If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
So, I've been playing the Oculus Rift today.
...I hate you.
I thought arche was my strongest character. You need a good keyboard in order to use her since there is a slight delay in input and animations. What makes it more difficult is that the AI input reads (especially anything that flies) so you have that bullshit to contend with.
Yeah, that's why you usually bait them into attacking first. The exception is enemies who jump when you attack, in which case you quickstab, then catch them on the way down.
No idea what happened but steam randomly broke several of my games. World in conflict crashes on load and it deleted everything in my republic commando folder. Including all the saves.
edit: The world in conflict issue seems to be universal since in the last month a lot of threads were made regarding the issue. There currently isn't a fix for it since its a directx/steam issue.
Caedeus' tedium comes from the fact that he's really, really easy but has a shitload of HP. That said, I was lucky enough to find a Rustshard during a volcano mission that turned out to be hiding a Rusted Lance. Rusted weapons are really awful, but they upgrade wonderfully -- in this case, my lance gained a significant amount of dragon elemental damage, as well as excellent raw damage for a lance. I don't often use lances, but they're exceedingly useful in water fights.
Using the Dragonator against Caedeus is tricky, too. It's easy to miss by just a hair. At least the ballistae hit him hard and consistently.
Woo High Rank!
The Purple Ludroth went down like a bitch, even though some of his attacks were doing over half my health in damage.
Titania Medal get!
Missing Sector Y, Aquas, Zoness and Sector Z Medals.
Ooh, been a while since I've played Starfox 64, but I'll remember what I can.
Sector Z is the only nasty one out of those, because you have to be really, really fast with randomly-distributed fighters. Unfortunately, there's no real trick to it, other than approaching from the Sector X warp so Katt doesn't killsteal the missiles.
Sector Y is mostly about catching the little fighter squads that try to slip past on the edges of the screen. Some of the missile salvos are worth points too. Take the bottom fork of the level -- the top is mostly mechs that take forever to kill and don't give many points. Don't be afraid to throw bombs at scattered far-off formations.
Aquas, torpedo everything. Pillars, shit on the walls, clams. EVERYTHING. Be as suicidally aggressive as you have to, because you won't lose your wings and hyper lasers in the sub and you'll be blowing stuff up fast enough to get shitloads of shield rings.
Zoness is a wonderfully target-rich level, and it's even better if you're good at dumbfiring charged shots without waiting for a lock (which in most cases gives you an extra point). All those striders, boxes on tankers, speedboats, and buoys are worth tons and tons of points and are easy targets for that trick. I'd usually crank like 80-100 points over the medal requirement.
Which level is the one with the phasing-in-and-out three-tentacled thing that fires a RAINBOW BEAM OF DOOM?
And what's the proper way to fight Star Wolf's upgraded ships other than turning round and round constantly for about twenty minutes?
That was the Area 6 boss.
And as for Star Wolf, the same thing you do fighting him the other times: somersault. He falls for it every. Single. Time. Enough for it to become one of the game's many, many memes. It's not even an AI bug -- he's scripted to do that and has dialogue for it, and he'll let you tail him for a good 4-5 seconds before he tries to shake you. For his squadmates, catch them in a wide turn as they chase your teammates and T-bone them. All of them go down really fast (like, two seconds each) if you can get a good bead on them.
And if you're a really cheap bastard, you can cancel the cutscene where he flies in and shoot down half his squad as they approach from above before they break formation.
Most consider the Sector Z medal to be the hardest in the game, and while it's bothersome, I've alway had the most trouble with Katina since there's not many high-value targets and the enemy wings don't give much point.
The level itself is a pain in the ass on Expert since there's alway an asshole crashing on you from offscreen, making you lose your upgrades
Brake and barrel roll at the same time to outturn them.
My problem with Katina was usually a friendly fighter intercepting my charged shots. Hilarious, but not conducive to victory.
Y'know what would be interesting for an RPG plot piece?
You have in your party, preferably playable, a powerful character. One who's noticeably more experienced than you. You come to rely on this character as something like a staple of your adventuring party. Bonus points if the character can be portrayed as a mentor, not just to your party in the plot but also in terms of helping you learn how to use the gameplay system.
And then in the middle of the game, this character dies.
Isn't that a given when there's a character like that?
Y'know what would be interesting for an RPG plot piece?
Fire Emblem 5 has pretty much this.
...you weren't supposed to warn me of it. :P
And really, it can happen in any Fire Emblem game.
There's even a name for it among Fire Emblem fans, where over-reliance on the character would have certain negative implications for your other party members.
e: oh, look at that.
In Shadow Hearts Covenant, that character was the villain of the first 80% of the game.
It's not really a spoiler -- he effusively exudes Most Definitely Not The Villain and his sudden but inevitable betrayal surprised pretty much nobody who played it.
But the feeling is very different if this character betrays you.
You're left with an aftertaste of bitter vengefulness rather than empty sadness.
Yes, but this character in particular "dies" via plot reasons and is forced out of your party for the majority of the game.
My first thought was Shinjiro from Persona 3
Not sure how much about him fits quite the scheme you mentioned, but he's pretty reliable, and unlike most of his comrades, he doesn't have a weakness, so you don't have to worry about him getting knocked down in most boss fights (Provided he doesn't get critical hit, anyway) but uh yeah, it's a pretty common thing, I think. I've definitely seen it before.
Also, Aeris is the obvious one. She's not really more powerful than any other party member, but she fills some important skill requirements in the party. Once she's gone, your established strategies have likely gone kaput.
Eh. FF7 did everything you cared about with materia. Characters were basically mix and match beyond a few token unique traits.
If I recall correctly, it was one of those dealios where [Equip Item] determines what happens when you level up. Although I might be completely wrong, since I didn't play FF7 for very long and found it pretty forgettable.
welp. Darkstalkers is deader than dead, now.
oh man i wanna be a badger so bad