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I want to join Something Awful now



  • Only somewhat here
    That's not counting the joke snowclones, no.

    Those are just dumb.
  • edited 2011-08-03 13:38:53
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Yeah, they are. You get used to ignoring them.
  • edited 2011-08-03 13:40:46
    OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Is it just me, or are the implications of this post a little scary?
  • Can you elaborate?
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Well, the way Ironeye says "be glad Eddie didn't find it" kinda makes it sound like even the other mods were worried he'd overreact to it.
  • @Miijhal: Don't forget that Balloon Fleet was a rereg, and his previous account, Warsie, also got banned because of saying how awesome he thought kids being raped was.
  • edited 2011-08-03 13:45:41
    When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    ^^^ It's saying that since the mods are always right, now and forever, appealing thread locks, no matter how much you think they are unnecessary, will never work. You have no power to influence the mods. And you better be thankful that Eddie didn't find you first, young man. 
  • Mr. The Edge goes to Washington

    So now, my image of Fast Eddie sudden turned into this.

  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    ^^I was just referring to the last bit about Eddie, really.
  • Poot dispenser here
    Eddie has nuked threads before.
  • edited 2011-08-03 13:47:43
    @Miij: Ugh, I'd hope those were cases where the reason nothing happened was simply because no on thought to holler the posts in question, but, to be honest I'd probably rather not know. Bad situation either way.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    ^^Well, yeah, but the way Ironeye acted like it would be bad if Eddie found about it makes it seem almost like the mods are afraid of him or something.
  • edited 2011-08-03 13:49:01
    When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    And if you were wondering, the advocating-child-murder is here.

    ^ Why wouldn't they be afraid of him? He's fairly unpredictable, and he can take their mod powers away.
  • edited 2011-08-03 13:50:38

    ^^^ It's saying that since the mods are always right, now and
    forever, appealing thread locks, no matter how much you think they
    are unnecessary, will never work. You have no power to influence the
    mods. And you better be thankful that Eddie didn't find you first, young

    I...didn't get the first part from that post.

    ^^ I think what he meant was just "Fast Eddie would have nuked the thread entirely".
  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.
    I can see the problem with the moderation, but even so, that thread deserves to be nuked.
  • Only somewhat here
    They shouldn't have to be afraid of him.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    ^^^Yeah, I'm probably reading too much into it.
  • Oh, and to answer AHR's question way back:

    Look at the page for Gone With The Wind. Notice there's only ONE reference to the entire point of the book (mourning the end of slavery), buried deep in the examples. And that reference is natter, too!
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    @Miijhal > Aww, and I was hoping we could all sing showtunes and dance menacingly at eachother.

    would pay small sum of money to see

    @Juan_Carlos > > Too Many Anime/Fanfic/Webcomic Examples To Scroll Through (Push to replace AC system with Folder system has resulted in thousands of folderized pages where anime examples can be skipped with one button click.)
    > the criticism often pointed out here is not that they're just "too many". It's that their the majority and outshadow other forms of media.

    Then we ought to be adding more examples from other media.

    @vandro > Also, it seems most people here agree that FE is a huge part of the problem, to those in that camp, exactly how would you deal with this?

    I would localize FE12.

    Oh wait, you don't mean Fire Emblem.

    @EngrishIvy > >Cojuanco

    Cojuanco is actually a pretty cool guy.
  • edited 2011-08-03 13:54:00
    You can change. You can.
    I can see the problem with the moderation, but even so, that thread deserves to be nuked.

    I have to agree with that. That thread was just gravedancing and constant attacks.

    Admittedly, I did partake on some of that.

    OTOH, it was the easiest way of learning wiki-policy imo. 

    Holy shit, ninja's
  • edited 2011-08-03 13:53:18
    When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    ^^^^ Exactly. But he has a track record of being rather strict in regards to the "no negativity" rule, which is one of the reasons why he gets so little opposition from the mods. 
  • edited 2011-08-03 14:03:01
    @Miij: Unless I'm thinking about a different post, I'm not sure how that answers AHR's question, being that it was dealing with your post about not being able to list negative opinions of works like Pokegirls on the main page.

    The post I'm referring to.
  • @Miijhal: This means that trying to fix the wiki is a lost cause, yes? :p
  • Not as long as the people trying to fix it are thrown in the same bin as SA and This Troper.
  • edited 2011-08-03 14:03:57
    When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    Also, Mijhal, that's probably not racism, but just general stupidity. Remember, this is a website where we have to tell people... repeatedly... that we did not, in fact, invent the word "trope." As much as I want to defend it, I can't really do so much anymore. On the other hand, it can be interesting to read sometimes, so there's that. 

    ^ Yes, this very much. Not to mention: as shown with Neo_Crimson's example, anything we delete is probably going to reappear within the day. I remember cutting most of a Getting Crap Past the Radar page (I forget which) for being non-examples or creepy, and within the hour almost all of my changes were reverted. 
  • If people are reverting your edits without sufficient reason, they're edit warring and should be brought up in Ask The Tropers.
  • You can change. You can.
    Not as long as the people trying to fix it are thrown in the same bin as SA and This Troper.

    That's the mentality that is dragging the wiki down, imo. This whole feud should just be put behind and both sides just should try to make the wiki better if they're really that invested or at least smart enough to come up with solutions. 
  • edited 2011-08-03 14:12:12
  • edited 2011-08-03 14:11:17
    When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    Type something, highlight it and click the paperclip icon, then copypaste the link.

    ^^ But with the majority of the userbase and the moderation having that opinion, nothing will get done.

    ^^^ I did, a while ago. Nobody responded to it. 
  • edited 2011-08-03 14:10:52
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