can.

    It's a three month course. I don't think they give you transfers for those, do they?

    Although I guess it's not an entirely impossible possibility.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Ultimate plan for my SWN character: Get a suitmech and an FEP. A set of powered armour alone literally requires you to bring along anti-tank weaponry just to be able to damage her, a suitmech just brings her up into 'untouchable' levels.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.


    Good news for Australian gamers? That has to be a first.

    Tell me about it. Do you know, at first, they were going to replace the MA15+ rating with R18+? Thankfully, we'll have both ratings after this goes through. 

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    Are three years really enough to require separate ratings?

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    In the US, we have E10+ and Teen.

    Admittedly, the ESRB isn't the best role model, but...

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    Are three years really enough to require separate ratings?

    Debatable, but the Australian standard has been like that as long as I've been alive. I'm simply happy that we'll be getting consistency, games being treated more and more like films in terms of their considered legitimacy. A lot of non-gamers in Australia still consider gaming to be a child's hobby rather than something applicable to all ages, so this alteration shows that the government has at least realised one or both of these things:

    1. The average gamer is actually a fully-grown adult.

    2. The games industry is worth ridiculous amounts of money, and they're cheating themselves out of taxes and a portion of the industry as long as they don't allow gamers the breadth of freedom they have in other countries. 

  • In the US, we have E10+ and Teen.

    And, you know, M and AO, which is an even smaller gap.

  • No rainbow star
    ^ Who even uses AO?

    No, seriously, who? I'd be amazed if any company allowed their game to be rated AO in recent years
  • edited 2012-03-28 00:45:18


    Ignoring all the old/porn games, there's the PC version of Manhunt 2 and Indigo Prophecy Director's Cut.

    Though, yeah... there really aren't a lot. 

  • You can change. You can.

    Yo, is Ian Ex Machina in the house?

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