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I'm worried about my geek powerlevel



  • edited 2012-10-18 14:36:21
    Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!

    ^No that just means you have no interest in that subset of nerdy things.

    EDIT: Fucking page toppers.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    No; I'm really barely interested in any of them anyway.  TF2 to me is basically a timesink for boredom, while I only really like Touhou for the memes and music, and the characterization is kinda stupid in a silly way.

  • Champion of the Whales

    ^No that just means you have no interest in that subset of nerdy things.

    Then we need to find a better way of testing geeklevels,


    To the hindenpeter!

  • The only real important question is "Do you have an obsessive interest and unreasonably in-depth knowledge of something nobody gives a shit about? (Y/N)"

  • Champion of the Whales

    The only real important question is "Do you have an obsessive interest and unreasonably in-depth knowledge of something nobody gives a shit about? (Y/N)"


  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Reminder: we are talking about the fandoms, not the works.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    The It Just Bugs Me! community,

    Expressing our authority to make unrepresentative, stereotyped snap judgements about media fandom issues,

    Intending to have some fun with this authority,

        1. Declares its support for the Hetalia fandom,

        2. Declares its opposition to the Hetalia fandom,

        3. Declares its support for the Homestuck fandom,

        4. Declares its opposition to the Homestuck fandom,

        5. Declares its support for the League of Legends fandom,

        6. Declares its opposition to the League of Legends fandom,

        7. Declares its support for the Minecraft fandom,

        8. Declares its opposition to the Minecraft fandom,

        9. Declares its support for the My Little Pony fandom,

        10. Declares its opposition to the My Little Pony fandom,

        11. Declares its support for the Team Fortress 2 fandom,

        12. Declares its opposition to the Team Fortress 2 fandom,

        13. Declares its support for the Touhou fandom,

        14. Declares its opposition to the Touhou fandom,

        15. Decides to remain actively seized on this matter so long as this thread is garnering posts.

    You see the above on your desk.  What do you do?


    Q: Can I use a line-item veto?

    A: Yes.  You probably should.

    Q: How does that work?

    A: Supposedly that means you can edit things out.  We're not sure how.

    Q: Can I delete individual letters?

    A: Yes, but only if your name is "Vanna White" or "Tommy Thompson".

    Q: May I delete individual letters?

    A: You will need to prove your identity first.  Please fill out the following questionnaire:

    What is your name? ___________________________________

    Here, There, Everywhere


    The Hetalia fandom has some extremely creepy elements, and hardcore Homestuckers and bronies that don't have a sense of humour about themselves are really obnoxious and occasionally repugnant; that being said, I have met people who like those things a lot and are perfectly nice. The rest... I have no idea. I've heard strange things about Minecraft geeks, but most of the stuff I've seen bubble up out of the TF2 fandom has been pretty cool. Touhou people strike me as fairly devoted, but it's a cypher to me, and I don't even know what League of Legends is.

    Most of my experience with fandoms has been with those dedicated to authors and genres, particularly obscure ones. Those tend to be friendly, close-knit, and collectively eccentric, but rarely hostile or populated with crazies. Arguably, the "worst" circle I've been a part of is the Ligotti fandom, but even then most of the active members of the community are pretty affable and unassuming. The same applies to the music fandoms that I've been involved with.

    To be honest, I'm a bit spoiled. I like things that few enough other people like that the jerk quota remains low.

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    I am totally willing to admit that my dislike of the fandoms I dislike is pretty illogical. Hypocritical, even, considering the fuckrockets who make up the darkest recesses of the Touhou fandom.

    Such is life. 

  • You can change. You can.

    I see no option that says "Fuck fandoms"

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    Thing about that is that you can say "fuck fandoms" all you want. If you are a fan of something and talking to other people about that thing, and they are also fans of it, that is fandom.

    Now, self-proclaimed fandoms are a little different, and if that's what you mean I can understand it more. Few things grate on my nerves more than PewDiePie's self-proclaimed "fans". 

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    If you are a fan of something and talking to other people about that thing, and they are also fans of it, that is fandom.

    Self loathing is a thing. Some of us here even excel at it. 

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    Been there, done that, bought the collectible figurines.

    I prefer to now be self-awesome when I can help it.

    Because it lets me KICK DOUBT IN THE FACE

  • edited 2012-10-18 22:05:47
    You can change. You can.

    My issue is more with the way people use the concept of fandom itself and how it's used to brand people, mind you. 

    That and it kind of really bothers me when people can't divorce a work from the people who like it. 

