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Vidya Gaems General



  • But you never had any to begin with.

    ^^ That's hardly unusual for The Lost Levels. :P

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    That's the Lost Levels, isn't it?

    Also, I'm not familiar with Mass Effect, so can someone fill me in on how it's sexist?

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    can someone fill me in on how it's sexist?

    I have played the entire series three times, and I have trouble seeing it. Pretty sure that's the point.

  • edited 2013-02-19 00:23:43
    Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    ^^It's actually not, it's not perfect, but it makes some effort at being progressive. It's the Witcher that's sexist.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I'm not familiar with The Witcher, so can someone fill me in on how it's sexist?

  • ^

    One more negative comment about The Witcher: presenting sex partners as a collection sidequest is fucking creepy.

  • BeeBee
    edited 2013-02-19 00:29:56


  • edited 2013-02-19 00:34:37
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Other than that.


    For what it's worth, though, that reminds me of how Spelunky files the damsel under "loot" if you rescue her.  (Same goes for the spelunker if you're playing as the damsel.)

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Other than that.

    How do you need more than that?

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    Well, the first part of the Witcher 2 can't seem to stop talking about whores for one thing. Also, a female character is groped by another character while the former is dazed by magical backlash.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Witcher 2 is better about it than 1.

    1 has all that stuff, plus the collection quest I was talking about. Essentially, whenever you sleep with one of the many women you can sleep with, you get a card with a naked picture of her.

  • I honestly wonder if that is partly where the scum who inflicted Pokegirls upon the world got the idea from.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    ^^ Oh okay.

  • edited 2013-02-19 03:14:34
    A Mind You Do NOT Want To Read

    Speaking of Pokegirls...

    Say goodbye to your faith in humanity.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.




  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    ...is that a self-insert shipfic Let's Play?

  • A Mind You Do NOT Want To Read

    It would appear so, yes.

  • BeeBee
    edited 2013-02-19 04:09:19

    all of my wat

    Okay, I can't watch all of that.  It's too painful an intersection of stupid and wat.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    I always get sad when I see things like this. It'd make a really bad movie, but dear god that is awesome.

  • BeeBee
    edited 2013-02-19 12:46:04

    Yeah the movie would be like, five glorious minutes of that, and thousands of hours of fetch quests and generic draugr in caves.

  • You can change. You can.




    I'm a excited little shit right now.

  • edited 2013-02-19 13:00:33
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    So, the president of Gearbox is blocking anyone who criticizes A:CM on twitter, on the basis that he only wants positive feelings in his personal twitter (despite the fact that he never seems to use it for anything but publicizing games). He's also making a big show of replying to everyone who says they liked it.

    ^^The weird thing is, Oblivion had excellent quest design outside the main quest.

    Bethesda has this weird tendency to completely forget how to do things between games.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Bag of Spilling

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    ^^I think Bethesda funneled most of their talent into making the gameplay better and left the writing to interns or something.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    But...the gameplay in Skyrim isn't significantly better than in Oblivion. I mean, level scaling actually works, and equipping the hands individually is awesome, but that's about as far as the concrete improvements go.

    Meanwhile, magic, especially destruction, got significantly worse, and combat is the same slap-fight it's always been.

  • But you never had any to begin with.
    Significantly worse than completely broken doesn't really seem like a fair comparison.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Yes, magic was broken before. Just like everything else in every TES game at high levels. Now it's the only thing that isn't.
  • edited 2013-02-19 13:26:42
    Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    ^^^What? Magic was always kind of terrible in TES games. Yeah, Destruction is kinda underpowered but other schools (outside Enchanting which was always OP) are actually useful now.

    Also, also how is "you don't have to min/max to keep up with the level scaling" not a massive improvement?

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Magic was always kind of terrible in TES games. Yeah, Destruction is kinda underpowered but other schools (outside Enchanting which was always OP) are actually useful now.

    was mostly talking about Destruction. I do feel that magic as a whole went downhill with the lack of spellmaking, though.

    Also, also how is "you don't have to min/max to keep up with the level scaling" not a massive improvement?

    I said that was an improvement.

    But implementing that is not such a huge monumental task that they had to devote their whole team to it and couldn't design decent quests.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Ooh, that Randy Pitchford thing gets worse. Those twitter accounts whose praise of A:CM he's responding to? Yeah, a lot of them are very new twitter accounts, which really seem to like talking about how awesome Gearbox products are. Oh dear.

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