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I Keep My Visions To Myself (aka Dreams thread)



  • I had a job-issued PC at home, I defragmented it and was doing some BIOS thing before realizing I shouldn't mess with it lest I screw it up and become unable to work and/or get in trouble, fortunately nothing happened to it.
    Then I was in a murder mystery, a dream-only family member had been killed and another was the main suspect, we believed he had been framed. The trial was going on in my room and I had to find evidence of his innocence, the judge tells me that I have to find the murder weapon and is clear about the fact that if I fail to do so, she'll convict the relative. I go find the person (some in-dream fat guy I met often while commuting) and for some reason he shows me the murder weapon; a ~3cm long handgun that he keeps inside a small cylindrical box. I steal the box with the weapon in it then rush to the trial, but when I open it the gun is no longer there, everybody looks disappointed and I try to figure out what happened. Then I woke up.
    Also at one point Genewars got remade, why I dreamt that I have no idea.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    Question: When you dream you're playing a game, do you actually dream you're moving a character through a controller? Or are you moving yourself as normal except in a game world that's not real?
    Whenever I dream I'm playing a game, it's almost always the latter.

    In my case, sometimes I do even get to see the interface, but mostly it's this feeling of unreality, like I'm not quite aware I'm in a dream, but I'm aware I'm in an unreal world and I can even force my will upon it if I don't like the "plot". Weird-ass. I've been told people were dreaming in greyscale for as long as black-and-white television was the norm.

    A while ago I had this dream which back then, as I tried to recall as much as I could, felt like some crazy-ass Quentin Tarantino cross between The VVitch and Django Unchained, with some bonus Helldivers the video game influence. But in retrospect, now I think I just forced myself to see the incoherent dream scenes into a coherent plot because I really wanted it to follow a coherent plot. Still, this way it's metal instead of just incoherent, so that's how I want to remember it.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    The trial was going on in my room

    Too much DanganRonpa~
    sometimes I do even get to see the interface

    Well, you could be in some isekai with game elements.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I had two interesting dreams last night.

    In one of them, fictional characters started appearing from some specific point in space. Said point was located in a city, apparently in some residential apartment building with tight hallways, and near a hospital. Apparently each character had one special ability of their own. Characters were an assortment of videogame and other characters -- the first one was "a boxer named Joe", whom (after waking up) I later identified as Little Mac from Punch-Out, but others included Ezo Red Fox from Kemono Friends.

    In another one, I was watching the beginning of some story (unclear whether it was live action or animated). There was this one guy, a grizzled and mustachioed man with dark brown curly hair and an oval face, who was rebelling against the government. The setting was also a city, a rather futuristic one. He outwitted the police/military for a while, in part from having essentially an arm cannon that shot rockets but also having good wits about navigating movement (he apparently had a hoverbike?) and turning corners and destroying things (e.g. over-highway arches) to create obstacles. But eventually, he was captured, and imprisoned in...a covered but open-air prison cell that anyone could look into, a one-story concrete block thing on a gentle hillside, with some spotty tree cover. His handcuffs looked futuristic, and the doorway into his cell (which was at the corner of this building, facing the top plateau of the hill) was made of "hard light". This story was apparently part of the Gundam (or Macross?) universe, as the camera panned around to show the rest of that hilltop on a sunny day, which showed various other futuristic buildings, looking like bright white concrete with some inspiration from Greco-Roman columns, and there was advertising everywhere, like even in this guy's cell. Then the scene changed into an office, where it was revealed that, the advertising was really very ubiquitous, basically on every other desk there was a holographic advertisement, the desks were more like long tables with built-in desktop computers, and the computers were running something that looked like Windows XP.
  • edited 2024-06-09 17:34:16
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    There was a spider that built webs very fast and built and used them in a rather specific way.

    Given a rectangular room, it would use webbing to build scaffolding from floor to ceiling, near but not at one wall, and the scaffolding would follow a vertical square grid pattern, with squares about 1 ft per side. After building this it would build a few grid squares' worth of scaffolding along (near but not at) the other walls of the ceiling, basically outlining a rectangle like a couple feet in from the actual edges of the room. Then it would build a large web, like a screen of some sort, which it would stretch between its legs, and then it would constantly walk around the top of the room, facing inward, while this web basically "screened" the air for insects. Given that the spider did this in rooms with center ceiling lights, this turned out to be a rather useful idea.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I watched a sequel to *Eureka Seven*, depicting Renton and Eureka growing up through adolescence into young adulthood.

