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  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Good. All I needed to know.

  • I don't even call it violence when it's in self defence; I call it intelligence.

    So I'm sitting here in my room, wearing two hoodies and a rain jacket, and it's still just barely so warm enough for me. Also my chest hurts from all the coughing. And yes, yes, I'll go to bed soon, but I need to eat something first. And take medicine for a complete different issue. And yes, I'm a whiner ;)

  • I wish Americans said "lorry". It's such a cooler word than "truck".

    You know what always fascinated me about Australia? Despite being a left-hand drive country, Australian traffic signs are pretty clearly patterned on American ones, right down to the typeface used (which was developed in California in the 1950s). Makes me wonder how that came to be the case, considering that style of signage is not particularly common elsewhere in the world outside North America.

    We have a brand of cheese called "Coon Cheese". Foreigners find it highly offensive on occasion, but no-one else seems to care. That said, I've never actually asked an Aboriginal how they feel about it.

    There's a shop about an hour and a half from here called Coons Candy. It's apparently a family name dating all the way back to the 1910s, but I gotta say I cringe a little every time I see the huge billboards they've posted alongside US 23.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    > keep on trucking

    > keep on lorrying

    Doesn't have the same ring to it.

  • edited 2013-03-25 16:55:15
    No rainbow star
    So I know my final drawing project

    Basicslly it's do whatever, as long as it's in a minimum of three pieces

    Planning to do the project based on nightmares, memoroes, and monsters new, old, and otherwise

    Plans so far:
    •An operator symbol (Slendy)
    •A totheark style video (Slendy)
    •The hand (Yellowman)
    •Maze-like string connections (giant spiders)

    Any other suggestions?

  • You can change. You can.


    chicken blt sandwich

    You know, Mcdonalds' burgers are shit but their chicken sandwich are...not-shit. Which is nice when you want something cheap.

  • In Australian high schools, students are given the chance to opt out of any classes (except for English) at the beginning of Year 11.

    I think it's just NSW that has to do English. At the least, I'm somewhat certain Victoria doesn't have to do it. Given how much time we spent bitching in English about how much we hated English and how lucky Victorians are for not having to do English...

  • no fair, all of you people get better countries than me

    oh well, i'll have the last laugh when i end up ruling the world

  • You can change. You can.

    Central Avenue: Queen of the World for exactly one hour after being deposed in a shady deal involving traffic lights and a crown. 

  • no fair, all of you people get better countries than me

    But you're in the best country of all. hur hur hur.

    honestly though, you may be projecting the whole "Grass is greener" here.

  • Context, what's that, I deal only in absolutes, I am the sithiest person around.

  • You can change. You can.

    i tell you man all countries are shit except colombia

    those fuckers got some good coffee

  • honestly though, you may be projecting the whole "Grass is greener" here.

    I do that a lot, I guess

  • Idea: Twitter bot called @pony_ebooks that posts random quotes from the My Little Pony cartoons

    (Not just Friendship is Magic, either, all four generations!)

  • edited 2013-03-25 17:56:43
    No rainbow star
    ^ Only if it spams super macho pony hater accounts with said quotes
  • Better yet, a Twitterbot posting this shit: http://wtfponyfanfiction.tumblr.com/

  • if u do convins fashist akwaint hiz faec w pavment neway jus 2 b sur

    I thought that only us had shitty weather for quite some time. It was a very warm winter with almost no snow, February highs were almost constantly in the 20s, but the entire second half of March has been a mix of light snow and heavy rain. It's disgusting, fuck climate change.

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    thought that only us had shitty weather for quite some time. It was a very warm winter with almost no snow, February highs were almost constantly in the 20s, but the entire second half of March has been a mix of light snow and heavy rain. It's disgusting, fuck climate change.

    Milos, did you move to Chicago when no one was looking?

  • edited 2013-03-25 19:37:23
    if u do convins fashist akwaint hiz faec w pavment neway jus 2 b sur

    BTW, you knew that Chicago is the second city in the world with a largest Serbian population, right after Belgrade?

     One of the parodies of the Greater Serbia plan involved "liberating Chicago, the ancient bastion of Serbdom" and setting the western border of Greater Serbia at Milwaukee?

  • My favorite is "Acca-Dacca".

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    Heh, funnily enough, Chicago has like exactly the same kind of reputation around here. Personally speaking, I don't know what's there that's so alluring to folks like us, but something must be.

  • if u do convins fashist akwaint hiz faec w pavment neway jus 2 b sur

    Chicago's really fucking cold and windy, from what I've heard from some people who were there.

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    It is really windy. It is a fun spot to drive down and spend a weekend walking around and dicking around though. 

