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  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    I'm wondering how do people like this even have fun.

    'Fun' is for sheeple. 

  • Is it just me or is the entirety of Darker Than Black S2 become private on Youtube?

  • if u do convins fashist akwaint hiz faec w pavment neway jus 2 b sur

    Gah, my mother is throwing a temper tantrum again... because I said that I don't feel hot when she told me to change my shirt. She's in hysteric mode for more than half an hour. It culminated just a bit before now, at lunch, when she got mad at me for saying "fuck this" at the table and comitting one of the greatest sins, even though she had emptied the entire Serbian swearbook at me just before, while at the table herself. Now she's screaming how my brother and I are going to kill her if we continue doing "what we do", even though she never explains what the fuck even is the problem when we ask her.

    I don't feel upset at all, because this pretty much happens every other day, but

    1) it's tiring.

    2) I'm worried about her mental health.

  • edited 2012-05-10 05:20:08
    You really should be worried for her mental health.

    That don't sound healthy.
  • if u do convins fashist akwaint hiz faec w pavment neway jus 2 b sur

    Yeah, I told her a couple of times that we should probably go to a shrink together, but she doesn't even want to hear it. I mean, she's a lovely woman, a great mother and I'd literally kill for her, but her behaviour seriously worries me. She's been really neurotic and disagreeable for a couple of years already, and her train of thought can seriously get weird sometimes, just like she's losing contact with reality.

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    Anyway to split the difference and find family counciling through somebody besides a shrink? Like some neighborhood thing or a church?

  • You can change. You can.

    Read the most recent Batman issue.

    I love the fact that Snyder turned the batcave into a weapon. That's pretty much as Batman as it gets.

  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    must not spend $25 on awesome talking dalek plush must not spend $25 on awesome talking dalek plush must not spend $25 on awesome talking dalek plush
  • edited 2012-05-10 12:09:57
    Oh look. My dad's mid-life crisis gland is raging today. This will end well.
  • You can change. You can.

    you're right

    $25 is a really low price for the glory that is a dalek plushie

  • edited 2012-05-10 12:15:55
    Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    fuck I bought it

    the only problem is that it's the red dalek, and not the more classic ones.

    Still awesome as shit though, and it yells exterminate like a boss.
  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.

    awwwww shit son

  • if u do convins fashist akwaint hiz faec w pavment neway jus 2 b sur

    Anyway to split the difference and find family counciling through somebody besides a shrink? Like some neighborhood thing or a church?

    I dunno, churches usually don't deal with that kind of stuff over here (and she kinda isn't religious, but then again is, sometimes very strongly... it's complicated - all in all, she doesn't like organized religion), and I don't think that family counciling could help there. I am pretty sure that she has some kind of a mild behaviour disorder, nothing too serious, and only a psych could really help there.


    Right now, everything's okay, though.
  • I'm a damn twisted person

    Read the most recent Batman issue.

    I love the fact that Snyder turned the batcave into a weapon. That's pretty much as Batman as it gets.

    Yeah that was great. What annoyed me is that he broke up the story and had Batman say, "first I'm going to Arkham and then to the Mayor" [For Arkham check Detective comics 9]. Gaaah, no! Fine you can have a pointless mini event where everybody associated with Batman fights a Talon for an issue or two. But breaking up the events in the single book that was going strong is a bit annoying. 

  • You can change. You can.

    Yeah, I really disliked that, but I figured something like that would happen. Not as bad as that (I expected something more like Nightwing coming out of nowhere and referencing an event in his own comic or something at worst) but I guess that knowing it was an event helped me not feel so bad about that. 

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    Hell the everybody fights a Talon thing was unnecessary too. Nothing is stopping Snyder from having the rest of the Batman family cameo briefly in the Batman book proper to fight a fuckton of stabby folks dressed in owl costumes. 

  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    Watching Iron Man 2 for the second time. I'm actually enjoying it a lot more than I did the first time, actually.

    "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to exit the donut."
  • You can change. You can.

