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I'm worried about my geek powerlevel



  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Washington 88, Washington 92, Adams 96, Jefferson 00, Jefferson 04, Madison 08, Madison 12, Monroe 16, Monroe 20, Jackson Quincy Adams 24, Jackson 28, Jackson 32, van Buren 36, WH Harrison 40 -> Tyler, Polk 44, Taylor 48 -> Fillmore, Pierce 52, Buchanan 56, Lincoln 60, Lincoln 64 -> A Johnson, Grant 68, Grant 72, Tilden Hayes 76, Arthur? 80 -> Garfield?, Cleveland 84, Cleveland B Harrison 88, Cleveland 92, McKinley? 96, McKinley 00 -> T Roosevelt, T Roosevelt 04, Taft 08, Wilson 12, Wilson 16, Harding 20 -> Coolidge, Coolidge 24, Hoover 28, FD Roosevelt 32, FD Roosevelt 36, FD Roosevelt 40, FD Roosevelt 44 -> Truman, Truman 48, Eisenhower 52, Eisenhower 56, Kennedy 60 -> LB Johnson, LB Johnson 64, Nixon 68, Nixon 72 -> Ford, Carter 76, Reagan 80, Reagan 84, GHW Bush 88, Clinton 92, Clinton 96, Gore GW Bush 00, GW Bush 04, Obama 08

    If you're totally impressed that I remember terms served, then I'll tell you that it's actually harder to remember them in order without the years numbers.  The general U.S. historical context actually makes it easier to remember them that way.

  • edited 2012-10-10 07:11:11
    yea i make potions if ya know what i mean


    Sam Tilden was never president.

    edit: oh, you crossed that out. Whoops. 

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Are the rest of them right?

  • edited 2012-10-10 11:26:30
    "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    @Super Lazuli: tell me about the Empire of Trebizond (though it won't be welcome in this thread, I guess). Preferably some details I wouldn't know of.

    edit: when it comes to powerlevels, I've kinda been missing Miss Anne recently. One big opportunity to geek out, as long as she can be reined in once in a while. My geek power level? I recognized the Schleicher's fable in when it was spoken in Prometheus.

  • Judging by her outlandish attire she's some sort of free-thinking anarchist

    I can sing the Preamble from start to finish, and I'm not American. 

  • In high school I memorized the powers of 2 up to 20.

  • edited 2012-10-10 12:56:31
    Has friends besides tanks now

    I calculated 9^9 in my head while I was working once. It took me a significant portion of the shift, since I was still working, but when I checked at home, I had the right answer. I would try memorizing those powers of 2, but I should be studying for my Psych midterm, and 9 is cooler than 2 anyway.

    Other than an unhealthy fondness for basic math, I don't think my nerd powerlevel is actually that high, except in comparison to, say, most of my classmates. Unless playing board games with friends every other Friday is distinct in some way, or obsessing over 3-card M:tG.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.


    Off the top of my head, you go-






    Things usually get confused in my head there, as I suddenly move into seven digits and you're also trying to calculate hundreds of thousands as well as the usual hundreds, tens and ones.

    /keeps calculating those for some reason but probably because the number is perfectly divisible in half all the way down

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    I can't believe I stopped right before 2^16. :V

  • edited 2012-10-10 14:23:21
    No rainbow star
    I keep reading this thread as GREEK powerlevel...
  • if u do convins fashist akwaint hiz faec w pavment neway jus 2 b sur

    I can list all Serbian monarchs since the 12th century and their years of rule.

  • No rainbow star
    I can name all of the original 151 Pokemon from memory and have memorized both Still Alive and Want You Gone. That counts, right?
  • I'm a damn twisted person
    I can't say I've ever felt the urge to tally up all the stuff I know/can do that counts as nerdy. I've just accepted that I like nerd stuff and called it a day.
  • Not everything needs to be a dick measuring contest.

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    When you measure your dick in a forest where nobody sees it, is it dick measuring?

  • Has friends besides tanks now

    ^ Well, yes, but it's not a contest anymore. :P

  • I'm a damn twisted person
    It is though. The owls in the forest see you measuring your dick. And they are judging the fuck out of you.
  • a little muffled
    Fucking owls.
  • Fucking owls.

    Guys, stop measuring your geekweens, you're all embarrassing me.
  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    I can't say I've ever felt the urge to tally up all the stuff I know/can do that counts as nerdy. I've just accepted that I like nerd stuff and called it a day.

    Pretty much. Well, that and I don't do enough nerdy stuff to be proud of it <_<

    I can't believe I stopped right before 2^16. :V

    That's why I had to step in!

  • edited 2012-10-10 21:39:07
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I can't say I've ever felt the urge to tally up all the stuff I know/can do that counts as nerdy. I've just accepted that I like nerd stuff and called it a day.

    Same here.

    Sometimes I tally up a certain thing, such a list of U.S. presidents, but that's less for bragging rights as it is to make sure I actually know it, or maybe because I'm bored.  The "make sure I actually know it" part is really true--it's like reviewing academic material, especially if I know I have to use it soon in talking to someone.

  • Poot dispenser here

    I just say "I play a lot of games on Steam."

  • That's a lie. Nobody actually plays a lot of Steam games, they just hoard them.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Does anyone else actually dislike having certain games attached to their Steam (or Desura, for that matter) account?

  • Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    ^I do, usually stuff from bundles I didn't really want (Atom Zombie Smasher, Crayon Physics Deluxe), or stuff I've tried and didn't like (again Atom Zombie Smasher).

  • You can always just set your library to show only your installed games (which actually kind of becomes necessary once you've gotten enough bundles).

  • Poot dispenser here

    I mean that most of the games I've played were on Steam.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    Crayon Physics Deluxe is actually a pretty cool game with very relaxing music.

    Here, There, Everywhere

    I don't think Tommy Ligotti would approve of you forming connections with other humans over his work, eh?

    He shows up on his website's forum now and then. He's actually a pretty nice fellow. Funny, in a dry way.

    Also, another Byzantine history enthusiast? Hell to the yes.

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    I am not so much an enthusiast as I am a collector of obscure facts.

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