    (This is definitely not the same as the real-life sequel Eureka Seven Astral Ocean. This dream may have been inspired by seeing artwork for the game Haven.)
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I recommend Astral Ocean, but against seeing Hi-Evolution, very much against Hi-Evolution.
  • edited 2024-07-28 07:14:00
    I enrolled for a career studying medicine, the studying was at a not-well-kept public hospital where the staff kept throwing garbage onto the hallways, mainly markers and something else I don't remember. I picked up the markers in case they still worked, and to dispose of them properly in case they don't. People looked at me weirdly for carrying all those markers around. Much of the dream was about me awkwardly re-learning how to socialize.

    Later the dream became about the Harry Potter universe and I was at (university) Hogwarts, the game Hogwarts Legacy had something to do with it and at one point a game UI showed up. The dream continued for a while with us doing field trips to wherever and I was getting the hang of it all (mainly the "socialization" part), then real life woke me up.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    My family was returning to our log cabin retreat somewhere along the edge of a forest. For some reason, as soon as we arrived, a whole bunch of people basically bolted off the property, primarily on neon green motorcycles (there was a lot of neon green).

    Apparently, the house had been taken over by a guy about my age, who had hacked the house's fancy security system and thrown some sort of 3-week long house party there. He told me all of this very calmly whilst he sorted through his neon green tech stuff. I had the sense that he had been caught out and was leaving of his own volition, so I didn't make a big deal of it either.


    We were going to some sort of training retreat at work and it was being held at this fancy place where all the buildings were made of wood panelling with those super high tee-pee style roof-panels. Half the place was also on some sort of shallow river that was amazingly clear.

    Nothing actually happened though, we just explored the area and talked about nothing much.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    Well, I dreamt of penguins. I have no idea why.

    Also, my dreams got to the point that when I looked for something in a dream, I hit the tab button to highlight manipulable items. Yeah, a keyboard kind of conveniently appeared right under my hand. It's getting awkward, I ain't even playing that much.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Sounds like you were dreaming in modern fantasy Light Novel.
  • edited 2024-07-31 06:49:56
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I was swimming through a swimming pool that was also someone's home, and as I was singing a song about how everyone just passes me by and time and people seem to flow past me without me in it and the song was written with an ostinato progression that was something like a Ab(m?), Fm (or Db/F), Gb, Ebm (or Cb/Eb).

    I remember noting that that was similar to but different from "Bittersweet Symphony" (by The Verve). When I woke up, I couldn't definitively figure out what the progression in my dream was because I couldn't get "Bittersweet Symphony" by The Verve "Clocks" by Coldplay out of my head except that that song was registering in my head as "Bittersweet Symphony".

    Also couldn't recall any melody or lyrics, though the melody was pretty much whatever matched the chords and let me sing the words so the melody wasn't that important. (This is similar to how the melodies of both "Bittersweet Symphony" and "Clocks" are like.)
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    and the song was written with an ostinato progression that was something like a Ab(m?), Fm (or Db/F), Gb, Ebm (or Cb/Eb).

    only in gmh
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I was in some music archive, like a library but for music. It was dark, with no lighting aside from some beams of sunlight from outside, and I was all alone. They had these holographic screen things where you could search for the songs, but the songs/albums were all on one of the many individual hard-drives (there was no networking).

    They only had one King & Prince single and it was one that doesn't exist called "Moshimo Negai wa..." and I am surprised at how decent my dream-日本語 is.

    I was very aware the whole time that there were statues that were possibly golems behind me but when I shone my phone torchlight on them it turned out they were just mannequins modeled on a doll line of Chinese superhero boys.

