If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
gmh quick switch bodies with me
think of all the wacky shenans
Hey Alex, you know of anything about pistol grips regarding fencing swords?
^^ NO
~minigun spin-up~
I'm not sure there's much to know. Different kinds of sport fencing do things differently, but thrusting attacks are usually somewhere between legal and the only permissible type of attack. Using a pistol grip means that your thrust is lined up with your knuckles, so the basic movement is like a punch. I couldn't tell you anything about specific kinds of pistol grips, though.
So I was watching the Patriot and the message that I got from it was it that its totes okay for children to shoot people as long as those people are foreign oppressors.
I thought the message was "Mel Gibson kills Englishmen with a hatchet". As for your pick - that's actually a tricky subject, sort of.
Science proves that Sonic fanboyism and autism have a strong overlap.
How did I guess it would have to do with that protein.
It's one of a family of proteins that are named after hedgehogs. Someone apparently had a sense of humor, and Sega hasn't C&D'd whoever did that (the way Nintendo did after someone named a cancer gene Pokémon).
^^ Just today I was thinking about that protein (and Pokémon).
And I just found out there's a Pikachurin.
New mouse get
When I saw the
I almost thought you were nohaynicklibre. why did i
Has any seen or heard from Bob/Midnight Velvet recently? I'd like to talk to her.
>in Adventure Time fandom
>lurk tumblr, /co/ and other sites that have substantial AT fans
>find erotic fanfiction of Adventure Time within 5 minutes
>ask no-one in particular why every fandom is filled with creepy perverts
I thought that Chris-chan proved that years ago.
Because the show panders to shippers. Or something like that.
Although writing erotic fanfiction is hardly enough to classify someone as a "creepy pervert."
But virtually everything I found was PB/Marceline
Most of the ship teasey stuff is between Finn and PB or Finn and Flame Princess
It really doesn't, which makes the shipping wars all the more baffling.
Though apparently the one writer liked to strongly imply Bubblegum/Marceline and got fired for it or something.
I have ten Ice King/Finn fics that say you're wrong
It does. It really does.
Haven't you seen virtually all of PB and Finn's interactions? Or every episode with Flame Princess starting with Incendium?
5 minutes? That's remarkably slow.
Dude. That's like... the fandom's biggest ship, hands down.
Hold on, if you give me five minutes, I can PM you with about fifty different PB/M images sitting on my Tumblr's dash.
It's only hinted at in one episode, while pretty much every other episode drops little PB/Finn or (post Too Young) PB/Flame Princess hints.
Presumably because people a) don't give a shit if the show doesn't support it very much, or b) they just like the pairing.
That said, I hear that the staff themselves support the PB/M ship, so perhaps they're picking up hints you're not.
I've never seen the show outside of the clip showing Marceline singing that song, but I know there's a 261-page Tumblr dedicated to the pairing, so...
Oh my Glob.
Well, like I said, I don't even watch the show, so I'd be hard-pressed to ship anything.
However, that song does make me wonder, and from what else people have said of the episode, it wouldn't surprise me.
I mean, not trying to justify the ship or anything; be pretty dumb of me. But from what I know of it, it doesn't particularly surprise me that there's such a huge following for the pairing.
Because the pairing is particularly cute, which gives the relationship an edge over regular, kinda boring relationships.
Because Princess Bubblegum and Marceline fit each other much better in terms of visual style than Finn fits with either of them.
Because there's so few lesbian relationships in western media, even teased ones, that fans tend to grab hold of any ones with a decent support in canon.
Take your pick.
The extent to which people take Adventure Time so seriously baffles me. I certainly appreciate the show and like the characters, but the whole show plays out like a chase scene between a clown car and a horse carriage full of otters. It thrives on chaotic, improvisational fun, and I think experiencing it otherwise is missing the point.
I think it's silly to classify shipping as inherently something serious. Many people just have a bit of fun with it, artists might draw fanart for a variety of reasons (wanting to improve their drawing by mimicking an art style, just wanting to see the two characters, etc), fanfic authors might write fanfic for the same reason.
Just a bit of fun for many people.
Mind you, I only hear about shipping in context of the drama it creates.