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  • I do think Gankutsuou is better than Eden of the East, but it's probably easier to get into the latter.

    Madoka will help you get your daily dose of timeline shenanigans. So will Homestuck.

  • You can change. You can.
    Or I could ignore either and watch Xam'd, which is by BONES and is therefore perfect.

    Even if they did that pesky Fullmetal Alchemist series. >:|
  • -yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn-

    I'm filling strangely less homicidal than usual today.
  • edited 2011-10-04 22:24:21
    But you never had any to begin with.
    That's... good?

    Even if they did that pesky Fullmetal Alchemist series.

    You take that back! :<
  • You can change. You can.
    Make me!
  • You can change. You can.
    Or break me!
  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!
    Break him! Break his back!
  • אלוהים הוא בשמיים שלו, וכל נכון עם העולם
    That would imply that he has a spine.
  • Aww, the Bozar only uses 5.56mm ammo. I was hoping it used at the least .308, or ideally .50.
  • You can change. You can.
    That would imply that he has a spine.

    you're just mad because i think that misato is better than asuka

  • אלוהים הוא בשמיים שלו, וכל נכון עם העולם
    You're just jealous of my skills.
  • You can change. You can.
    And you're jealous of mine. You totally wish that you could analyze film as well as me. 
  • No rainbow star
    I wish I had skills :D
  • אלוהים הוא בשמיים שלו, וכל נכון עם העולם
    No, no, I'm quite content with my virtuoso musical abilities, thank you.
  • And he's prettier, too.
  • You can change. You can.
    No, no, I'm quite content with my virtuoso musical abilities, thank you.

    And I'm content with them as well. Now work and compose a piece in my name, slave

    And he's prettier, too.

    And I'm ruggedly handsome

  • אלוהים הוא בשמיים שלו, וכל נכון עם העולם
    The piece shall be titled "Those Women Longed for the Touch of Others' Lips, And Thus Invited Their Kisses".

    Oh, wait....
  • You can change. You can.
    that shouldn't have amused me as much as it did.

    damn you, solstace. i should be doing homework, not giggling at obvious references.
  • אלוהים הוא בשמיים שלו, וכל נכון עם העולם
    Half of the song titles I've decided on for my inevitable, eventual solo album are Evangelion references in some way or another.

    The other half are pretentious bullshit :D
  • That seems like a pretty thin line.
  • You can change. You can.
    Half of the song titles I've decided on for my inevitable, eventual solo album are Evangelion references in some way or another.
    The other half are pretentious bullshit :D

    >Implying Evangelion references are not pretentious bullshit

    I mean, really "The beast the shouted love at the top of the world?"
  • edited 2011-10-05 01:28:04
    אלוהים הוא בשמיים שלו, וכל נכון עם העולם
    I've tried to beef up the line.

    Compare:  "Black Moon Lilith" vs "An Idle Plot about a Vague Anxiety"

    The first song will have a heavy, energetic backing track with a slow melody on top, and lots of extended arpeggios.

    The second is going to be more of an acoustic math-rock song, with poly-rhythms all over the place, and the melody will come more from the drums than the actual pitched instruments.

    And of course, one of the titles I've decided upon is an obvious allusion to "Unfamiliar Ceilings".
  • You can change. You can.
    The first song will have a heavy, energetic backing track with a slow melody on top, and lots of extended arpeggios.

    I approve.
  • edited 2011-10-05 01:38:23
    אלוהים הוא בשמיים שלו, וכל נכון עם העולם
    I actually started writing that one a while ago.  Haven't visited it for a while.  It was based off of a blues progression in 6/8, and then a 7/8 bridge that was kind of vague do to polychords out the wazoo.  I wonder if I still have the score laying around....
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    Thinking about getting a braid.

    The more I consider it, the more it seems awesome, honestly.
  • You can change. You can.
    Playing with IceChat.

    I think I just banned myself from the IJBM filmclub
  • These Tunnelers can suck it. So can those two Deathclaws. I can normally sneak-attack crit-headshot those bastards into giblets, even without AP rounds. Why the hell were they so strong?
  • edited 2011-10-05 03:44:11
    They're somethin' else.
    ^^ nuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  • Kichigai birthday!!

    What's this? This wasn't there before.
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