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    I have that problem.

    I mean I do try to help it. I tried to give (for instance) MLP a chance, I watched a couple episodes and actually found it fairly entertaining, but I just dropped it after like three.

    Other times, I have no problem sitting in the same room as the people I try to avoid, metaphorically speaking. 

    I dunno, if I could control it I would. *shrug*

  • You can change. You can.

    As long as you recognize it's an issue, that's cool. 

    Here, There, Everywhere

    I think there are degrees of self-proclamation when it comes to fandom. For instance, I would argue that there is a big difference between a fandom that jokes about its own obsessiveness—you see that a lot with cult writers—and a fandom that is equally obsessive but which either does not make such jokes or else fails to understand them.

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    Yea, I do.

    Maybe I'll get over it, maybe not. Hunoze.

    Also I find it hard to care about animal characters with human intelligence for some reason. Only exception is the original Lion King. Dunno why that is either. 

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    I think there are degrees of self-proclamation when it comes to fandom. For instance, I would argue that there is a big difference between a fandom that jokes about its own obsessiveness—you see that a lot with cult writers—and a fandom that is equally obsessive but which either does not make such jokes or else fails to understand them.

    Well, thing with that is when a fandom gets sufficiently large enough you get different grades of obsessive in the same place.

    I like to rag on Homestuck, but I know that the people who think they're actually trolls (and yes that is a real thing. That is not a joke.) are not the norm. I know that not even the people who memespam ad nauseum are the norm.

    Conversely, I'm pretty big into Touhou. But there are people who are freaking crazy about Touhou. See the people who have 1cc'd every game on Lunatic. And then see the people who get weirdly overprotective of their favorite characters. There's sort of a scale there, and not all obsessiveness is the latter kind (what you might call the "creepy" kind). 

    I also joke every so often about whatever new thing I'm into ruining my life, even though I rarely hold onto such interests for more than a week or two. 

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    ^So... if you like something more you can give it's fandom bullshit a pass?

    Here, There, Everywhere

    I think that I kind of have a collector's mentality with regards to weird niche artistic interests—most of which, in and of themselves, entail collecting, be they of albums, books, shows or experiences. I'm a bit of an aesthetic junkie, really. The novel and striking excites me, especially if I can study it and learn something while I'm immersing myself. That being said, it's not like I forget about the things I obsess about at any given point; I do revisit a lot of older preoccupations with enthusiasm, and retain the knowledge that I absorb. I simply finding new information just that exciting.

    Maybe this is what makes me so flighty and dilettantish.

    Getting a job is going to be a pain...

  • edited 2012-10-18 22:27:23
    yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    ^So... if you like something more you can give it's fandom bullshit a pass?

    It might be that.

    How I first came into contact with it also seems to have something to do with it. Both Homestuck and MLP I learned of by way of memespam before I really knew anything about them (the former I knew it was a webcomic, and the latter I knew it was a....well it was an MLP reboot) and in both cases I was just like WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE BEING SO BLARASFDSAFASDFSADFADOIFASJDFO

    because that is how I reacted to most things back then.

    Or maybe I'm just overanalyzing myself again. Who knows, lol. 

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    You aren't over analyzing yourself. You are over analyzing yourself where you and your host of Jungian archetypes are riding off into the collective unconscious to find the root human pattern of a self destructive behavior you've picked up so you can make an antidote. It can be like the Avengers, but with cliche pop psych stuff. 

  • yea i make potions if ya know what i mean

    riding off into the collective unconscious

    Well shit, I'm Edgar Cayce. 

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    I see no option that says "Fuck fandoms"

    Here, lemme do that for you.

        1. Declares its support for the Hetalia fandom,

        2. Declares its opposition to the Hetalia fandom,

        3. Declares its support for the Homestuck fandom,

        4. Declares its opposition to the Homestuck fandom,

        5. Declares its support for the League of Legends fandom,

        6. Declares its opposition to the League of Legends fandom,

        7. Declares its support for the Minecraft fandom,

        8. Declares its opposition to the Minecraft fandom,

        9. Declares its support for the My Little Pony fandom,

        10. Declares its opposition to the My Little Pony fandom,

        11. Declares its support for the Team Fortress 2 fandom,

        12. Declares its opposition to the Team Fortress 2 fandom,

        13. Declares its support for the Touhou fandom,

        14. Declares its opposition to the Touhou fandom,

        15. Decides to remain actively seized on this matter so long as this thread is garnering posts.

  • See the people who have 1cc'd every game on Lunatic.

    But it's fun!

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