    My issue with that is simply that it cheapens the Talons, but that was already done in that issue where Bruce has to fight them all at his mansion. I mean, the first Talon was awesome because he was a match for Batman. But now he faces a shitton of them and because lol narrative reasons he can deal with all of them quite well. Which doesn't make sense considering that Bruce should still be shaken up beyond belief, but whatever, I'm here for the fights and the fun narration, not the making sense part.

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    Well he was getting his handed to them thanks to superior numbers. The only reason he managed to win is home field advantage, or rather control over the AC to let him freeze the Talons.

  • You can change. You can.

    I was thinking more of the previous issue, where Bruce makes his fights about five talons and manages to sneak off to the batcave.

  • edited 2012-05-10 16:21:34
    a little muffled


    Watching Iron Man 2 for the second time. I'm actually enjoying it a lot more than I did the first time, actually.
    I had the same experience. The first time I watched it I was a bit disappointed (though I enjoyed it overall anyway), but the second time I was like "Man, what was I on, this is almost as good as the first one."

    Also, we've already had a midquel since The Incredible Hulk takes place after Iron Man 2. Though of course it only matters for one scene.

  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    The first time I watched it I was a bit disappointed (though I enjoyed it overall anyway), but the second time I was like "Man, what was I on, this is almost as good as the first one."

    That is pretty much my thought process exactly.

    6:30 showing of Avengers, fuck yeah.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human


  • edited 2012-05-10 20:26:00
    We have reviewed your resume' and we find you delicious.
    Research is telling me that Centipus is actually a shy, nonaggressive nighttime vigilante that keeps my basement safe from the ant, termite, and silverfish menace.

    Well I don't believe a word of it. I'm gonna keep getting scoops on this little bastard until I PROVE his evil ways. I will smear Centipus' reputation if it is the last thing I do.

    Luckily, I got this freelance photographer working for me on this little crusade. Kid's a trooper, I tell ya. Fast, too; He's got like a zillion legs.
  • You can change. You can.

    So, I'm reading Superman Birthright and I hafta say, this thing is what Smallville should have been.

  • We have reviewed your resume' and we find you delicious.

    How so?

  • I'm a damn twisted person

    Busy day. Went out to shoot bow today. A bit out out of practice so I hit my forearm with the string a few times(it stings like all get out for about a minute when that happens). Went for 48 shots. Up to about 25% accuracy. Not impressive on paper, but considering how new I am, and that it is a solid improvement, I'll take it. I am convinced like two of the arrows are weighted weird or have something wrong with the shafts or veins*. Watered plants, got catfood and litter. Went to the gym, man am I out of shape. Fun out of shape. Although playing with the incline settings on the treadmill is fun. Doesn't let me have to run super fast, but burns calories like crazy. Have to go into WERK in about 20 minutes. Closing sucks, bluh. After that I have to file a bunch of mail so the estate stuff doesn't kick in "the papers are drowning me!!" anxiety again. And then maybe work on the comics thread. And then maybe be so manic I clean the house again. 




    *make a dick joke at your own discretion. 

  • edited 2012-05-10 21:33:02
    Bluh, got paint all over my hands. And we're out of paint-thinner.

    Juan: Agreed. Birthright has all the main Smallville hallmarks such as Luthor and Clark being boyhood friends-turned-enemies in Kansas, Superman's beginning, and the introduction of the Daily Planet without all those pesky teen soap opera complications.

    And it has by far my favorite depiction of Krypton to date so there's that.
  • You can change. You can.

    Exactly. The best part is that it skips the high school and university part of the equation and deals with all that stuff in flashbacks and such. 

    Honestly, the part I love the most is that Mark Waid's sense of humor really shines through. Really, Luthor trying to trademark an AIDS vaccine is nothing short of genius.

  • Booze boosts lame punity, so I remember this shit when I'm sober:


    How do you call  the soundfile of a dog barking? woof.wav

    What did the dude who was caught giving oral to the comatose dudette say to the judge? They always said I should eat my vegetables.

    Le lame pick-up line to a dudette who's stressing about something? You need to learn to stop worrying and love the bomb...and I am the bomb(insert appropriate winks and nudges).

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