  • edited 2013-03-25 20:29:27
    Has friends besides tanks now

    Thinking about my schedule, I'll be a little amazed if I graduate on time, since classes aren't always offered as needed, but at the same time, I don't really want to pull out of any of the majors/minors I'm in. :/

    At least making the schedule and working it over was kind of fun.

  • > keep on trucking

    > keep on lorrying

    Doesn't have the same ring to it.

    Also, "badasss mothertrucker".

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Mother of all Lorries

  • Definitely not gay.

    I had a weird-ass nightmare last night.

    Like, I wasn't even scared. I just woke up confused and disgusted.

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    I know that feel. Do you remember what the dream was about?

  • Definitely not gay.

    Oh yes, yes I did. Very vividly.

    In this dream, I was an elf. Not a Tolkien elf, the Fair Folk kind of elf. The kind of elf that always follows the letter of a bargain, is weak to iron (this part's important) and can't cross streams.

    I woke up from some long-ass sleep and proceeded to the "world of mortals", as I called it. While in the "world of mortals", I realized one thing: humans were assholes and I needed to teach them a lesson.

    So I started victimizing humans. My acts always ended the same way: the victim's complete humiliation in public, followed by an utter mental breakdown and a karmic death and ending with me ranting about how greedy/selfish/arrogant/cruel humans were.

    At first, my victims really right-out deserved it. I remember that one of my earliest victims was a guy who intentionally sent dozens of innocent people to their deaths purely for his own profit.  Later, my victims' crimes became less and less severe. I stopped picking on mass murderers and serial rapists and started picking on petty dicks, like a boss who underpaid some of his workers because they weren't white or a spoiled kid who killed his neighbor's dog because he was jealous of his neighbor. 

    Eventually, things really escalated. I dropped the "karmic" part of my actions and started focusing more on the "complete humiliation and ruination of lives" part, and my methods of killing my victims became less and less instant karma and more and more for my own pleasure. I started looking for the smallest things to justify my actions. I once gave a dude a complete mental breakdown in front of everyone he knew,made him to go utterly broke and caused his spouse (who he genuinely loved) to divorce him because he was fifteen minutes late for work once. My rants about humanity's selfishness and stupidity also became longer and longer.

    So, my last victim was a guy flipped out once at a bully who made fun of him when he was in second grade. It would have been easily forgotten, had I not been present at the school during that day. From that day forth, I hounded the guy in secret. The guy went on to become a decent guy, even taking his grandpa's advice and going to anger management class. He grew up to be a productive member of society. He even used his money to foot his dad (who had a terminal illness)'s medical bills and took time off to visit him every Sunday.

    During one of these visits, I enacted my plan.

    First, I used magic to get the guy pissed. Like, REALLY pissed. He lashed out at his parents, claiming that he was ungrateful for everything they did and he wished that they would die. Afterwards, I made him (note that he was partially aware of his actions: it was more like a suggestion spell in D&D, minus the "can't do something unreasonable" clause) quit his job to follow some pipe dream I made up on the spot. Once he realized that he was broke and his family hated him, he decided to turn his life around. But I wouldn't allow that! I made him spend all his cash on booze, wording my spell so that he'd violently reject any offers for help.

    Eventually, after three months or so, I made him snap out of it. I confronted him myself in a secluded spot and started beating the shit out of him. While I thrashed his ass, I gave my longest rant about how "inferior" and "pathetic" humanity was. I laughed at him personally, deriding him for wasting his life and rejecting every offer of help. For a moment, I stopped beating the shit out of him and gave him two minutes to stand up and realize just how thoroughly I ruined his life. 

    And you know what he did?

    Instead of breaking down like so many of my victims had, he pulled a fucking iron rod out of his pocket and pointed it at me.

    He started talking about how he had heard of my kind, and always carried iron around out of a nagging suspicion of me. He said that he made out exactly what I was doing. And he said that what I was doing was sick. He said that while he wasn't denying that humans could be cruel or selfish, I was ten times worse than the worst human alive simply because I was blind to my hypocrisy.

    He said that for all my claims of "superiority", I was at the end of the day a bully who victimized other people because he was too insecure and egotistical to acknowledge his own flaws. All this he did while pointing the rod at me, which had a Force lightning-esque effect on me. 

    At the end of his speech he put the iron in his pocket and said that he'd spare my life. He thought that letting me live with the knowledge that I was only alive because a human said so was infinitely more satisfying than killing me. I shouted that I would kill him, but he smugly told me that killing him wouldn't change that fact. I got so pissed that I jumped in the air and tore myself in half.

    Of course, the last thing I read before falling asleep was the Inheritance Cycle, so

  • a little muffled
    That is way more coherent than any dream I have ever had in my life.
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