    Then some actual Chinese boys showed up looking for the same King & Prince song.
  • edited 2024-09-02 04:46:59
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I'm exploring the abandoned but well-preserved structures left over by an ancient civilization, on this planet they once lived on. Basically it's this giant auditorium of sorts; the Ancients were a culture that represented the height of human civilization. This auditorium was a huge, open-air structure, the size of the Colosseum, but in much better condition, made of light-brown (to the point of looking peach-ish) sandstone, and clearly meant to be an auditorium large enough to accommodate the entry of entire vehicles. It was daytime, but cloudy. I was climbing around the stage area.

    This was part of some sci-fi story. In a related scene, I was in some sort of structure, like an airport lobby or something, and it was nighttime. I was watching a TV that was showing a news feed where they were reporting what was happening in a current war going on in the galaxy. In the far northwest part of the northwest quadrant, there was fighting around an arc of multiple planets; there were reports that the Hotel Planet in the center of that arc had already been conquered by enemy forces. For now, we were on the Planet of the Ancients, which was a more settled planet around the center of the northwest quadrant, but the fighting seemed to be approaching us.

    Cut back to that giant auditorium. I was clambering around in it...actually, no, it's a more normal sized indoor auditorium, one that's a few stories tall but has most of its seating on the lowest floor. Doesn't actually have *that* many seats, maybe about 200 people, with two aisles, but its distinctive design feature is that it's very vertical, with stage features that go up a few stories, and there's about four additional stories where there's standing-room balconies that basically even reach around the stage. These balconies actually look more like walkways overlooking an inner courtyard in an office building or hotel, with a metal railing and a glass wall beneath them. The seats were some darker color with wood paneling, while the walls were white but lit with a somewhat-dim, warm-white/yellowish light. Anyway, I'm clambering around the stage, on an upper right part of it (from the audience's perspective), while there's some sort of lecture going on. There was a light audience, and no one seemed to mind that I was bus moving a chair (a standard standlone rigid audience chair with maroon cushions and black metal frame) into a nook where it'd be right beneath the Christmas tree that was decorating the stage. People were talking from the stage, but I think there were other people milling around in general, preparing the space for a major event later that evening.

    At some earlier point I picked up food, like two orders of takeout. I left this in a bag somewhere in the auditorium, in one of the center rows.

    That major event was actually a guest lecture by a certain disgraced "tech genius" of current relevance in real life (whom you can figure out easily). Later, i was outside, where I stopped by a group of people who were planning what were expected to be pretty sizeable protests against him. The sky was dark already, and the weather was cold, but it was still relatively early in the evening. Disappointingly, the protests were cordoned off to an area away from the auditorium building, but instead in a courtyard bounded by buildings 5 and the chemistry building (building 29). (The sort of place where this was happening was not specified, but it is implied to be a university campus.)

    Then I went back to get my food.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I was staying in a house. This was standalone "single-family house" type structure, though it was being rented to a bunch of guests, all young adults. This floorplan of this house was quite distinctive in that when exiting the garage, one would enter into the house through a hallway, off which were four different bedrooms -- one was a bedroom with an attached bathroom, one was a kitchenette/lounge with an attached bedroom, and the other two were just bedrooms; there was also a bathroom nearby. All of these rooms had at least two people staying in them. Further into the hallway, one would see the main kitchen of the house on the left, the formal front door on the right (whle standing in the entrance foyer), and a full-size living room ahead. The kitchen seemed like it had been modified so that a path from the hallway directly into the kitchen was cut off and the kitchen itself was slightly smaller, probably to accommodate the room I was staying in.

    The floor was white ceramic tiles. The floor in the living room had some shaggy rugs on it, and there were some large white couches and a coffee table made of metal and glass.

    Layout clarification: coming in from the garage, one sees the bedroom/bathroom suite on the left, then the lounge/bedroom suite on the right, then a bedroom on the left, then a bedroom on the right, then a bathroom(?) on the right, with the kitchen on the left.

    It was daytime.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    Yeah, finally I had something different to all the Alien and/or videogame dreams; namely I was being followed by a sardonic midget who knew me by name and really wanted something from me. I don't know what and neither why I really didn't want to humour him.

