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Vidya Gaems General



  • My arms are falling off!

    Got around to completing Sonic Colors's Egg Shuttle. Took me about 12 minutes short of 2 hours.

    I sure as hell am not playing this mode for score, because scoring in this game is kinda dumb. If I do this mode again I'm just gonna work on improving my time, or stream it for friends if I feel like buying screen capturing equipment (and streaming software that isn't FFsplit).

  • "I will grant you two wishes; one for each testicle."

    I actually like the scoring in Colors the best. It rewarded actual exploration (using wisps, collecting red rings, etc.) more than just going stupidly fast, like Generations

  • They're somethin' else.

    Gunman Clive is probably the best 2 dollars I've spent on a 3DS downloadable. A shame its so short.

  • Ridi, Pagliaccio, sul tuo amore infranto!

    No, Forzare, it means I haven't gotten it yet.

  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.


    Well, when you finish it, my avatar will make you die inside even more.

  • Ridi, Pagliaccio, sul tuo amore infranto!

    Yay -_-

  • I'm a damn twisted person
    Hey, being a hollow shell of anti-life wrapped by a cocoon of skin and blood has it's perks.
  • edited 2013-01-21 19:38:33
    My arms are falling off!

    I don't like Colors's scoring, myself. I don't like prolonging the stage in favor of milking points; it's less about skill and more about brute-forcing the stage. Maybe there are some skill elements like not getting hit (get hit once = lose all rings even if you have like 400), but having to scour the whole stage doesn't seem like my kind of fun. I like Generations's just fine, save for the grades being stupidly lenient.

    It's even dumber if you decide to do Egg Shuttle. It's already long enough as it is. Spending even more time just to reap tons of points = NO.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!



    Okay, look, I know nothing about Devil May Cry, but the fanbase's reaction to the reboot is almost on the level of the Bayonetta 2 thing.

  • Well, they did start the "Operation Crazy" which I'd say is generally a good way to actually respond to Gaming companies shitty practices.


    Pity this is Capcom we're talking about.

  • Ridi, Pagliaccio, sul tuo amore infranto!

    Emphasis on almost, CU.

    Seriously, the Bayonetta stuff really annoyed me.

  • Also, you'll note that there's a huge overlap between the fanbases.

  • edited 2013-01-21 20:55:45
    They're somethin' else.

    The DmC thing is ALMOST justified. Almost.

    The Bayonetta 2 thing, you have nothing to blame but those so called hardcore gaming publishers. Fanboys can't even do the research worth a damn.

    Thank you, Nintendo <3

  • Ridi, Pagliaccio, sul tuo amore infranto!

    I'm very excited about the game. Looking forward to maybe some screenshots or something though

  • Not to beat a dead horse, but at least a few "fans" said that they'd rather see the game languish in development hell than see it be released on a Nintendo console.

    Moving on, ever play Arkham City on the New Game+? Because Mr. Freeze is nearly impossible. The meat of the fight is performing various different takedowns three(?) times on him, never repeating the same tactic, while mostly staying out of sight. Now imagine having to perform ten takedowns within the same boss fight, most of which you haven't used much at all, while having detective mode jammed half the time.
  • Ridi, Pagliaccio, sul tuo amore infranto!

    Not to beat a dead horse, but at least a few "fans" said that they'd rather see the game languish in development hell than see it be released on a Nintendo console.


  • edited 2013-01-21 23:42:23
    I told you a hundred times Seibah, I don't want you in my pool

    MrW: That sounds pretty awful, since some of the takedowns (like the glass roof one) are really hard to pull off.


    but too be honest, I did buy the new DmC because /v/ was raging like there was no tomorrow so I wanted to see it (and the combat looked fun).

    My biggest problem is that while Dante could get on my nerves, he was a fun character as the series went on and DMC4 was hilarious. DmC just tries way too hard on too many levels to reach shock-value, and the plot is basically They Live. Also the game is way easy, but my problem is just the boss fights in general.


    I wouldn't want it pulled from the shelves since, for better or for worse, everyone knew what DmC was going to be and NT didn't hide the direction they were going in. I hate to say this, but the game has very little to do with DmC aside from the name, so just creating a new IP would have been smarter.

    Then again they seem to be profiting from the decision since the DMC collection shot up in popularity once the game got close to release, so either way capcom wins.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    just creating a new IP would have been smarter.

    Now, I know nothing about DMC/DmC, so I won't argue that it wouldn't have resulted in a better game. But smarter? Quite the opposite. How many new AAA IPs from the last year can you name, which are capable of supporting sequels, that didn't fail?

  • You can change. You can.

    Dishonoured seems like the only one, which is pretty depressing. 

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!


    I thought Amalur had promise (it wasn't hugely original, but I was enjoying it enough), but then it almost bankrupted Rhode Island :/

  • Ridi, Pagliaccio, sul tuo amore infranto!

    I think the concept of "New IP" in general, has been having problems across most mediums.

  • You can change. You can.

    I don't think it's been as bad in literature because there's more of an open market for the "Next big thing" considering how the major franchises tend to really grow and be finished by the time the film adaptations come around and boost their popularity. But otherwise, yeah.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!

    Well, literature is the medium where stuff in other media comes from.

    No reason it has to be that way, but it mostly is.

  • Also, books are cheap as fuck.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    > books

    > cheap

  • My arms are falling off!

    On DmC: It's called "don't like it, don't buy it (or return it if return policies permit)".

    On Bayo2: People who think Nintendo consoles are not meant for mature games can piss off. I mean for god's sake we've seen titles like Eternal Darkness, Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, and MadWorld grace Nintendo platforms.

    Fun fact: Sin and Punishment (2000) was an effort by Nintendo and Treasure to show that yes, Ninty platforms are for grownups too. Too bad it wasn't released on its original platform in North America.

  • Champion of the Whales

    Didn't a Ninty game get the first 18+ rating in Ozzieland?

  • The Wii U remake of Ninja Gaiden 3, yeah.

  • > books

    > cheap

    To publish and manufacture, yes. Even more so now with digital distribution.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Not paying over $20 a book is probably the best part of not living in Australia.

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