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  • edited 2013-03-24 13:36:21
    Definitely not gay.

    Whether Gannondorf is a great wizard or a hack in D&D terms probably changes game-to-game.

    In most LoZ games, Ganon/dorf is epic level. Hell, in some games he might even have a divine rank!

    Also, I wonder if Ganon would be a wizard, warlock, or sorcerer. 

    • Wizard is the least likely choice. Ganondorf doesn't seem very bookish, and we never see him prepare spells. 

    • Warlock is...pretty likely, actually. Ganondorf canonically descends from Demise, who would count as an Outsider. He's also referred to as a warlock in-game, so

    • Sorcerer is also likely. Ganondorf seems pretty charismatic, seeing as he's charmed the pants off of Hyrule's king twice (as himself and through Agahnim). 

  • edited 2013-03-24 13:35:06
    One foot in front of the other, every day.

    ^^ I think we can in this case, because we're talking about a consistent damage reduction based on a percentage. If all damage is reduced by exactly 50%, then that's entirely the same as having 100% extra HP. It's when hard values enter the equation that thinking in terms of a HP addition ceases to be useful. Like in Mount & Blade, where armour is always a hard value damage reduction, which has a different relationship with HP than a percentage reduction; percentages tend to work better against higher-damage attacks whereas hard value reductions are better for softening moderate attacks or negating weak ones. 

    Given how simple Zelda games tend to be, I think it's safe to treat the fairy's blessing as doubling Link's HP. There's nothing in the game that introduces enough complexity to play with that 50% reduction, so it's an effective doubling of the HP value. 

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    I think we can in this case, because we're talking about a consistent damage reduction based on a percentage.

    Except for attacks that reduce precisely one health from Link- one quarter of a heart. Like bat attacks in OoT.

    Reducing damage by half doesn't reduce that damage to one eighth- thus, Link cannot survive twice the amount of those attacks with the Great Fairy's blessing.

  • Definitely not gay.

    Actually, I could use some help building Ganon for a boss encounter in D&D.

  • if u do convins fashist akwaint hiz faec w pavment neway jus 2 b sur

    The thing to remember about Fascism is that it's noing going to neatly fit into Left-Right or Progressive-Conservative drawers, as it has elements of both. This, by the way, means people on all sides use it to bash the others. One can also make a claim that Communist dictatorships often end up as a sort of quasi-Fascism. When it comes to modern movements, it seems they tend to drop the claim of novelty and revolutionariness. I guess it was a thing of the age, born out of Fascism's beginnings in, and competition with, the Left.

    Indeed, you are right about this. The left-right axis is far less simple and Manichean than people on both sides like to claim. As for your comparison of "communist dictatorships" and quasi-fascism - it's true that Stalinism is, in practice, closer to fascism than genuine communism.

    You deserve a compliment, Gacek, I admit that you are one of the most thoughtful and reasonable right-wingers I've seen on the internet. I love discussing stuff with you.

  • edited 2013-03-24 17:09:29
    "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    You deserve a compliment, Gacek, I admit that you are one of the most thoughtful and reasonable right-wingers I've seen on the internet. I love discussing stuff with you.

    ...mmeeeemmhhmhmhmeebwwhghhh ---



    (Slightly more seriously, a part of it is that I'm playing up the contrast, I might qualify as not a right-winger in some other communities. I guess I don't mind being counted as right or centre-right, although I haven't been thinking much of myself in these terms, so I didn't expect being called one. Political compasses that I have done, if I can consider them reliable, generally placed me somewhere in the middle of Left-Right axis.)

  • if u do convins fashist akwaint hiz faec w pavment neway jus 2 b sur

    I think I remember you saying once that you considered yourself a conservative, so I went by that.

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    Yeah, I like this label. I guess it speaks badly of my consistency.

  • I don't even call it violence when it's in self defence; I call it intelligence.

    Massive reply to various stuff from the last two pages:

    The only problem I see is the part where she took a photo without his knowledge and uploaded it, since (as you might recall, heh) I'm big on privacy, informational self-determination and and personality rights.

    "The wolf is the Serbian totem animal, the symbol of Serbia among the other nations of Europe and the Balkans since the earliest times. Saint Sava was the protector of wolves, or a wolf-shepherd. Emperor Dušan the Mighty used the wolf-oath as the code of conduct for his knights."

    Ahaha. Maybe somebody should introduce those guys to the Grey Wolves? Who claim the same for Turkey. Somehow I don't think Serbian nationalist would like to be the same as Turks, haha. 

    The text itself doesn't look obviously fascist.

    What? " The defense of the human being and humanity against the influx of false modern social "norms" and "values". That's typica straight "New Right" bullshit.