    The best part was I had one of these false awakening dreams, I'm in my bed, hear a noise coming from the front door, and the midget walks in. I woke up (this time for real) screaming, fortunately to no midgets present.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I was watching an alternate universe High School Musical 3 where for some reason Troy wanted to be basketball captain, valedictorian and also choreograph the school play and it was super clear he couldn't pull it off. There was a sequence with a lot of breakdancing handstands and smoke machines.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I was relaxing on a raft at some attraction. Apparently I was able to lie face up on a small raft, even in normal clothes, while I drifted down some sort of possibly-set path along an irregularly-shaped pool with smooth underside and walls painted light blue, and clear water filling them. This drifting led me eventually to a point downstream where I got off the raft and then went back up some stairs.

    When I came out I asked a family member about the five ways to say something, or five different phrases, in Chinese, while we walked along a street going uphill. There were many people walking up this street.

    We eventually reached our destination, which was apparently a rest-area-type building that just happened to have a famous restaurant there. The building was well-lit with windows; it was approximately early evening on a sunny day. But the restaurant, which we were originally going to dine at, was very full, with people waiting outside on the various chairs (and also some dirty dishes the people outside had used, apparently). Gordon Ramsey was outside this restaurant, busy with something. I remarked that we should just go elsewhere. Apparently we were in Canada.


    I attended someone's wedding reception. During the daytime, I went to a side area, a hallway which among other things led to the bathrooms at the venue where the wedding reception was being held. There was fancy carpet (a solid dark color band near the wall plus ornate designs in the middle) and wallpaper (vertcally striped yellow with smaller red stripes) and a fancy wooden chair rail (some dark wood with a tinge of color, like cherry or something). The bride, along with a group of her acquaintances, also went there at around the same time, shortly after I did. I stopped at an alcove in this hallway, not really hidden away but basically like the kind of place where you'd put a couple chairs as a small sitting area. I was wearing formalwear, but for some reason, I needed to change my clothes, like getting a change of pants, so I'd come here with my suitcase which had the rest of my clothes. As I tried to position my suitcase such that I could lay it flat and open it (this is one of those newer suitcases that stands up and has wheels and a handle on one side), it bumped up aganist the wall a few times. This apparently loosened the portraits hanging on the wall. I took down two portraits, intending to hang them up again, but then a third one above them turned out to be loose, and so I took that off and then a big fourth one on top also turnd out to be loose, so I took that off and then it turned out there was this big paper banner probably left over from some other event that was behind all the portraits. Somehow I dealt with the paper banner, probably somehow folding it that it'd stay hidden behind the portraits, then hung all four portraits back up on the wall, then put my pants back on. It took an embarrassingly long time to do all this.

    I returned to the main area of the venue where the reception was taking place. There was still a gathering there, although a smaller one. It was apparently nighttime now. I didn't actually know the bride very well (and had basically no idea who the groom was, but was just invited as a distant acquaintance), so I walked past the crowd gathered around the bride. At a nearby set of sofas, there was a second gathering of people, in less formal clothing, but someone I knew was there, a middle-aged man who was reasonably tall, had a slightly portly belly, a head of somewhat light curly hair, and a friendly disposition; he was named Chris. He said hi and we started a short chat. (This crowd was apparently also part of the wedding.) He told me about the instrumentalists gathered around him who were preparing to play a series of concerts. I leaned over the back of a couch, looking at some massive sheets of paper showing things like which hotel rooms the string players would be staying in, and such. These looked really fascinating just because they were huge pieces of paper with lots of info on them via huge maps/diagrams. I walked a little further, over to the woodwind players, as I looked over the concert program and the tour dates. Apparently they were going to play multiple concerts (at least like 7, in multiple locations), and the program included a composition by a composer I'd never heard of before -- the (Horn? Oboe?) Concerto No. 4 by Jacob Fröligsburgh (1807-1863 or so, but it took me a few tries to read it right because I was reading the program upside-down). I asked Chris what was known about this composer, if this was basically like the composer's only famous work, and whether there was more undiscovered works of his, in the course of our conversation.


    Then I had some thoughts about magic. Specifically, this was part of some story where there were six typical sources of magic, but a rare seventh type was relevant to an important character.

    The seven sources of magic:
    * magic from study.
    * magic from a designed object (such as a scroll).
    * magic from a person's natural talent.
    * magic from an arrangement with the supernatural.
    * magic from divine inspiration.
    * magic from [I forgot what this one was]
    * magic by artificial means, such as an artificial mage.
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