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So TVTropes is going to be selling "badges," or little cosmetic items you can put on your forums posts. They cost $1.25 each, from the looks of it.
I'm not really sure how to feel about this. I really do want to support the wiki, and these badges are inexpensive and kind of cool, but a part of me also wonders if this will somehow get out of hand.
Begun, the Gaiafication of TVTropes has.
They're apparently using Bitcoins.
^Ahahaha, wait seriously?
The sad thing is that people will probably actually buy this.
trope-themed badge simulator
It's one of the options. Still, Bitcoins are a bit... unstable.

They're apparently using Bitcoins.
Anyway, I guess the badges will help raise money for TV Tropes, though honestly I feel like they are probably just going to clutter up posts and encourage pettiness and informal hierarchies and stuff.
Maybe I am overreacting to this, but I thought that one of the best features of the forum on TV Tropes was that it did not have stuff like post counts, member ranks, or even join dates. As long as you uploaded an avatar, you could expect to reasonably fit in even if you were a total newbie. To the extent that the badges seem to go against that goal I am not really a fan of them.
lol, TF2 Hats and Star Belly Sneeches.
Isn't the point to pay for hosting costs? Do webhosts accept payment in Bitcoins now?
Well, one can exchange bitcoin for actual money, but, as noted, it's one hell of a gamble.
At the moment they seem to be only accepting regular money, however, so the rampant giggling may be unnecessary at this juncture.
I will just say that this is another example of Eddie refusing to the obvious and necessary thing and instead doing the easy and stupid thing that will cause more trouble than help in the long run.
What's the obvious and necessary thing?
Deleting the non-wiki-maintenance forums.
community likes them well enough to keep them. as much as eddie is a reckless admin, he wouldn't aggravate the community that badly deliberately.
^^ Oh! That.
^ Well, if he believes that the site (at least according to his vision of it) needs a varied pool of fans from many fandoms to survive, then it makes sense he'd leave it there.
^^That's true, but the community that likes them is mostly a separate community from the one that actually works on the wiki, which is the point of the site.
I'm not saying I agree entirely, I just see where he's coming from, that's all.
Fair enough. I don't really have an opinion one way or another.
I'd say keep the media forums, but the Just For Fun forums really need to go.
At this point...yeah they kinda do. Some of the creepier fringes have been pruned, but at this point I wouldn't blame anyone for thinking there's not much left worth keeping.
I think you'd need at least one "general topics" subforum.
To be honest, I think the number of subforums TVTF has is pretty adequate. What's inadequate (as of the last time I thought about this issue) was the number of moderators, given how large the active userbase is and how fast they move.
^A lot of personal attacks would never get noticed unless you flag them yourself. At this point, Just for Fun is just word barf.
^^Er...isn't the point of the debate more related to the fact that the forums are the section of the site that doesn't pay for itself with ads, and are therefore causing the site to make a loss?
Oh yeah, you're right.
Well, actually, back when IJBM1 got trashed, that's what I thought was the case. However, I remember Eddie or Maddie saying that the real reason was that it didn't fit with the rest of the site and was a nightmare for the mods.
Yeah, but that was just IJBM. It's the forum as a whole that's a drain on the funding.
Yeah...I don't even want to think about that.
As much as it pains me that TVTropes still has this much of an influence on us, I wouldn't be against a one-two month auto-rejection of applications that use the word "TVTropes", should the Just For Fun subforums ever go under.
Does the auto-reject thing allow words to be removed?
Not right now, but UE could add such a feature.