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  • edited 2013-05-25 08:58:05

    For all its faults, it gives me some hope for the current regime.

    No. The current regime is a mafia made up of infighting castrocommunists and powerthirsters that is willing, desperately so, to sell, bleed and scar the nation to stay in control. That's all there is to it, and relatively minor gestures like that don't change anything. Get yourself a transcript of Mario Silva's declarations and see what's happening among the boliburgueoise.

    By the way, there's another one coming up, it's the first part of that same report but is touted as even worse. Last one actually mostly just confirmed what the opposition had been stating for a long while and to which extent (the worst possible). I hope they blackmailed the shit out of officialists before announcing all this.

    Edit: Oh yeah, and Maduro declared he wants to arm workers to defend sovereignty and shit. i.e. form guerrillas.

    Edit edit: Nice, here's a transcript with annotations and stuff. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

  • No rainbow star
    Well, any suggestions about how to go about it? I want to discuss with her about her availability first, and only do a break up if she refuses (once or twice a week isn't too bad, I think), but I'm worried about fucking it up and losing her not just as a girlfriend, but as a regular friend too
  • Pistols at dawn.

    In all seriousness, just be straightforward, say that the amount of time you're currently speaking to each other isn't satisfying and ask what solution is handy for her. But an e-relationship with such little contact seems unsatisfying even with contact once or twice a week.

  • No rainbow star
    Well, I asked her why she wasn't on that often. She said idk, then we had a few text long conversation on Minecraft (three, four texts from her?), then I asked her if she could come online once or twice a week and no response
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    Been to a tournament. Got a decent place in one-handed stuff. Arm a bit beaten up, but that was worth it. Looks like folks from all over Europe visit us for some fighting. Also: 


    It just struck me that it sounds like a clicque of energy drink afficionados.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    Been to a tournament. Got a decent place in one-handed stuff.

    Nice work. Do you find yourself better at single sword?

  • edited 2013-05-27 03:45:54

    EDIT: Nevermind.

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    @Alex: Seems like, although I can't be sure. I haven't tried myself in longsword this year, so I lack a comparison.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    My best guess is that you'd be better at your preference, I suppose. So I guess the question becomes, "Do you prefer single sword?". 

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    By the way, how many HEMA groups are there in Oceania, and have they been around for long?

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    Damned if I know, damned if I know. Australia has a smattering of them, with the East Coast probably having the most (being the only region of Australia not populated entirely by single-cell lifeforms). I couldn't speak for New Zealand, the Pacific Islander or South-East Asian territories of the region. My best guess is that Australia probably has the biggest HEMA community of Oceania and probably of the Southern Hemisphere. 

    Australia's HEMA community is overall pretty small compared to those of the USA and Europe. There are a fair few groups that are made of really good fencers, so at least we represent well in terms of skill. From what information I can gather, Central Europe at large is probably the best hotspot for HEMA overall. 

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    I'm asking 'cause I know of a Kiwi who moved to Britain because there weren't any groups in New Zealand. Apparently there are now, but in the meantime she got used to European community enough to stay.

  • No rainbow star
    Well, my mom is giving the advice to just let it drift. Wait for Caela to text me, wait a bit aftervthat to respond, and if mentions of a relstionship come up, state that I thought it was over due to the lack of contact
  • No rainbow star

    Huh. So far the whole idea of it has caused me a few moments of sadness, then meh =/

  • edited 2013-05-27 22:12:40
    Diet NEET

    Faust is paying us a visit upon the leak of EqD's shitty toys: http://boards.4chan.org/mlp/res/10902082#p10904210 (NSFW)

  • Personally, MLP toys never looked appealing to me. They don't look like they have functioning knee joints or whatever. Now, something like this, however, just reading about the joints is... ooooh...


  • It did always seem lame to me that "boy" toys like action figures always had all sorts of joints and articulation, but My Little Pony figurines are just a hunk of plastic molded into a fixed pose. 

    Is it really that hard to make a horse with legs that can move? 

  • edited 2013-05-28 17:09:20

    Probably not, considering there have been horse Transformers. And an articulated MLP would likely be even simpler since there isn't a need for the toy to change into a different form, in the same way that a Spider-man would be simpler than an Optimus Prime.

  • "I will grant you two wishes; one for each testicle."

    Anybody know the schedule on which the Something Awful forums turns pay-to-read? I was reading the LP forum yesterday, but today I can't without a membership.

  • There is no schedule as far as I know for the paywall. I'm fairly sure it happens whenever an admin wants it to happen for whatever reason. 

  • Kichigai birthday!!
    I think the LP forum especially goes behind the paywall quite often
  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    Anybody know the schedule on which the Something Awful forums turns pay-to-read? I was reading the LP forum yesterday, but today I can't without a membership.

    Whenever Slowbeef feels like it.

    There's also talk of permanently closing the LP forum behind the paywall, or at least the Dagan Ronpa thread specifically.

  • They realize that's just begging for even more terrible Tumblr posters to join SA, right.

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    The above sentence is a lot funnier if the first thing you associate with the abbreviation SA is the Sturmabteilung.

  • Don't the SJWs hate SA nowadays? Fedorabeard and goon are used interexchangably, at least in my feed.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    > fedorabeard


    ...this sounds like a TF2 item set for The Spy.

  • Really, the current generation of My Little Pony figurines is kinda one of the laziest. It seems like there's only one pose each for earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi (no galloping, no prancing, no flying, just...standing), which means they only need to use two head molds (horn and no horn) and two body molds (wings and no wings).

  • The best figures have always been those awesome Spider-Man figures with all those wonderful points of articulation. The X-men also had a pretty darn good toy run. In fact, many Marvel heroes get some darn good toys.
  • edited 2013-05-29 12:09:11

    Yeah, I hear Marvel's toy branch (or whatever it is ToyBiz used to be) were basically pioneers in articulation. I didn't have much interest in toys when I was younger (ironically), but wow, their Iron Man from like a decade ago had 35 points of articulation.

    Stuff like this is amazing too, but I don't know if anyone on this board besides me buys Ultraman merch.

  • edited 2013-05-29 14:58:11

    They realize that's just begging for even more terrible Tumblr posters to join SA, right.

    As far as they're concerned, for every Tumblr...er who joins SA to get their fix of Ronpa Dangan Style and immediately starts spewing bullshit instead of lurking and learning how to be a decent poster by SA standards, that simply means another :tenbux: for the forums in general and one more banlog to point and laugh at in the PYF probation/ban thread, as well as bad press among said Tumblrer's peers when they inevitably start butthurt blogging about it. Putting the Dangan Ronpa thread(s) behind a permanent paywall would likely just accelerate that, with the problem taking care of itself in short order.

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