    Would any of the following count as monster girls:

    • succubi (the "humans with horns, a tail and sometimes wings" variation)

    • some of the less human-ish (but still recognizably human) vampires

    • orc females (the Blizzard-style depiction)

    • Homestuck-style trolls

    • asari

    • Grendel's hot mom

    • centaur girls

    • mariliths

    • the Xenomorph Queen

Yes ; depends ; no (sapient regular race=not monster) ; I guess no (under the same reasoning) ; no and fuck you for suggesting so :p ; yes ; yes (unless centaurs are a regular sapient race in your setting) ; who? ; yes

That's kind of the point. Magneto's not exactly evil. Just a terrorist who's willing to kill people in order to create a world where mutants are no longer persecuted.

In many ways I have more sympathies for Magneto than Prof X. Which shouldn't come as a surprise to some people here, I guess. I mean, there's a reason I have Malcolm X as avatar and not MLK :p

or just as "bad authoritarian" [Fascism]

Why not? To me, authoritarianism is the core of fascism, even more so than any nationalism or racism. The latter comes in many forms, but this insistence on leadership, militarism, discipline etc. is what IMO makes fascism fascism.

is a mass movement, relying on its supporters among the populace (notably, as opposed to military juntas, which are in power just because they bring guns);

There have been fascist coups, and nowadays neo-nazi groups are fascist without enjoying wide support.

is organised along the lines of a political party, led by a charismatic Leader;

Many modern neo-nazis eschew organizing as political parties, and often have as many leaderships disputes as radical leftist organizations have ideological splits :p And yet, if we can't use neo-nazis as benchmark for fascism, what we can we use for that?

is highly nationalist in the sense of putting the Nation and the State on the pedestal and using the rhetoric of individual's subservience to it.

True, though there is an interesting split - Mussolini's fascism put the state above everything else, while Hitler's nazism puts the race (and theoretically the nation, but that is defined as race) above everything else.

I guess that's it for a while. By this definition Nazis and Italian Fascists count, military strongmen don't count, and I'm willing to say Francisco Franco is a borderline case as he doesn't really tick most boxes, but was notably more ideologically-minded than your typical El Presidente.

Falangism is fascism. Now Falangism was not Franco's only support base, but he did stage a putsch against the rightful government for ideological reasons, and those pretty much align with fascist ideals.

I'm basing that on the writing of historian Walter Laqueur, if you're curious.

I think what is considered the 'definitive' text on that would be by Umberto Eco: His essay on 'Ur-Fascism'


  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    What? " The defense of the human being and humanity against the influx of false modern social "norms" and "values". That's typica straight "New Right" bullshit.

    As I see it, "New Right" isn't necessarily fascism, but I'm gonna say a part of the "New Right" is to look like it isn't something that ticks the boxes on the list of someone looking for fascists or other nasties.

    Why not? To me, authoritarianism is the core of fascism, even more so than any nationalism or racism. The latter comes in many forms, but this insistence on leadership, militarism, discipline etc. is what IMO makes fascism fascism.

    You said it yourself: "leadership, militarism, discipline etc.", so there's more than just the fact that there is a single guy at the top. If we focus on the authority alone we may as well expand fascism to include monarchies.

    There have been fascist coups, and nowadays neo-nazi groups are fascist without enjoying wide support.

    Coups yes, but even if they start with a fraction of the populace it's supposed to be a massive organisation, not just a ruling clique.

    Many modern neo-nazis eschew organizing as political parties, and often have as many leaderships disputes as radical leftist organizations have ideological splits :p And yet, if we can't use neo-nazis as benchmark for fascism, what we can we use for that?

    Neo-nazis are a slightly different animal. For one, their willingness for international cooperation is quite contrary to the spirit of historical Fascist doctrines. And as for the benchmark, they're at best a development of fascism in postwar conditions. Same with their support levels. A bunch of thugs with delusions of grandeur and failing at its own doctrine is hardly a good benchmark for anything except an extreme young male underground movement.

    Falangism is fascism. Now Falangism was not Franco's only support base, but he did stage a putsch against the rightful government for ideological reasons, and those pretty much align with fascist ideals.

    I haven't studied the issue of Franco, but it seems like it's often said Franco was closer to Latin American dictators than European fascists. I'll stay at that; I'd have to spend some time on that story, and I've got not enough.


    I'm looking into this piece by Eco, so far it seems he's pretty close to what I've read.

  • I don't even call it violence when it's in self defence; I call it intelligence.

    You said it yourself: "leadership, militarism, discipline etc.", so there's more than just the fact that there is a single guy at the top. If we focus on the authority alone we may as well expand fascism to include monarchies.

