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IJBMer Updates



  • edited 2011-11-06 12:18:47
    IJBM: Nobody told me SCANDAL (the Japanese band, not the American band with the same name) is essentially the real-life version of Ho-kago Tea Time! D:  This would have been good to know sooner!  Then I could have been listening to them already!
  • Thane of rum-guzzling and necromancy
    So I bought Shin Megami Tensei: Lucifer's Call (Nocturne), Serial Experiments Lain boxset in ENGLISH this time, and Neon Genesis Evangelion 2.22. Awesome. 
  • You can change. You can.
    I should watch Lain myself.
  • It's good.  Though I'm gonna need to rewatch it before I actually know what happened in it 'cause I wasn't really paying enough attention the first time... >.>
  • We Played Some Open Chords and Rejoiced, For the Earth Had Circled the Sun Yet Another Year
    I probably wouldn't understood Lain if I hadn't spoiled myself on it so thoroughly, lol

    here's something I found a little amusing.

    On the front of the Cooking Oil I just bought:

    Pure Wesson 100% Natural Vegetable Oil

    On the back:

    Ingredients: Soybean Oil
    I liked it a lot, but add the caveat that I was seventeen when I saw it...
  • Thane of rum-guzzling and necromancy

    I watched it on the internet, but then I went and bought an Italian/Spanish/French Lain boxset with no English option. I've learnt my lesson, check the languages before buying anything off the internet.

  • edited 2011-11-06 15:42:30
    No rainbow star
    ^^^ Well aren't soybeans vegetables?
  • $80+ per session
    When to my orientation today. I officially start on Tuesday. I'm super excited.
  • edited 2011-11-06 15:59:36
    Don't expect that feeling to last.
  • Has friends besides tanks now
    I'm starting to get annoyed at how I can't beat my record of 2:54 on Easy difficulty on these Sudoku puzzles.
  • edited 2011-11-06 18:24:30
    Has friends besides tanks now
    1. Whee, new story idea!

    2. Beat my Sudoku time . . . by a whole two seconds. Fuck yeah.

    3. Why are all the crappy deathcore songs I see on Rock Band so much fun to play on drums?

    4. Dammit. The pbp game started specifically for Tropers is gaining plenty of interest over at Giant in the Playground, but my nWoD thread doesn't have any replies yet.
  • http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?discussion=1319150242027820000&page=1

    People are suggesting My Little Pony images for Real Women Never Wear Dresses.

    ...I hate you all.

  • edited 2011-11-06 19:06:50
    Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    Considering that all the main female characters do actually wear dresses from time to time, and no one really gets angry about this in the fandom...

    It's just fans trying to shoehorn in the or favorite work whether it's appropriate or not. Annoying, yes, but it's hardly a pony only problem.
  • Yeah, I know. Back when I was more active on the site, I would have put Touhou. Ah, the memories of that one idiot who stocked the Action Girl image crowner with primarily Touhou images and then cried persecution complex.
  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!
    Remember when you couldn't go to any page without seeing a Haruhi reference?

  • You can change. You can.
    Meh, you'd probably be happy if it was 40K references.
  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!
    No I would not. I've personally scrubbed pages of excessive 40K references of the "you thought that was ridiculous, then how's THIS?!" vein.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Homestoka: The Melancholy of Scarlet Pony
    I love Haruhi like no one's business, but the 'X is actually Haruhi and Y is Kyon' wild mass guesses need to go away.
  • You can change. You can.
    ^Agreed 50%

    I don't love Haruhi.
    I just don't like it because it's unimaginative and it feels likes it's a borderline meme except it's one of those memes with no variation so it's not that funny.

    At least with the Time Lord ones, the justifications can sometimes be fun to read.
  • No rainbow star
    Well, I was sent home early because they weren't getting enough business at Brewsters to justify paying me tonight

    However there seemed to be a fair amount of traffic, and I've worked when it's dead

    I think they just didn't want to risk my tourettes going off and have me possibly injure myself (I'm twitching on and off tonight because tired - My meds can't counter that)
  • edited 2011-11-06 21:10:47

    Been watching some Mock the Week clips. Frankie Boyle just steals the show, mostly since he has no limit to his jokes (or maybe he's just the loudest and most active).

    The lack of women bugs me though. I strongly dislike the excuse that people don't find women funny. It seems more like if one of guys isn't funny, he doesn''t draw nearly as much attention about it. But what do I know? I only paid attention to Dara and Frankie most of the time.

  • $80+ per session
    Rethinking my major. Uuuuugh
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    I know that feel...

    Does your school at least have the major you might switch to?
  • $80+ per session
    Nope. I would have to go to a different one. Luckily I'm a senior and still have time to decide.

    It's interesting the majors are very similar but worlds apart.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Ah. That's almost exactly what happened to me.

    Well, at least it's not identical down to the bit where I was at school for over a year before noticing.
  • $80+ per session
    I don't know, I'm just thinking. It was a fleeting thought that grew.

    Game Design....or Film...
  • Are you good at programming?
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