    It's not just leadership in itself. It's that ideological and propagandistic focus on leadership (most prominently the "Führerprinzip" in Nazi Germany) and on discipline and the destiny of the group over the individual and all that. Which in the end does all mean submission to the leaders, but the point is fascism's particular ideological insistence on that. At least, I personally see that insistence, heh.

    Coups yes, but even if they start with a fraction of the populace it's supposed to be a massive organisation, not just a ruling clique.

    Well, dictators can drum something up, of course. I think the important part here is actually aesthetics. Without mass rallies and military parades and all that, always involving masses of people - yeah it wouldn't really look and feel like fascism, would it? I suppose that's true, but on the other hand that seems to be more aesthetics than directly ideology to me. However, on the first hand again so to speak, aesthetics is a very, very important part of fascism anyway. Gariele D'Annunzio is often considered the "father" of fascism, and in his conception it was basically all aesthetics, as a political outgrowth of the futurist movement.

    Neo-nazis are a slightly different animal. For one, their willingness for international cooperation is quite contrary to the spirit of historical Fascist doctrines. And as for the benchmark, they're at best a development of fascism in postwar conditions. Same with their support levels. A bunch of thugs with delusions of grandeur and failing at its own doctrine is hardly a good benchmark for anything except an extreme young male underground movement.

    I'd say fascists have always cooperated internationally. Diplomatically during WW2, but also the various movements before (well, within the limits of communication at that time). Most fascist movements had little problem to change the historiographical narrative in order to accommodate alliances, and Hitler for example was willing to give up South Tyrole entirely for the sake of his pact with Mussolini. Still, the degree of international connection Neo-Nazis use nowadays is of course something new, but I wouldn't say this means a break in continuity. It's still the same fascist movements, just adapted to modern times. And while they may not have much support, Neo-Nazis are the most openly fascists we have these days in Europe. Even if they may not be a particularly good benchmark, I don't see any better.

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
     It's not just leadership in itself. It's that ideological and propagandistic focus on leadership (most prominently the "Führerprinzip" in Nazi Germany) and on discipline and the destiny of the group over the individual and all that. Which in the end does all mean submission to the leaders, but the point is fascism's particular ideological insistence on that. At least, I personally see that insistence, heh.

    The thing is, you said it again. It's not about simply trying for strongman rule, but the ideology a crucial part of which is the focus on "the Leader". A "bad authoritarian" does not have to be a fascist, in the sense of a movement we're trying to define from its emanations we have had the bad luck to observe.

    Even if they may not be a particularly good benchmark, I don't see any better. 

    Hm, I guess Eco gives me an argument for this one. It's easy to spot a fascist when he's calling to re-open Auschwitz. We should rather look for those less obvious ones, as they are likelier to accomplish something, and for that we need better template than a glorified street gang.




    Sorry, but I'm off, it's late. 


    Not sure, but I think I just had a panic attack. It was not a pleasant experience.

  • A Mind You Do NOT Want To Read

    What do you think caused it? Or would you rather not say?


    I'm really not sure. General stress I guess?

  • edited 2013-03-25 08:18:32

    Dear God, I simply cannot keep awake when it comes to mathematics.

    Had to resort to those painfully-sour energy drinks that punch and burn your throat to keep my eyes open for the latter three hours.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    dont do math then

  • I would if I could.

    I freaking HATE math.

  • A Mind You Do NOT Want To Read

    In Australian high schools, students are given the chance to opt out of any classes (except for English) at the beginning of Year 11. Do you get that level of choice at any point in a Singaporean high school?

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    I'm pretty sure Kraken's in tertiary education.

  • Ridi, Pagliaccio, sul tuo amore infranto!

    So, it is supposed to be Spring, and it is almost April, and it was warm yesterday. Today, we have a foot of snow.

    Maryland, folks.

  • edited 2013-03-25 09:46:46
    Has friends besides tanks now

    Gotta love the East Coast.

    But at least I'm not still in Maine.

  • Hahaha so it's not just here then

    And of course this big snowstorm corresponds with everyone's spring break in my family


  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    You could always send the snow my way.

    I'd love to see snow for the... second time in my life, ever.

  • Clearly we need to redistribute the snowfall...instead of you getting none at all and us getting an intolerable amount, everybody should get just enough to look pretty without inconveniencing things.

    Let's petition the weather pegasi.


  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    But pegasi are dicks, they'll probably not do it just to spite us :(

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    It's almost April and the snow still won't melt.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    That's because April is autumn. :V

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    Psst, that's "fall" to the yanks in the room. 

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    If they don't have the decency to know what autumn is then I have nothing further to say to them. :|

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